

All colours eventually evolv to black

I_am_Powers · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

black burns bright


With the clashing of thunder flashing lights and raging blows two characters are seen fighting atop a mountain 

Of the two who were fighting one of them was elderly and the other was adolescent in appearance. The Old man said "it's been a while since I was entertained like this", the Young man replied "you say the sweetest things ".(with a smirk) and the Old man laughingly replied "you are still not enough to call a worthy match"," outch talk about ungrateful,  do you know how mush power I had to dominate in order to find you" the young man said , "you can rest easy knowing that at least you died with power ,Any last words"? Asked the old man and The Young man said "nah I'm good", " then so be it." Said the old man, then The old man turned into a giant monstrosity of a dragon and scorched him till their was nothing left.


 A young man is seen chopping Wood in the forest along with other older men but as the day passes the other men leave one by one until their was only one to accompany him (a girl named azuku , who I boyish in character but so beautiful that its undeniable she looks like a god) when she was done chopping wood she tied it up in a carryable bunch and was about to leave when she noticed the man beside her was still chopping more wood , is he Nutts she said under her breath right before she walked up to him to ask "hey Yanka!,"

"he…..y..y" Yanka replies as he tries to remember her name "Azuku how are you?" He says ,"I couldn't help but notice, you got here before anyone like you do everyday, and you didn't stop to rest even once not even during our lunch break she state's (and the weirdest thing is he doesn't even seem tired she tought) and now everyone goes back home after chopping a movable amount, but you have chopped the most wood and I'm not mistaking when I say ten times the amount anyone has" Azuku said,

"gramps always warned me girls were like this" yanka says under his breath , "what was that! "? asked Azuku

" it's just that this is the first time I'm ever speaking with you and you talk too much " Yanka laughingly replies , and then She tries to punch him and then trips over a log and falls on him " so you are not only a blabermouth you're clumsy too" yanka  says and suddenly she tries to strangle him but ends up hurting her fingers instead, Meanwhile an old man makes his way through the woods and sees the two "young lovers ?" and with tears in his eyes he says "how how I miss my youth I used to have so mush fun with the girls, A voice from behind him yelling you old pervert !!!! The voice behind the old man turns out to be his wife ,She then apologies for her husband's rude interference of their love , and afterwards drags him away by the ear saying I can't believe you left me t o peek on those kids, don't you know that women age like fine wine , You age more goat like milk if you ask me ,The old man says. Yanka and Azuku  are startled and azuku looses energy and on trying to strangle him and assumes  a relaxive physical state , Yanka asks Azuku kindly to get off him ,when Azuku realises how she looks as she sits on him with her "loving hands wrapped around him" she feels embarrassed and then angrily tries to pack her fire wood while Yanka then walks towards his big pile of wood, Azuku roles her eyes and leavs angrily .

Meanwhile Yanka sits by the wood as the sun starts to set and a bunch of children come out of the woods looking glad to see him ,"what took you so long" Yanka asked, " we still had a lot of cleaning yo do at the orphanage I'm sorry for keeping you waiting" one if the children replied, " is sorry all you can say , my granpa is going be worried sick" Yanka said, "s..sir why do you help us gather all this wood all the time , and we never give u anything in return" asked the child, " It's OK really , the thing is I love chopping Wood ,it helps me vent off excess energy, plus I need some fo the wood latter "Yanka answed

"you are so strong (in awe) , alright everyone!!! We have wood to carry so nobody be lazy about this we have to work hard so we can grow big and strong like Mr yanka !!!!! got that !!?" said the first child ,Yanka smiles confidently as the children pack up all the wood and run off in the direction of the town ,just  thenYanka realises that the children took all the wood and didn't leave him any so he resumes chopping Wood, however it's getting too dark and yanka can't see a thing he then starts to remember something his grampa tought him .

Grampa-matiburu speaking "if it ever gets too dark I want you to remember something,  in our family we have a trick , a trick  I tought your father and now I must teach you" ,little Yanka said with excitement "teach me grampa ","first you garter some leaves , or since you are new to this you can start with one leaf" said granpa Matiburu. 

(Flashback ends)

Yanka picked up a leaf and then ignites it with his fingers, then tossed it to a bunch of other leaves and starts a fire large enough to brighten the area .as he was about to chop at a tree with his aex  when a girl runs up to him looking beat up and cries "pleas save me !"  Yanka sees two armed men behind her saying "hey come back fine girl",they draw their wepons once they see Yanka. They thirst for blood and chastity. 

However Yanka knocked out the two men instantly,  he's asked the girl why they were chasing her as he notices that she is from his village and still with tears in her eyes she says "they are killing everyone they are burning the village , they took my sisters and they killed my father" (in pain she screem) "they are monsters !!".

Yanka runs of to the village in the direction of the smoke as he is overwhelmed by the smell of blood and aah.