
Emmitter Of Doom

Brian Strider is supposed to be the heir to the powerful family that protects the Earth's royal family but unlike the others he is anything but strong.He goes through a lot to get acknowledged by his family and that's when he meets a mysterious man who gives him a mark that steers him back to the duties of his past life.can he overcome the obstacles that he may face and fulfill his duty to the multiverse as the emitter of doom.

Council_of_sages12 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 20:Pulze Extraction

"This lab provided by the military is really state of the art" Dr. Russel said as she walked in on Dr. Smith who was just putting the finishing touches to their preparations.

"I'm glad you're happy to work with it Dr."

"You've been going at it all night, you must be tired. Let's take a break to have breakfast while we have somebody transport the subject, and besides Ramsey isn't here yet".

"I've already given the order to have  564 transported, and I had breakfast prepared in advance, all we have to do now is go and eat it".

"Apart from you being like a robot you're quite the reliable assistant Dr. Smith".

Brian was transported to a lab that was labeled 'extraction'. He was tied down to a hovering lab table that suspended using magnetic technology.

"Now let us begin Dr. Smith, I'm no longer waiting for the servant dog Ramsey and his men, they are already ten minutes late, fire up the extraction device".

Dr Smith was hesitant, though he was assisting Dr Russel, it was under the orders of the commander. She had already given them orders not to start the extraction until Ramsey was there to witness it. As an assistant he had to follow his mentor's instructions but the commander to him was a scary woman he would not like to be on bad terms with.

"(Sigh), here goes nothing". Flipping some switches, pushing some buttons and finally slamming the big red button, Dr. Smith brought the extraction device humming to life.

"Extraction of Pulze has commenced", a loud feminine voice roared through the PA system,

"Extraction number 564 is in progress Dr Russel"

"I can see that Dr Smith, good work, everything is now coming together at last".

As Dr Smith slammed the final button the table on which Brian lay lifted off the floor so that Brian was now fifteen feet high, close to the ceiling. Three robotic arms popped out of the ceiling each with needles connected to delivery tubes on their end. Two needles dug into Brian's vertebral column while the third pierced into his brain from the top of his cranium. As his subconscious state broke he was immediately flooded with immense pain he let out a deafening and agonizing scream.

His veins and eyes popped out and his body began to shake. At that instant Ramsey and his men arrived at the scene...

"Stop the experiment Russel, the boy is still awake!"

"I can see that genius, but I can't stop the experiment now that it's already begun".

"What do you mean by that, he looks like he's in a lot of pain, just turn of the device!"

"This experiment is not stopping, we're just on the brink of making history, my life depends on this and I won't turn away from such an opportunity".

The words spoken by Russel struck Ramsey with so much anger that his body acted on its own, before Dr Russel could blink, she was staring into the barrel of a pulze gun which could very well blow her head off in one shot. Mentally she was shaken but she had to hold her ground and keep her cool.

Russel's parents were known among the greatest scientists on the planet, she'd always looked up to them as their child hoping to become as great as they were, they had died in an accident in their laboratory when they were experimenting on something new is what was publicized, but the letter that Russel had received just two days before they died explained into details what her parents were trying to do, they knew the risks they were taking so as insurance they left  the completion of their work to the person they trusted the most.

Dr Russel had to stand her ground in order to protect and complete her parents legacy, so that their souls can rest in piece and so that she can show the world that she was capable as much as her parents were.

What do you think you're doing Mr Vasquez, you'd better put that weapon away and listen to me carefully. If this experiment goes south because of you, you already know what she can do, you don't want to piss her off after working like a dog for her all this time. Think about your daughter, she's the only one you have left and you're the only family she has left, now be that smart guy you normally aren't".

After hearing those words pour out of of Dr Russel's mouth, Ramsey's anger instantly dissipated, he slowly lowered his gun and put it back in its holder. Dr Russel began to laugh histerically.

"Oh I know, you must want to help this boy since he reminds you of your lat son. A tragedy that he was killed in the attack on your house  with his mother".

"Seems like you've done your research".

"I have, I need to know the people I work with after all".

"Shut up and get to you business, once this is over don't let me see your face again".

"Do I smell a threat?"

"Why don't you go ask your assistant"

Ramsey left her presence and walked out the room irritated, it's one thing that he could not stand Dr Russel but he could not stand Brain's agonizing screams even more, it brought back unpleasant memories.

As three needles dug into my body, I felt an excruciating pain which jolted me from my recovery state, the pain was so intense I could not help but scream at the top of my lungs.  This level of pain made what I felt in the cylindrical pressure chamber feel like needle pricks, it feels like I am being torn apart from the inside cell by cell.

I shut my eyes tightly and held my breath but it didn't change the situation. I could feel it, my energy being drained from me as the pain kept increasing in magnitude.

All I can think is, 'what is this?, why is this happening to me?, what are they doing to me?'. These unanswered questions kept on reverberating in my head...