
Chapter Twenty-five


I wake up to the sudden brightness hitting my skin, making me blink a few times before opening my eyes completely; confusion surrounds me fully.

My head aches immediately as soon as I sit up straight, not knowing the whole cause of it. As I look around, I realise that I don't remember how I end up being in my bedroom when I was clearly in the living room with Hannah—which makes me realise.

She's the cause of it. She's the main cause.

I turn to look at the note near me:

Last night was great!

Bet your wife wouldn't be so happy about it but don't worry it'll be our little secret.

Xoxo, Hannah

My jaw clenches in anger as I keep on reading the note over and over again—not completely believing that she framed me into this. There's no prove of what happened last night due to the fact that I can't even the slightest remember a thing.

She might be lying. She might've said the truth.

I crumple the note with the amount of anger within my body, not really understanding how the hell it all happened in a short amount of time. My life is slowly killing me inside, just by this stupid mistake.

Hannah will probably use this against me.

She might want to destroy me, that's a possibility.

My eyebrows remain furrow at the sudden sound on the ground which causes me to look down, seeing that my alarm has been ringing for the past two minutes of me thinking of my current issue.

''Shit, I'm going to be late.'' I mutter to myself.

Just like that, I immediately push the covers away from my body—somehow, feeling disgusted if what she said was true. As I pack my things, I can't help but continue to think of what might've happened.

How did I end up unconscious?

''Hey,'' I pick up the call before closing the door behind me, locking it afterwards. I head straight towards the cab that I've called fifteen minutes ago, bringing my backpack at the backseat with me.

''What happened last night? I called but you didn't answer. We went to your apartment—'' I cut Daniel off, knowing that I don't really want to talk about this or anything that was planned last night.

''I was tired. Sorry that I couldn't make it,'' I reply.

He stays quiet for a few seconds, ''No big deal. When's your flight? Want me to come and meet you up at the airport with Cole? You know, you might not be back here in Australia when you're too busy with your own country,'' He says, chuckling at the end.

''Sure. Meet me there as soon as possible,''

Just like that, I end up the call.

I am immediately drifted away with my own thoughts, making me want to just recall the memories from last night but nothing. Nothing came up but pieces of me talking with Hannah—other than that, none.

As I think of a better solution, I move forward.

My fingers type quickly onto my phone:

Evelyn, something happened last night. I need to be honest with you. Will you be able to just at least understand me? — Sent

Within a couple of minutes, I receive a reply.

Sounds serious. What happened? Please, don't tell me that you got yourself in jail. — Evelyn

It's much more worst than that. — Sent

I can't stop thinking about it. Evelyn is the only one that I can trust at the moment; I will tell Emma as soon as I land in London, as soon as I meet her. That will have to wait for now—Evelyn's the one I got.

Wow, I don't like where this is heading. So, tell me. What happened? — Evelyn

I hesitate at first, almost wanting to drop this text message and just change the subject but I know that I can't keep it to myself any longer. What if she tries to use it against me and do something far from what I expect? Then, Evelyn and Emma might not believe me at all; that's also a possibility. So, I should tell.

Remember when you called last night? Well, I wasn't actually alone. Hannah was there with me, she came to apologise and I let her in. Yes, that was fucking stupid of me. I know but my stupidity is not the issue right now. I don't know how I'm supposed to say this! — Sent

Wait. Don't tell me. I know. — Evelyn

What? — Sent

You slept with her, didn't you? — Evelyn

Evelyn took the words out of my mouth or fingers; fitting my current position. I feel my whole body goes cold—almost seeing the end of my life.

I don't know. — Sent

What do you mean you don't know?! Emery, this is not a fucking joke. You're married, for fuck's sake. You were supposed to control and not take marriage lightly. What would Emma say when she hears this? — Evelyn

No! You don't understand. She drugged me, Evelyn. I didn't remember what happened last night other than the fact that she came over. That's why I turn to you for help. You're the only one who knows me better. — Sent

Look, don't tell anyone about this. Now that they know who YOU are, they might be using this against you. Trust me, you can't just trust anyone because they might be liars. Just, get on your flight and land safely. We'll talk about this as soon as you arrive home. — Evelyn

Trust me, I'll help you sort this out. — Evelyn

I stay quiet for a few seconds, only staring at my phone before letting out a deep sigh; knowing that I have to stay calm in order to help myself in this.

Thanks, love you. — Sent

I love you too. Stay safe. — Evelyn

Just like that, I begin to lock my phone and put it in my jeans' pocket—giving the cab driver the amount that has to be paid before stepping out of the car.

Since Evelyn told me that I can't tell anyone about this, then, I'm not able to tell Cole even if it's about his sister because Evelyn's right—trust no one.

I enter the airport to head straight towards my gate.

''Emery!'' I turn to see Cole calling out my name, which results in me sighing. Then, I cover it up with a smile as soon as he gets near; my mind is trouble at the moment and I can't deal with two Johanssons.

''Can't believe you're actually leaving,'' He adds.

I smirk, ''Duty calls. Besides, it's not like we won't be able to contact at all. We'll talk,'' I assure them while I'm not quite sure myself especially not now.

It feels like I can't trust anyone—I forgave Hannah, now I just don't think I'll be able to forgive. She did this to me; causing chaos in my soul just for her own satisfaction yet I don't even remember a thing.

''Have a safe flight, man.'' Daniel says, glancing.

My eyes remain focus onto his for awhile. We used to be close friends and we would always share things that we find in need of sharing but now, no.

''Right. Good luck in life. Both of you,'' I mutter.

Then, after a second glance, I continue to walk towards the assigned gate without looking back. Images of Emma are playing in my head; making me feel all giddy in getting home, hoping it'll be soon.

Yet, it's a long journey home. That's for sure.

The flight back to London was a pain in the ass. Well, one of the reasons is because my head is in pain and I can't stop thinking about the current issue.

I quickly enter the palace, running before being pulled by someone else in the dark corners. My eyes widen immediately at the sudden pull but to only see Evelyn locking the two doors; asking me keep quiet.

''Now. Explain,'' She says, gesturing for me to sit.

''I think this is all a trap. She wants to get something out of me or she's just trying to make me feel troubled but whatever it is, I don't think things are going to get any better—I'm stressing out,'' I breathe.

Evelyn furrows her eyebrows as she sighs deeply.

''Do you want to tell Emma about this?'' She asks.

Tell Emma. That has been going on my mind for the past hours—I want to tell her, that's the only way for me to get rid of any misunderstandings. If things get a little bit out of control in the future, at least, just at least she has known the truth.

''Yes. She deserves to know the truth,'' I reply.

''You don't even know the truth,'' She says before turning around and sitting on one of the chairs. The way she is just staring down at the ground, she's also overthinking about this—not just me.

''That's the fucking point,'' I clench my jaw.

All of a sudden, we hear someone knocking onto the doors; making us turn to look. Then, Evelyn begins to walk towards the doors, opening it slightly.

My eyes remain focus to see someone standing.

''Oh, Emma. I thought you were asleep,'' She says, making me feel all nervous for some reason before seeing her entering the room. Then, she looks at me.

''I'll leave you two alone,'' She adds, smiling as she leaves the room—after, glancing at my direction. She wants me to decide whether I should tell Emma or not because either way, I'm going to face it.

Emma and I continue to look at each other.

Her brown eyes are the only eyes I miss most, ever since I've come to know her better. Her face is the only face that I've ever come to love. She's utterly and beautifully perfect in so many ways. It's magic.

Just seconds before she can say anything, I head towards her immediately; kissing her on the lips. Right now, I'm only focusing onto the softness of her lips while she kisses me back just the same. Through this kiss, I'm not only showing how much I miss her but I'm expressing my apology—sincerely.

''I miss you,'' I say through kisses.

My lips curve up into a smile as soon as I feel her smiling at me—just like that, we continue to kiss each other and expressing our emotions. I know just by the way she kisses me back, she misses me too.

''I have something to tell you,'' I breathe as we break the kiss, resting my forehead onto hers.

Emma looks up into my eyes, ''Can I go first?''

The way she looks at me—she has something to say to me too that might be much more important than what I have to say to her; it's almost complicating. Deep down, I want to tell her as soon as possible so that I'll be able to end this torture in me.

The amount of guilt. Pressure. Anger.

''If it's important—'' She cuts me to it.

''It's important. I promise,'' She says, instead.

My mind goes insanely blank as I stare at her face. This is what I've been thinking about ever since I've landed in Australia; her face but now all I can think about is running away to bury this guilt.

The longer I stare deeply into her eyes, the more I feel like I should just run away with her but that's not the solution to everything. Maybe I'm just overthinking or maybe I'm just too worried about what happened but I can't seem to find peace at the moment.

What is going on with me? What is wrong?

Clearly. Everything including Hannah is wrong.

I raise my hand to caress the side of her face as I smile down at her, seeing how her eyes are glowing. Just by seeing her reacting his way—it brings me life.

I know I've never said I love her straight forwardly.

But, I do. I love Emma Faye Parker, I love her.

''Then, tell me.'' I whisper, inches apart from her.

''I know this might surprise you and it might come as something too quick. I don't know how you might react to this and I don't know how I should react either but Emery—wait, are you ready?'' She asks.

My smile grows wider, ''Surprise me,'' I answer.

She exhales deeply, ''I'm pregnant.''