
Emerald (The arranged marriage)

Emerald Sky Everdin’s story is one filled with both love and tragedy. Let’s delve into the complexities of her life: Emerald’s love for Vladimir Blackhance spanned nearly a decade. Their families had a deep-rooted connection, with grandparents and parents who were lifelong best friends. However, their union was not solely based on romance; it was also a strategic move for the company they were associated with. Emerald’s parents tragically lost their lives in a car accident when she was just 17 years old. Despite this immense loss, she found solace in her marriage to Vlad. For her, it was the best day of her life—a moment of hope and new beginnings. But Vlad’s emotions were quite different. Filled with anger and devastation, he abandoned his bride. His promise to himself was one of suffering and regret, leaving Emerald to grapple with the aftermath of their union.

aliceviolet · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs


"Huh! Did you see that old man's face? Oh gosh, I wanted to smash it!" Sara exclaimed, pacing back and forth in her office.

"Dear, careful with Reese, we don't know what his plan is. That old fart is shrewd and seizes every chance to profit his company and double his investment."

 "Yes, Uncle James. We're glad that your here uncle and thank you for supporting my side back then".

"No worries,By the way, how do you plan to sustain your father's company? I'm aware that your parting with Vlad was quite unpleasant". She took a deep breath. She can see the worries in his eyes. 

"I'm not sure, Uncle, maybe we can try to negotiate with him".

Uncle Reese tapped her shoulder and said, "Whatever happens, you can come with me if you need help, okay?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as a comforting warmth filled her heart. She felt deep gratitude for Uncle James, who had been her mentor and paternal figure since the loss of her parents.

"Thank you, uncle" she gave her a warm smile.

"Aww, Uncle James, you're so unfair. Why didn't you support me during my argument with the investor last time hmmp?" Sara said.

"Haha, Hija, I didn't help you because I could see that you can fight back. And with that face—oh, I was scared you might eat me alive!" Both of them laughed as Uncle James cracked a joke.

Sara stamped her feet in a childlike manner. "Uncle! Are you implying that I'm not pretty?"

Their laughter grew louder upon hearing Sara. Oh, she never imagined that she would be able to laugh this way after years of enduring and concealing. Their laughter was interrupted as they heard the door knock.

...knock... knock...

"Excuse me, ma'am, here's your coffee," said Evette as she placed the coffee on her desk.

"Thanks Evette" she said.

"Welcome, ma'am. May I assist you with anything else?" she responded politely.

"Ah yes, have you made an appointment with Mr. Blackhance's secretary?"

"Alright kids, I'm off now, and I believe you have something important to do," said Uncle James.

"Uncle, have some coffee with us before you go," Sara said, stopping him.

"I've already had mine earlier, Hija," he said as he stood up and tapped her shoulder. "Do visit me with your little one sometime; I already miss that naughty rascal, okay?"

"Yes, Uncle, we'll visit you sometime. Take care on your way."

"Bye Uncle James, take care," Sara said as she bid him goodbye.



As the door closed behind them, Evette continued speaking.

"I attempted to schedule an appointment, but unfortunately, Mr. Blackhance's agenda is fully booked for today and tomorrow, ma'am."

"Eme, securing an appointment with Vlad is challenging. Despite numerous attempts to meet with him to settle the company's debt, he has not afforded me any opportunity."

She clenched her fist. She's not yet ready to face him, she doesn't want to feel the inferior of her feeling. 

"Let's aim to finalize it by Friday, Evette, and if that doesn't work out, I'll schedule a meeting with him personally."

"I don't think it's a good idea, Eme. I don't want you to get hurt," Sara expressed with concern.

"It's okay, Sara, for the sake of the company and the people."

"No, Eme, you can't! I'll have Lander meet him, or I'll do it myself," Sara said, holding her hand. I know Sara well; she would freak out if anything bad happened to her. Never mind, she can see him without her knowledge.

"Alright, take it easy. You can set up a meeting between Lander and Vlad."

"Sigh, you know I don't want you to get hurt. Perhaps if Lander speaks to him on the company's behalf, he might consider it. Don't worry, we'll do our best to help you, Eme just don't do anything stupid that might hurt you".

"Alright, thank you. Ah Evette, please schedule the meeting with Mr. Blackchance at Landers."

"Yes, ma'am, right away". They both fell silent, casting glances at Evette as she walked outside.

"By the way, do you want to come home with me, or do you have other plans?" she asked Sara.

"I'll come along since the meeting is finished, and Lander's team, as well as Evette, have completed their tasks. There's no reason to stay, and besides, I've really missed that punk."

"Haha... Okay let's go"



"Mommy... mommy... I missed you!" Skyler screamed, running towards her.

"I missed you as well. How are you getting along with Nana Lina?"

"Yes, of course, Mom, I've been a good boy while you were away; you can ask Nana Lina," he said, hugging her legs affectionately.

"Hmm, sure?" she raised her right eyebrow. She knew her child well; he was a very naughty kid, especially around new people he met.

"Hehe, just a little bit, Mommy," he said, showing the 'a little' sign with his two fingers.

"Don't be stubborn and pay attention to Nana Lina's advice okay".

"No worries, Emerald may be a naughty kid, but he helped with the dishes earlier, and he's a sweet kid". said Nana Lina.

"See, Mommy told you," he said, pinching her child's cheek and embracing him lovingly in return.

"That's good"

"Hey, hey, kiddo! What about me? Where's my hug and kisses? I bought you your favorite ube jam," Sara said.

"Really, Auntie? Yay! Love you, Auntie, you're the best!" Skyler exclaimed, jumping excitedly.

"Of course I am the best, but first, give me a kiss."

"Mwah mwah! Thank you, Auntie," Skyler said, planting kisses on her cheek before snatching the jar from her hand.

"Hey, wait! Give me some; that's my favorite too!" Sara exclaimed as she chased after him inside. She and Nana Lina burst into laughter.

"Nana Lina, thank you for taking care of Sky. I hope

"Haha, my child, it's nothing. I'm happy you've allowed me to look after your son. Besides, I have nothing much to do now that Sara is grown up and won't let me do the chores. I'm thankful that you've decided to come back. Are you planning to stay for good?"

"No, Nana, we will go back to New York after we settle everything here."

"Oh... Nana Lina was saddened upon learning of her plan.

"If that's what you want, Hija, as long as you find happiness in your decisions," said Nana Lina. She was Sara's nanny and, during her every visit, with her best friends. Nana Lina always took great care of her, treating her like Sara as if she were her own.


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