
Eminence in shadow Volume 7(My Edition)

After deciding to appoint 7 shadow for taking over the situation in elf kingdom as there are reports of presence of high rankings of the cult of diabolos.......

ImAtomic · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Hopes in the Darkness

Elara's body felt like lead as she slowly emerged from the depths of sleep. The events of a few nights ago flooded back into her mind, stark and unyielding. The massacre, the blood, the terror—images that sent shivers down her spine. Yet, amidst the horror, there was a flicker of something else, something she dared to call hope. She was alive.

As she blinked, adjusting to the soft light filtering through the small window, she realized she was in a room unfamiliar to her. It was modest, with simple furnishings and a palpable sense of safety. The Shadows had brought her here, to this inn in the Zenon Kingdom, to recover. She wrapped her arms around her knees, seeking comfort in the familiar gesture, as she tried to make sense of it all.

The memory of the massacre lingered, casting a shadow over her thoughts. The brutality of it all was difficult to comprehend, and the fear of what might come next gnawed at her.

'I'm alive,' she thought, feeling a mix of relief and fear. 'But for how long? The Cult won't stop until they have me again. And my brother...'

Her heart ached as she thought of her family. Her father's murder, her brother's betrayal, the once-happy memories that now felt like a distant dream. She knew she couldn't stay hidden forever. The Cult's influence was vast, and they would be searching for her.

She lay back down, staring at the ceiling. 'What should I do?' she wondered. 'Whom should I trust? Do I even have an option, in the first place?'

The Shadows had saved her, but why?

What were their true intentions?

Were they allies or just another group with their own agenda?

'Well, it's not like it's going to change my situation anymore,' she thought bitterly, the weight of her circumstances pressing down on her.

She released a sigh of helplessness, her gaze wary. Despite her doubts, she knew she had no choice but to comply with the Shadows' wishes. She had been given a grim ultimatum: abide by their commands or face the consequences. It was a promise she had been forced to make, a choice between life and death.

The uncertainty gnawed at her. She needed to find out more about them, to understand their motives.

'Should I stay hidden?'

she pondered. 'Or should I try to contact someone who can help me?'

Her mind raced through the possibilities.

The Cult was powerful, and their reach extended far. If they discovered she was still alive, they would stop at nothing to capture her again. Staying hidden seemed the safest option, but it also felt like running away. She had a duty to her people, to her family. She couldn't just hide while her brother and the Cult destroyed everything she loved.

Her thoughts turned to the Shadows. They were enigmatic and dangerous, but they had saved her. Perhaps they could be good allies.

'What if they are using me for their own purposes?'

she wondered. 'Well, of course, they are.'

She needed more information, more time to understand who they were and what they wanted.

'Maybe I can trust them for now,' she thought, feeling a flicker of hope. 'But I need to be cautious. I need to be smart.'

She lay back down, staring at the ceiling. 'What should I do?'

she wondered again. The Shadows had saved her, but why? What were their true intentions?

Were they allies or just another group with their own agenda?

The uncertainty gnawed at her. She wanted to find out more about them, to understand their motives, but she couldn't do anything other than wait and watch.

She knew she needed to recover, to gather her strength. But more importantly, she needed support. The Cult was too powerful, too dangerous.

Elara's mind raced with questions. 'Are both my sister and brother under the Cult's influence?'

The thought of her brother brought a pang of sorrow. Kael had always been strong and protective, but now he was a pawn of the Cult.

'Could he be saved, or was he too far gone?' 

Her thoughts turned back to the Shadows.

'They have resources, knowledge, and power. But can I trust them?

What do they truly want?

I need to find out more, to learn their secrets. Why am I thinking the same thing again and again?'

She thought about the Cult's plans, the weapon of mass destruction they were developing.

'They have to be stopped,' she knew.

'No matter what it takes.' But how? If not for the Shadow Garden, she was just one person against a powerful and secretive organization.

'Maybe, together, we can bring down the Cult.'

For now, she would follow the Shadow Garden's advice. She would recover, gather information, and wait for the next orders. She wouldn't act rashly; she couldn't afford to. The stakes were too high.

Elara's thoughts began to slow as exhaustion took over. She closed her eyes, clutching the key to her new sanctuary.

'I will survive,' she vowed.

'I will fight. And I will win.'

With that final thought, she once again drifted off into a fitful sleep, her mind filled with both hope and fear for the days to come.


As Elara again drifted off into the world of dreams, somewhere not too far from the boundary, a silver-haired maiden lay in her bed, the soft moonlight casting a gentle glow across the room. Unlike the serene image of a sleeping maiden, her body bore the marks of her recent battles and struggles. Her skin, once smooth and unblemished, was now covered with bruises, long but shallow cuts, and a myriad of discolorations.

Two maids moved quietly around her, expressionless. They carefully placed cloths soaked in healing balms on her wounds, working with practiced precision. Every movement was deliberate, every touch gentle, as if they feared causing her more pain.

As one of the maids dabbed a cloth on a particularly angry bruise, Alexia stirred slightly. A small groan escaped her lips, a sound so soft it was almost a whisper, yet it carried the weight of her suffering. The maids paused, exchanging glances, before continuing their work with even greater care.

The room was filled with a hushed reverence, the only sounds the rustle of cloth and the occasional soft gasp from Alexia. Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, her face a mask of peaceful slumber despite the evident pain etched into her body. Each groan that escaped her lips was a testament to her condition.

As the maids worked, the healing balms began to take effect, the herbs and oils seeping into her skin, working to mend the damage. The bruises seemed to lighten slightly, the cuts knitting together just a bit more. Yet, the true healing would take time, both for her body and her spirit.

Despite her pain, Alexia's sleep remained unbroken, a testament to her resilience. The maids continued their vigil, their movements synchronized in a dance of care.

In the quiet of the night, with the moon as their silent witness, the maids tended to her. Their hands moved with the grace of those who knew their duty well. As Alexia slept, cocooned in their care, the healing process began, one small step at a time.

Across the room, on a plush sofa, a figure with long golden hair lay sleeping soundly. The soft, shimmering strands framed her serene face, which was slightly turned to the side, her features bathed in the gentle glow of the moonlight.

The room was quiet, save for the faint rustling of the curtains as a cool night breeze flowed through the open window. The moonlight danced across the floor and onto the sleeping figure, highlighting her delicate features and the elegance of her form. The fluttering curtain added a rhythmic whisper to the stillness, a soothing background to her deep, restful sleep.


(A/N: Hi, guys! The next few chapters will be more interesting as Alexia will be confronting Alpha. As for this chapter, I had previously thought of starting the confrontation here, but due to lack of time, I am ending it here as it has already reached 1.3k words, which is my average.

There is something important I want to tell you all: if you like an overpowered MC like Shadow, but want him to have a bit more clear vision to fight, if you like his organization but want a little bit more touch of pervertedness in it, and if you like plots like Shadow Garden and the Cult, then I have started writing a new novel: Echoes of the Last Hope: Virtue's Final Stand(https://www.webnovel.com/book/echoes-of-the-last-hope-virtue's-final-stand_29885870208748505). It has all the improvements and is basically something very akin to The Eminence in Shadow in several scenarios.

As for the next chapter, it will be late, as always. I am Sorry)