
Eminence of Shadow Noble Knight

This story is about a college student transmigrated to a noble heir of upper aristocrat family in the Midgar Country whose goal is to live a wonderful life and enjoy the fantasy world with the lucky nuclear powerhouse of the stylish mobster (p.s: I do not own the copyright of the image, only for reference)

Titan7EvilMax · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs


"Alan and Luna are here today for that event."

"I'm very sorry, although the search is still ongoing, I still don't know who the person is..." Alan stared thoughtfully at Gamma as she spoke, her blue pupils swaying uneasily.


Alan nodded  interrupted Gamma's words, pretending to have a clue.

"I know about their next move ,so you just prepare to do the followup support"

Gamma called the beautiful woman who brought Alan and Luna all the way here.

"This kid is Nu , ranked thirteenth in the shadow guard."

"Although it is still a short time to join, even Lord Alpha recognizes her ability, and please use her as a handyman and liaison."

"The subordinate is Nu, please advise more."Because Alan stared at her sharp eyes, she was so nervous and excited that her voice trembled a little.

"Then it's almost time for us to leave, it's time to teach some blood lessons to the fools who pretend to be us."

The wilderness outside the royal capital,among the remains of a building.A demon swordsman dressed in black and wearing a pitch-black cloak ran in a panic.After seeing the man with a flirtatious look in a turban, his expression calmed down.

A little deeper in the ruins, a man wearing full body armor and covering his face with a mask, but with a powerful aura at a glance, also walked over.After listening to the report of his subordinates, he said: "So it is, all the dolls in the royal capital and the son of the second-level Diabolos have all lost contact."

"The last intelligence recorded that the enemy is a student of the Midgar Magic Swordsman Academy, so the Shadow Garden is not hooked?"The thin knight's compound eyes mask instantly glowed red.

"What if you are all killed as a murderer, Mr. Skinny Knight."The man in the headscarf did not care about the death of his subordinates, but joked about the masked man.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I already know that the thing happens to be in the school, and it will be good to solve him when the time comes."The man known as the Thin Knight was also ruthless.

"But... You can't be careless, after all, it is the same person who let Zenon fall."

"Oh, it would be great if he could play with me."

"Speaking of which, I am quite grateful to him, if he hadn't killed Zenon, we wouldn't have had the opportunity to come to the royal capital."

The man said as he licked his lips."Don't underestimate the enemy, in case he has any connection with the Shadow Garden."

"Oh, Lord Thin Knight, you are too cautious, as the former round table, you can be said to be an invincible existence."

"Besides, we don't still have that thing and a secret helper."He leaned against the pillar of the ruins, holding his arms in his hands and said confidently."Well, it's really okay to have that. My priority is recycling, as long as you don't delay your work as you like."

At the Magic Swordsman Academy in Midgar, in the wide conference room, Iris and the other two were talking.Rarely, Alexia sat beside her.Behind them, stood a tall knight as a guard Taking the turmoil in the royal capital as an opportunity, the relationship between the two sisters was also repaired.

As a child, Alexia conceived the ideal sword.It's not made up of talent, magic.Rather, only by focusing on the basics can we reach the final sword.However, compared with her sister, she was evaluated by the people around her as a commoner's sword.Now she decided to help her sister and regain her dignity.

"First of all, please look at this."

Iris placed a beautiful box on the table and showed it to the beautiful girl with pink hair sitting opposite.It was a large pendant-like object with a fine red magic gemstone in the middle.

"I want to ask Shirley, who is known as the first head of the Midgar Kingdom, to analyze this ancient relic."Next to Shirley Barnett sat an old man with gray hair and a kind face.

The moment he saw the ancient relic, his eyeswere obviously moved."However, I'm still just a student, and this is for me..." the pink-haired girl replied with some disconfidence in the face of the request of the school idol Princess Iris.

"Your research results are widely spread at home and abroad, and in this field of the study of ancient relics, even those scholars in the royal capital, no one can surpass you.""But..."

"It's a good opportunity, try to accept and see how." The gray-haired man said with a smile.

"Shirley, sooner or later you will become a world-famous researcher, and the commission entrusted by Princess Alice must be of great significance.""

"But...""Shirley, show confidence, in the royal capital, this is a job that only you can do."Facing the expectant eyes of Iris, the girl finally raised her courage."I see."She picked up the ancient relic in the box: "Ancient text, still written in code, seems to be..."

"It is an item from the group called the Diabolos Order, and I estimate that they are also studying the relics of ancient civilizations, but the details are unclear."Iris explained.She recognized at a glance that it was a code word, and she was indeed looking for the right person.

"You also saw what happened in the royal capital a few days ago So this ancient relic is being coveted by the cult that worships the demon Diablos "

Alexia suddenly said "Sister, the work of vigilance might as well be handed over to me!" 

"The Crimson Knights are already understaffed, and my sister is still investigating the Order and them, right?"Iris fell silent.

"I know you're trying to say I'm just a student."

"But Shirley is also a student, as long as she has strength, it doesn't matter, right?"Facing the silent Iris, Alexia had long thought of how to persuade her.

"Besides, Alan is also very suitable for this matter."


"You will leave this matter to me, and he has the same position, after all, the Cult that covets this ancient relic is his enemy."

"But it's dangerous!""I know." Alexia's tone remained resolute.

"I understand, but don't be reckless in danger, he may not be able to save you a second time."

Coming out of the conference room, the members of the Crimson Knights were assigned a task by Iris, leaving only two sisters walking side by side.Looking at her sister's happy look, Alexia smiled and said, "Thinking about Alan?"

"Didn't... No. "Looking at Iris's reaction, it was obvious that she had said it herself.

"By the way, I didn't have time to tell him thanks, this time I should have him to myself ."Given her sister's happiness and Alan's strong strength, Alexia, who was determined to win him over, was also bloody.She had fallen in love with the man who rescued her at that time with his life so she decided to share him with her sister and marry him in the future.