
Emperor of Soul Pets

The World of Ilvirin is host to millions of soul monsters. The brave men and women who seek out, Subdue, and train these monsters are called Soul Trainers. The ultimate goal of every soul trainer is to rise up the ranks, defeat countless soul monsters and trainers, and one day be acknowledged as... The Emperor of Soul Pets!!! Follow Rao Wu, a young hybrid beastman on his quest to become the Emperor of Soul Pets. Laugh and cry with the many companions he makes along the way, and watch as he uncovers the terrible history of the Ilvirian World. Can Rao Wu stay true to his heart during his climb, or will he, like countless before, be corrupted by the path? Stay tuned to find out. Released on: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Patreons: Minimum of Five Chapters Ahead

Renoe_K · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Dinner Altercation

Later that evening, Rao Wu accompanied Aeriole to a restaurant at the heart of the city. Intriguingly, there were several guards and bodyguards outside the restaurant whose differing uniforms suggested they were from separate organizations.

"Uh... Is something happening here?" Rao Wu looked at the guards with a concerned gaze.

Aeriole wore a strange smile as she walked up the stairs with Rao Wu. "Something like that." At the entrance, she confirmed her identity and then led Rao Wu into the establishment while her guards waited outside.

Inside the establishment, Rao Wu saw several children around his age or slightly older, either talking or eating. Unlike typical children their age, these well-dressed, prim, and proper kids acted like young adults in training. It was clear that they were children of high dignitaries and figures, raised in the art of etiquette since they were children.

"Her Ladyship!" Suddenly, a loud shout erupted from a nearby butler, nearly causing Rao Wu to jump in shock. The butler, oblivious to Rao Wu's panic, continued, "Aeriole Von Basten! And her plus one, Master Rao Wu."

Like clockwork, several dozen heads turned at once to look at Aeriole. Judging by the reverence and caution in their eyes, Aeriole Von Basten was no small character. After acknowledging the young lady's presence, those eyes then turned to scrutinize her plus one. Who did this famously loner lady bring alongside her?

Rao Wu faced the heated gazes with a wry smile. "Did I do something wrong?"

Aeriole looked at Rao Wu, slightly shocked by his composure. It was not easy to weather so many competitive gazes, even more so when one considered the identities of those in the banquet. A small smile tugged the edge of her lips as she grabbed Rao Wu's hand. "No. These people are a bit strange. Do not worry, they will forget about you in a bit." She then pulled him towards a table.

Unfortunately, just as she sat down, several young girls surrounded her and began asking several questions. Aeriole looked at Rao Wu apologetically as the girls dragged her away for a chat. "Wait for me. I'll be right back. You can help yourself to the buffet over there in the meantime."

Rao Wu, who had been waiting to hear those exact words, said bid her goodbye and then swiftly walked over to the buffet table. The young man almost instinctively reached out to grab a piece of meat with his bare hands, but then remembered his Uncle Twilight's teachings. "Always observe the monsters' behaviors in an alien habitat before you make a move. They can let you know what is poisonous, what is delicious, what area is dangerous, and what areas are most likely safe."

Rao Wu muttered the teaching under his breath as he observed the buffet table. Interestingly, humans did not eat by grabbing their food. They, instead, had this strange ritual where they put their foods on these white surfaces called plates and then poked at their food with knives and forks.

"Hmm... Is that how it's done?" Rao Wu nodded and then walked up to the buffet table. He grabbed a plate and then piled several layers of different kinds of meat. Aunt Midnight was not here, so he did not need to worry about eating plants to balance his diet. However, when he recalled Aunt Midnight's silent, reproaching face, he hesitated and then muttered, "A little won't hurt." With those words, he picked up a few pieces of broccoli and then placed it on the plate.

"Ruwu~" Xian Da, sitting on Rao Wu's shoulder, snickered and mocked the child. Even here, he was still afraid of its mother.

"Hmph. Laugh again, and I will tell Aunt you were disrespecting me," warned Rao Wu with an indignant snort.

Xian Da immediately cowered. It dared to make fun of Rao Wu, but its mother's wrath was something the little cub did not dare confront.

Seeing Xian Da go quiet, Rao Wu chuckled and then returned to his table. The little kid sat down, and Xian Da jumped onto the table and sat beside the plate, while drool leaked from its chops. Rao Wu noticed the drooling cub, and playfully smirked as he waved his hand and said, "Dig in."

"Ruwu~" Xian Da quickly thanked Rao Wu and then snatched a piece of meat from the plate. As it crunched on the spicy beef, Rao Wu took one for himself. Initially, he planned on eating slowly like most of the children, but upon tasting the juicy meat, all inhibitions flew out the window!

It had to be known that Rao Wu had lived with the Dusklight Wolves for five years. Even though Uncle Twilight sometimes told Rao Wu to roast his food before eating it, most times, the young child ate raw meat. Roasted meat was slightly tastier, but nothing he'd ever had compared to the delicious meat on the table! Even the roadside skewer was like dust compared to the marvel before him.

"It's mine!" Rao Wu's primal instincts took over, and he suddenly started wolfing the meat down. Xian Da, seeing Rao Wu's actions, also rushed its food, and soon the duo was fighting over every piece of meat, frantically chewing faster to get the next meat before the other party.

"What a barbarian."


"Where is he from?"

Rao Wu's antics naturally attracted a lot of attention. These noble children could not understand how a human could eat so wildly. There was sauce all over Rao Wu's hands and face. Xian Da was no better. Were it not for its dark fur, its face would have been a fascinating sight.

"Is that the boy that was with Lady Basten?" Nearby, one particular child stood out. He had eyes like a hawk and wore a dazzling red robe. A small, red, eagle-like creature perched on his shoulder gazed at the surrounding children with disdain and arrogance. It was a Flamebeak Eagle, a rare dual-main-attributed monster. This general-rank monster was not something the average trainer or hunter could capture. The child most likely got the egg from a high-ranking hunter or trainer and made a soul pact before the child matured.

Flamebeak Eagle

Species Type: Beast (Main) /Flame (Main) Type

Rank: General

Level: First Phase, Third Stage

"Yes, young master. His name is Rao Wu, I believe."

The red-robed child, named Hao Feng, looked at Rao Wu with disgust. "What right does he have to walk beside a phoenix?" He looked at a nearby child and jerked with his chin. "Go test him out. See where's he's from."

The other child wore a bitter smile but obeyed the order. He walked up to Rao Wu's table and then slapped his hand against the table in an imposing manner. "Hey! Who are y—Ack!"

The young man never finished his sentence.

The second he slapped the table, Rao Wu automatically entered his fight-or-flight mode. In the jungle, one had to be prepared to protect their food from external threats. One of the most effective methods was to issue a show of force to break the other party's confidence before the battle even started.

Rao Wu, thus, could not be entirely blamed for shooting off his seat and punching the other's kid's throat.

"Kiaa!" A girl screamed as the boy dropped to the ground, clutching his throat.

Rao Wu and several others stared dumbly at the boy as he choked on the ground. From sitting to punching, Rao Wu had moved so fast that no one could react on time. Even Rao Wu only realized what he did after the fact, speak less of the onlookers.

"Damn it." Rao Wu cursed and quickly descended on the child. He was the first to punch, but also the first to regain his senses and react.

"Stand back!"

A loud voice shouted, but Rao Wu promptly ignored the person as he quickly loosened the child's shirt, and then propped him up. Pa! Pa!

Rao slapped the winded child's back, helping him swallow huge gulps of air. Within a few seconds, the child's difficult breathing stabilized. Fortunately, Rao Wu did not punch too hard. As a result, the child escaped a broken trachea and was only winded.

"I told you to back off!"

Rao Wu felt a hand clamp on his shoulder as that annoying voice repeated its warning. He almost instinctively threw whoever it was over his shoulder, but having just learned his lesson, Rao Wu suppressed his anger and turned around. There, he saw a handsome nine-ten years old boy with an arrogant glare. The child's red robes bore the claw of a dragon, suggesting he was someone of high rank. Of course, Rao Wu knew none of this. Instead, his eyes narrowed as he ordered, "Get your hands off me."

Hao Feng's eyes widened in surprise. There was someone who dared to be so rude to him in Jiandao? Could this brat have some identity? "You. Do you know who I am?"

Rao Wu shrugged off Hao Feng's hand as he rose to his feet and then glared at the child. "Should I know you?"

'Ah. So he's just a country bumpkin.' Hao Feng inwardly released a sigh of relief. Immediately, his arrogant expression grew even more haughty. "Do you even have the right? Trash like you should just obey when spoken to!"

"Ah, is that so?" Rao Wu muttered and then, to everyone's shock, gingerly returned to his table. "Then, don't disturb me. I'm eating." With those words, he returned to battling over his food with Xian Da.

Rao Wu was on his third beast lap when Hao Feng finally recovered from the shock. Enraged by Rao Wu's impudence, he pointed and then shouted, "Flamebeak Eagle, roast that idiot!" Following his shout, the Eagle on Hoa Feng's shoulder let out a cry and then charged at Rao Wu.

"You dare!?" Now, Rao Wu was enraged. Disturbing someone while they ate was already taboo in the jungle. Going so far as to attack them was nothing short of a challenge to the death. Rao Wu, in his anger, leaped onto the table and then jumped to the opposite side.


Rao Wu's decision proved correct, as, with a flap of the Flamebeak Eagle's wings, a small column of flames erupted from the ground where Rao Wu was just sitting. Since the Eagle was still a phase one eagle, these flames wouldn't kill a person, but would definitely leave at least second-degree burns.

Seeing that the opponent dared to be so heavy-handed, Rao Wu no longer hesitated. "Xian Da! Charge!"

Xian Da did not hesitate. The little cub did not permit anyone to harm its master. With a challenging bark, it charged at the Flamebeak Eagle.

Hao Feng laughed when he saw the charging Dusklight Wolf. "Haha! Idiot! You think a servant-ranked Dusklight Wolf can beat my general Flamebeak Eagle?" The child snorted and then calmly ordered, "Flamebeak Eagle! Flame Scythe! Trap that stupid wolf!"

"Kiii~" The Flamebeak Eagle let out an excited cry. You see, the thing is, soul monsters loved fighting. They especially loved showing their superiority over smaller species. When one added the slight competition between a soul trainers' soul pets, it could be understood why soul pets chose to show off as much as possible when summoned. That would increase their chances of being summoned again.


The Flamebeak Eagle swiftly chanted a spell, summoning three clumps of flames. The fireballs, then, as if molded by a hand, morphed into a curved scythe-like form. "Attack!" Following Hao Feng's command, the flaming scythes zipped through the air and struck towards the charging Xian Da.

Within the blink of an eye, Xian Da's vision was covered by the flaming scythes.

"Aish! It's dead." Some onlookers looked on in sorrow, while others sneered at Rao Wu. This was the difference between a servant-rank and general-rank monster. The speed of summoning and skills available to a general-rank monster could not be compared to a simple servant-rank. Before Xian Da could chant a single spell, it already had three flaming scythes bearing down on it.

Rao Wu, however, was of a different mind. To the young man, the Flamebeak Eagle's spell was stupidly low and telegraphed. If it were him, he would stagger the scythes to trap the target. This kid fired all of them at once. Wasn't he just giving Xian Da a get-out-of-jail-free card? "Hmph, dodge those useless things."

Xian Da's eyes sparked with fighting intent. It recalled its training the past few days, and quickly changed directions with a set of confusing steps. Before anyone could react, Xian Da had meandered through a small gap in the flaming scythes and was now bearing down on Hao Feng.

"S-Small Dipper Step!?" A scholarly-looking child nearly choked on his tea as he stared at Xian Da. He could not believe his eyes. Small Dipper Step was a low-rank evasion technique. It wasn't surprising that a servant-rank monster was using it, but it was shocking that it was being used so efficiently! It did not misplace a single step in that movement!

"Wh-what!?" Hao Feng exclaimed in fright when he saw Xian Da emerge from the flames. The little boy's mind went blank for a moment, unable to come up with a solution. This was the difference between a sheltered boy and someone who had grown up battling every day.

"Kiaa!" Sensing its master's precarious position, the Flamebeak Eagle let out a screech and then dove down to intercept Xian Da. However, it had only made it halfway when its instincts sensed a terrifying presence behind it. "Kia!" The Flamebeak Eagle suddenly stopped and banked to the right.


The Flamebeak Eagle stared in terror at a bone claw that zipped past at breakneck speed. If it got struck, it would have ended up severely injured. Fortunately, the Flamebeak Eagle followed its instincts and barely kept its life.

"Stupid Eagle! Save Me!" Unfortunately, the Flamebeak Eagle's pause allowed Xian Da to close the distance to Hao Feng swiftly.

The scholarly boy's heart trembled when he saw Xian Da's cold eyes. "No. He wouldn't."

Oh. But Rao Wu would. It had to be known that the jungle entirely shaped Rao Wu's sense of right and wrong. If someone attacked you while eating, you had to kill them to warn off other potential predators. In the same vein, you could only curse your fate if the monster you attacked had a stronger ancestor that slew you in revenge. That was the nature of the jungle, where strength determined justice.

Rao Wu did not think of the consequences. He wanted Hao Feng's life, now!

Realizing Rao Wu's intentions, Hao Feng's gaze turned ugly. He immediately roared, "Forget me! Kill that bastard!" He refused to die alone! He would take this barbarian with him!

"Kiaa!" The Flamebeak Eagle let out a loud screech and then zipped towards Rao Wu. Displaying the speed of a general bird-type, it nearly reached Rao Wu in the blink of an eye.

The scholarly boy, realizing things were going south fast, shouted, "No! Stop!" It did not matter who won. Soul Society would slaughter Rao Wu on the spot if he killed Hao Feng. The scholarly boy did not want someone who could teach a servant-ranked Dusklight Wolf such an exquisite Small Dipper Dance to die so quickly.


Following his shout, a blue, eel-like creature appeared behind the scholarly boy and spat out a sharp column of water in front of Hao Feng. At this critical juncture, he prioritized saving Hao Feng's life, as, for some reason, he felt that Rao Wu wouldn't die to the much stronger Flamebeak Eagle.


Xian Da's instincts kicked in, and it quickly retreated as the pillar of water blew past. At this moment, its anger faded a little, and it immediately looked back to check on Rao Wu.

"Kia! Kia! Kia!"

The hall went silent as they stared at the Flamebeak Eagle firmly clasped in a child's right hand. The Flamebeak Eagle tried to summon flames, but the fire did not burn even a thread of the child's clothes.

"Aeriole?" Rao Wu looked at the girl standing in front of him. Aeriole had jumped in front of him just before the Flamebeak Eagle clawed at his face and bravely grabbed the Eagle's throat. Suddenly, the crybaby image he had of her began to crumble, replaced by the powerful flaming figure in front of him.

Aeriole's golden eyes turned to look at Rao Wu. She then apologetically smiled and asked, "Are you alright?"

Rao Wu stiffly smiled, and then responded, "Yeah. I'm fine." No one noticed the bone knife clenched firmly at his back.