
Emoji Academy

Aoroi Kumar thought he had it all until his girlfriend, the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, publicly humiliates and dumps him during her graduation remarks. Fueled by revenge, Aoroi develops a virus to take down the anchor of his ex-girlfriend’s family fortune, The Emoji Telecommunications system, which rules the entire world. However, a glitch in his computer system sends him to the Emoji world where he is found guilty of creating demonic viruses that are ravaging the AI world known as Emoji land. The emoji AI system offers Aoroi two options: either go to Emoji Academy with a mission to stop the virus or have his soul erased within the void where he is being judged. Aoroi chooses to undertake the mission at Emoji Academy, but he quickly realizes that he's not prepared for the challenges ahead. He is mocked by his classmates and underestimated by his teachers. As he struggles to adapt and fit in, Aoroi makes friends with emojis named Mirrai, Bombshell, and Shin who become his closest companions. Despite his best efforts, Aoroi fails his first mission and falls into a deep depression. His friends are unable to reach him, and Aoroi begins to question why he even came to Emoji land in the first place. Just when he thinks things can't get any worse, a new threat emerges, and Aoroi finds himself facing even greater challenges. As he progresses through Emoji Academy, Aoroi uncovers shocking truths about the Council of Emoticon, the most powerful beings in the land who were in charge of Emoji Academy. He also discovers that the source of the virus is closer than he thought. With each obstacle he overcomes, Aoroi becomes stronger and more determined to complete his mission, but the odds are stacked against him. Finally, Aoroi confronts the source of the virus and engages in an epic battle. In the end, he emerges victorious, but at a great cost. Aoroi must say goodbye to his friends and Emoji land as he is transported back to his own world, forever changed by his experiences. Back in the real world, Aoroi realizes that revenge is not worth the price he paid and starts to rebuild his life. He also discovers that he has gained new skills and knowledge from his time at Emoji Academy, which he uses to make a positive impact in his world. The story ends with Aoroi reflecting on his journey and looking forward to a brighter future, but he knows that he will never forget the lessons he learned in Emoji land. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there.... if you like what you are reading let me know in the comment section. Aside daily chapters, I will be releasing extra chapters every Sunday depending on the amount of support (reviews, comments, votes, power stones, etc) I get in that particular week. Thank you, bye.... Take care.

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30 Chs

Chapter 23: Captain Kael Part 1

The stench of filth and despair permeated the narrow alleys of the Abandoned Town in Emoji City. Jagged shards of broken glass littered the cracked pavement, glinting cruelly in the dim light that filtered between the dilapidated buildings. Shadows clung to every corner, concealing the district's many miseries.

A scream pierced the gloom, abruptly cut short. Lurching from the shadows came a creature, hulking figure, jagged spikes protruding from its back, it's semblance was nothing like the Dummies and Virogons the locals would encounter.

The creature moved with an unnatural, twitching gait, its limbs bending at impossible angles. Blood dripped from its gaping maw, which split open to reveal rows of serrated teeth. A severed head dangled from one clawed hand, eyes frozen wide in horror.

Shadows danced in the alleyways, concealing the predator within. Its talons clicked on the cracked pavement as it stalked its prey, a young woman hurrying home from her late shift. She paused, eyes darting around nervously as the hairs on her neck stood on end. The creature's tongue flicked out, sensing her fear. It had evolved beyond the need for mortal food, instead feeding on terror itself to fuel its power. 

The woman quickened her pace. She was almost home. Just a few more steps...

A raspy voice called out from the darkness. "Krikriikiiiiikriiiiiiiii!" 

She turned, and the creature struck, its scaly hide blending into the gloom. Her screams pierced the empty street for only a moment before it vanished, leaving only a smear of blood behind. 

The creature returned to the shadows, its hunger temporarily sated, but always craving more. It would continue to hunt, growing ever stronger on dread and agony, until this forsaken district rang with the cries of its victims.

After a day, the monstrous creature paused, inhaling deeply. Its head swiveled unnaturally as it searched for its next victim. A low, rumbling growl emanated from its throat.

Somewhere nearby, a child began to wail. The creature's maw split into a gruesome approximation of a smile. It turned and scuttled back into the darkness, following the sound.

Another scream rent the air, more terrible than the last. The thing had found fresh prey.

The creature's reign of terror had the Abandoned Town gripped in fear. None dared venture outside after nightfall, when the vile thing emerged to hunt. It grew bolder with each kill, straying from the shadows even in daylight.

Some claimed to have seen it skulking in alleyways, watching, waiting.

Rumors swirled that the monster had once been a man, twisted by some dark ritual or alchemical experiment gone wrong. Others insisted it was a demon, summoned from the depths of hell. Its uncanny intelligence and ability to avoid capture lent credence to these theories.

Whatever its origins, one thing was clear - the creature was evolving, growing stronger and smarter with each passing day. It learned to avoid the City Guard's patrols, melting into the shadows whenever their bootfalls echoed through the streets. It grew cunning, laying traps and lures to draw out victims. No one was safe.

Far removed from the Abandoned Town's woes, the grand spires of Emoji Academy rose over the city. Within its guarded walls, the academy's elite trained in the Emoji arts and martial skills. They remained oblivious to the terror stalking the streets below.

That changed when reports of disappearing citizens reached the Academy's leaders. At first, they turned a blind eye, dismissing the matter as below their concern. But when the vanished numbered in the dozens, the academy could ignore the situation no longer.

They would send their captains and AMD squadrons to investigate and quell this menace, whatever its source.

For the Abandoned Town, salvation was coming at last. But would it arrive in time?

The halls of Emoji Academy bustled with activity as students hurried to classes and instructors prepared lessons. But in the administrative wing, an urgent meeting was underway.

"Eighty citizens gone in just this past month alone," the Headmaster said gravely, scanning the reports on his desk. "All from the Abandoned Town. The City Guard has made no progress in locating the cause."

He looked up at the assembled captains, the academy's top field agents. "We can stay silent no longer. Each of you will take a squad into the area and get to the bottom of this."

The captains nodded, but Frost, the god of chills spoke up. "Pardon me, Headmaster, but dispatching our forces one team at a time? Should we not mount a larger operation?"

The headmaster sighed. "I tried pushing for that. But the Council refused. They say they have bigger things to focus their attention on than a serial killer looming the streets, that was a matter to be taken care of by the city guards. I had to fight just to get approval for a Two squads with two junior captains."

Frost scowled. "Politics. Always standing in the way of what needs to be done."

"Agreed," said the headmaster. "But it's the game we must play, for now. Choose your teams teams. Dismissed."

The captains saluted and filed out. Within the hour, the first elite squad ventured out, clad in classy academy attire. Their mission: to face the unknown horror plaguing the Abandoned Town.

The squad moved swiftly and silently through the winding alleys of the Dark District, senses alert for any signs of the mysterious threat. The residents peered out through cracked shutters, some with looks of hope, others with dread. They knew whatever took the missing left no witnesses.

Captain Love signaled her team forward towards a crumbling apartment building. Scouts had reported strange noises emanating from its basement. With weapons drawn, they approached the weathered door hanging crookedly from rusted hinges.

The stench hit them first - rot and decay and sewage. Repressing gags, they descended into the dark, their magelights pushing back the shadows. The narrow stairs emptied into a maze of tunnels that wove beneath the entire district.

Captain Love gasped. Claw marks scored the brickwork, and the bones of victims lay scattered about. But what drew her eye was a hulking, vaguely humanoid form that crouched feeding. Sensing their presence, it turned, face bloodied, and let out an inhuman shriek.

The squad launched an attack with their unique abilities and skills. The creature absorbed the blows as if they were nothing. It moved with disturbing speed, slamming into tcaptain Love's squadron members and sending them flying. 

As her team fought desperately, Veronica noticed the creature's form flickering. When it shifted, she saw glimpse of something else underneath. Something with too many limbs...

The battle was swift and brutal. In moments, Veronica was the only one left standing. As the creature bore down on her, she activated her emergency beacon. Her last act before it tore out her throat.

The creature watched impassively as Veronica bled out. Then it melted back into the shadows, returning to its lair. It could sense more would come. More for it to consume.

Its evolution had only just begun...

Captain Kael, a newly appointed junior captain with black hair, yellow skin and a smirk on his face, leading a squadron who fortunately were his classmates and close friends before being appointed captain, emerged from the darkness, his intense eyes scanning the carnage before him.

As a newly appointed junior captain, he had been tasked with leading his squadron into the sewers to search for the creature. His dark hair was matted to his forehead from the damp air as he took in the piles of bones and remains scattered around the tunnels. This was his first command and he was determined not to fail.

Kael signaled his team forward through the winding tunnels. The putrid stench of death hung heavy in the air. He could hear the scurrying of rats and the echo of dripping water. The deeper they went, the darker it became. Their magelights barely penetrated the oppressive blackness.

Suddenly, they came upon a nest of bones and decaying flesh. This is where it laired, Kael realized. He could sense its malevolence lingering in this place. The team moved cautiously, weapons at the ready. He knew it was out there, watching, waiting. At any moment it could emerge from the shadows. Kael steadied his breathing and tightened his grip on his blade. The confrontation was coming...

The tunnel fell eerily silent. Kael's senses strained, trying to pierce the darkness. Where was it hiding?

Without warning, a shriek pierced the air as the creature exploded from the shadows. Its claws slashed viciously, catching Lila across the throat before she could react. Blood sprayed as her body dropped limply to the ground.

Realizing it was an evolved Virogon, Kael stared in horror as the creature turned, its fanged maw dripping red, empty black eyes gleaming with malice. Lila was dead. Just like that, gone in an instant. Fear gripped Kael's heart, but he steeled himself. He would not let her death be in vain.

"Lila!" Renn cried out, rushing to her fallen comrade. But it was too late. Her lifeless eyes stared past him into infinite darkness.

The remaining squadron members recoiled in shock and dismay. Lila had been well-liked, a gifted student. To see her slain so effortlessly was a brutal blow.

Kael saw the fear in their eyes, but he knew they had to press on. "Steady now," he said, his voice tight. "We grieve for Lila, but we cannot falter. This filth of nature will pay for her death."

The others nodded grimly, resolve hardening their features. Weapons ready, they turned to face the darkness once more. The Virogon was out there, and it would not stop until they were all dead. But they would not go down without a fight. For Lila, and for all the lives this abomination had stolen. The final confrontation was coming.

Kael and his comreds plunged into the shadows, senses straining for any sign of the Virus. The stench of decay clogged their nostrils, the only sound the echo of dripping water.

Too late, Blushy glimpsed a flicker of movement. The Virogon erupted from the darkness, claws slashing. Tia's screams rent the air as it tore into her. Blood sprayed as the Virus ripped her apart.

"No!" Snoozy leapt forward, mucus slag hammer flashing. But the Virogon hurled Blushy's mutilated corpse into him, knocking him back. In a blur it was upon him, fangs sinking deep into his neck.

Kael attacked with desperate fury, wielding gravity blades. But the Virus avoided his blows with preternatural speed. Kael watched, horrified, as it slaughtered Renn. Now only he remained to face the monstrosity.

The Virogon turned to Kael, maw dripping crimson. It let loose an unearthly shriek and charged.

Kael centered his mind, calling upon his full abilities. As the Virus attacked he leapt, gravity manipulation propelling him over its head. He slashed down with his blades, carving a deep gouge in its flesh.

Howling, the Virogon whirled with shocking speed. But Kael was ready. He created a gravity shield, deflecting its claws. With precise thrusts he stabbed at its torso, seeking vital organs. The Virus shrieked in fury and pain.

They exchanged blistering attacks, Kael utilizing all his skill and power. He ducked its claws by millimeters, countering with devastating blows. The Virogon was weakening but still viciously fast.

Kael focused his mind and spirit. This abomination would kill no more. With a fierce cry he summoned a gravity storm, hammering the Virogon relentlessly. At last it collapsed, broken and dying. Kael stood above it, chest heaving, stained with blood but victorious. His squadron was avenged.

Kael stared down at the Virus' prone form, ready to deliver the final blow. But suddenly it stirred, lifting its misshapen head to gaze at him with malevolent eyes.

"You cannot defeat me," it rasped in its guttural voice. "I am legion." It said with a voice and speech that was not fully developed.

Before Kael could react, the Virogon threw back its head and unleashed an ear-piercing scream. All around the sewers, an army of viral dummies came running from the shadows.

Kael's eyes widened in dismay. Renn and Tia regrouped beside him, ready as they faced the surrounding horde.

"We end this together," Kael said firmly. "Give it everything you've got!"

The viral army attacked as one. The three warriors were a whirlwind, elements and weapon slicing through the press. But the horde was endless. For each dummy cut down, two more emerged.

Slowly, the Kael and his comreds were being driven back, overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies. Wounds and exhaustion began taking their toll. The Virogon watched with a gruesome approximation of a grin, confident in its ultimate victory.

Kael hacked desperately, seeking a way to turn the tide. But they were out of time. The viral horde closed in, threatening to swallow them whole...