

All colours eventually evolv to black

I_am_Powers · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

resonating beauty

Yanka and his grandfather(Matiburu) start to battle the stone giant and the flames from Matiburu burned brightly as he hits the Stone giant with a barrage of thundering fire attacks," but that won't be enough!!" the stone giant yelled as he goes through them in an earth bursting charge , "face my infernal catastrophe " said Matiburu as he starts to melt the very earth itself around him with his flames, but the the stone giant ran through the pool of magma surrounding Matiburu, and upon reaching the centre he punched him straight out of that magma and smashed him through a burning building. Any one who gets hit like that is dead for sure let alone a frail old man, and as Yanka watched his grampa, the  only family he ever had from birth get smashed like that , it broke him , he fealt weak and useless and he could see that flames obviously had no impact on the stone giant , but flames were all he had , how sad. As the stone giant was about to finish up Matiburu he said " the thing is I have no affinity for fire ,no matter how many fire emergals I kill , but killing you will make me stronger, I only wish I had faced you in your youth , but I suppose that pipskweek will do" he says as he looks towards Yankafor a second . Those words cause Matiburu to open his eyes in anger and around both Matiburu and yankas right eyes a mark appears and starts to glow ,and before Matiburu could even try to attack the stone giant yanka charges in with bursting flames so fast as if he were rocket propelled , his arms and feet were aglow with fire but not on fire , it was like the skin of his arms and feet were reforged with fire crystals and his eyes burned with rage . Yanka was too fast for the stone giant to handle and not long after that he had the giant on the defence , the giant had taken so much damage that his stone armour started to break apart, and this bought Matiburu enough time to stand on his feet again , when Matiburu looked and saw Yanka using that crystallising fire technique his memories start racing back to the days when he was younger as he watched a very beautiful girl with ebony dark skin and long flowing hair use that same technique, and all he could say (the only words that escaped his lips) were "you are just like her my boy". The stone giant sees that he is in trouble and decides to use the ace up his sleeve , he caused all the earth around him to crumble and then made the rocks form an earth tornado that sucks the whole vilade into it along with yanka and Matiburu. At this point Yanka's speed becomes irrelevant as their is no more earth to stand on and to top it up , every moment in that tornado caused them to ceaselessly be rammed by thousands of rocks , at this point the only certain outcome is death. Matiburu is not in any state that one could possibly survive the tornado his death is eminent "but why does Yanka have to die , he is so young and hasn't got to see the world yet " with tears in the eyes of his nearly smashed face his past memories start yo surface , and he remembered making a vow to that beautiful woman , "you must promise to never find me or even say my name , unless your life depends on it ," she said as she places a seal on his left hand "this seal will help me find you anywhere in this world , but its a one off so if you are to use it make it count " she said to him along with other young men so many years ago. As he draws his last breath he reached out his hand and called out a name "Kikura" he said , and immediately he called her name the mark on his left hand started to glow and from the sky above even the rock tornado a bright light descended and struck the heart of the tornado where the stone giant was and crushed him to blood and pebbles , and in the centre of that bright light was Kikura , a dark skinned beauty with wave-like hair and purple glowing eyes . Soon it was morning and all that availed was a large mass of shredded homes and property ,not to mention the corpses too disfigured to recognise , "were are you " repeatedly was the only sound that could be heard as the only apparent living being in the area cried out while she searched for Matiburu , she started using her powers to shuffle through the rubble and debris , even if she had no hope of him still being alive she at least wanted to find his body , and that was when she stumbled across a man who was fully encapsulated in a fire crystal as though he was frozen , when she saw his face she said "Matiburu I knew I would find you" and then She placed her hand on the crystal and shattered it instantly , leaving the man inside intact , afterwards she grabbed him and kissed him as she transfers large quantities of her life force into him , his wounds start to heal and she starts to see through his memories , it was then that she realised that it wasn't Matiburu she was holding , but his grand son instead 'Yanka', to make things worse for her she saw the death of Matiburu as he was ripped apart by the rocks , she fealty the pain of Yanka as he couldn't even save his own grandfather , all he could do was watch from the protection of the fire crystal encasement that covered him in the rock tornado , Kikura stopped kissing Yanka and the memory flow stopped .

Kikura sat on a rock as she looked at Yanka "it's good to know that my Matiburu had a wonderful life , with a child and a grandchild", it was then that she remembered Ikata was still all the way back at their building and to make things worse she used her powers in public and 'Ikata' who she left behind would definitely be publicly executed for associating with an emergal .


chapter 4 will be released in two or three days