
Elysium High

Rebecca Phoenix, starts her new school year at Elysium High, the most prestigious high school in Elysium. Known for being the best school for all Monsters to attend, with her mother being headmaster and an enemy who collects Monsters for profit, will her time at Elysium High be easy or full of turmoil?

Dark_Star0011 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Elysium High - Chapter One

Rebecca Phoenix stood at the gate of Elysium High. The most prestige high school in all of Elysium. She watched as around her, students of all ages and breeds were entering through the grey iron gates that surrounded the large buildings that created the grounds for her new high school. The excitement bubbled in her as she looked around for her prospective classmates and even roommates, for Elysium high was a boarding school for Monsters, just like her.

The school itself was made up of four buildings. The centre building was the school itself, where students had their lessons and lectures took place. The two buildings either side housed the students, one for the female students, and the other for the males. The building at the back was the duelling area and library. Elysium high was known for having the largest collection of occult books in Elysium, it was also known for housing and producing many monsters that had gone out into the world, to serve as both good and bad. Though the human race were still unaware of their existence, believing them to be mythology, make-believe. The thought made her smile to herself.

Rebecca took a step forward, taking in a deep breath as she took a step forward through the iron gates and onto the grounds, she would call home for the next five years. She pulled behind her a burgundy suitcase, with her family crest decorated on. The symbol of a large firebird with a gold diamond shaped frame.

Rebecca was a tall girl for her age, standing at 5ft 8, she almost towered over the other girls that were walking either side of her. Her long auburn hair, lay loose down to her lower back, she had pale skin with freckles and brilliant green eyes. The other girls around her showed similarities to their own breeds, she could tell immediately which were mermaids, vampires or even werewolves, as they appeared a lot hairier than the rest of them.

There was one, stood in the courtyard, that she did not recognise. She had a slim build, pale skin, with fluorescent blue eyes, her long white hair fell loose, almost as long as Rebecca's as she looked around puzzled. What drew Rebecca in, was that not only was she not with a parent, like herself, but that she had two small, white horns on either side of her head. She hadn't seen anyone with that mutation before.

Rebecca came behind the girl, who was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and denim dungarees, carrying only a small backpack with her compared to the mountain of luggage the other girls around her had.

'Excuse me, are you lost?'

The girl jumped in response. Turning quickly towards Rebecca in response.

'Who, me?' Her voice was quiet, she was clearly shy, like a deer in headlights as she looked at the red head in front of her.

'Yes you, who else is here?' Rebecca laughed, gaining a small apologetic smile from the girl in front of her.

'Do you need help? I have a map of the dorms; I can help you find your room if you'd like.' She smiled warmly at her.

The girl's expression changed rapidly, she beamed at her in response. 'Could you? I have no idea where I am going, and I don't want to bother anyone.'

She was very cheerful in the way she spoke. Rebecca smiled in response, pulling the map from her pocket.

'My mum gave this to me, she said there are maps dotted around the place, even last years get lost still apparently.' She laughed. The girl smiling in response as she came close, looking onto the map with her. Rebecca could really see the detail in the girl's features now, her skin was deathly pale, an almost glow to her eyes and her horns were more cream coloured then white.

'Really? I've been walking around in circles for nearly half an hour, and I couldn't find any maps! I'm not very good with directions.' She played with her hair absently as she tried focusing on the map, staring intently at the different coloured blocks on the paper, a look of confusion on her face.

Rebecca laughed. 'The girl's dorm is this one in front of us.' Rebecca started pointing at the map in response.

'This pink area at the front of the building is the shared area, where we can sit and eat. My mum told me that's where she spent most of her time. The areas in red surrounding it are the rooms. There are four people per room, so they must be pretty big. That's it really, I can walk you to your room if you'd like.'

The girl looked at her in awe. 'Thank you so much! I don't know anyone here, it's nice to meet you! I'm Sharlena.' She extended a handout to her, Rebecca taking it and shaking it awkwardly. Did people even do handshakes still?

'I'm Rebecca. What's your room number? I don't know anyone either, once you've unpacked…' She looked at the girl's small backpack again with slight concern, 'We can meet up in the shared area again and go for a wander? Initiation doesn't start for another hour. Do you want my number as well?'

Rebecca pulled out her smartphone, opening it with facial recognition as she readied to put in her number. Sharlena pulled out her own, a small brick-like object, a Nokia?!

'Wow, that is ancient.' Rebecca couldn't stop herself from saying it before the words came out. Sharlena laughed in response as Rebecca apologised for being rude.

'I don't have much money; this is all I could afford. My Matron told me I should have one just in case, I've never needed one before now to be honest.'

Rebecca and Sharlena started their move into the building in front of them, Rebecca putting Sharlena's details into her own phone and saying she would contact first, seeing the confusion on Sharlena's face.

'Your Matron?' Rebecca looked at her quizzically, but Sharlena was now distracted. They had entered the girl's dormitory. The wide oak doors open to them showed the shared space in front of them. The stone steps entering the building soon turned to plush red carpet and the room ahead was full of female students and their families. Wooden tables and plush chairs filled the rooms, fireplaces lit up all over, lighting the room and filling it with the smell of burnt pine.

Sharlena was practically jumping on the spot, 'Have you ever seen anything this amazing?' She beamed back at Rebecca, the excitement obvious on her face.

'It's amazing isn't it, I've seen it in some of my mother's old photos. Actually, I think that's her in the cabinet there.' She pointed to a large oak cabinet, photo frames of old students lined the shelves, amongst medals and trophies on display. In the centre of this was a photo of four girls, holding up a trophy together, the one on display next to it, with the words 'Winners of the Elysium Tournament' escribed onto it. Sharlena walked towards it, looking between the photo and Rebecca. She pointed at the woman in the centre of the photo, long auburn hair pulled into a ponytail and sharp features, with green eyes. 'You look like your mum.' She smiled at her.

Rebecca smiled back in response. 'Thank you, you'll meet her later at the initiation ceremony. She's actually the headmaster here. Principal Rose Phoenix.' Rebecca smiled sheepishly at her as she spoke.

'Your mother is the headmaster?! That's amazing! I bet she's really proud of you for getting in here!' There was an almost sad smile from Sharlena at her own statement.

Rebecca went to respond but felt a girl knock into her awkwardly from behind.

'Watch it! Just standing in corridors, honestly!' Rebecca and Sharlena looked at the girl who had raised her voice at them.

'You walked into me, why should I watch it?' Rebecca could feel her blood boiling already, silently attempting to keep her emotions in check.

The girl looked at them, her pale sharp features, long black hair and reddened lips and eyes gave her away immediately. A vampire. Rebecca hated vampires, she always thought they were so entitled, this one was obviously no exception. She wore designer labels, and had five, no, six bags with her! They were placed awkwardly on a luggage trolley that she was heaving around with her.

The vampire simply, rolled her eyes at Rebecca, a distasteful look thrown in Sharlena's direction before walking away with her trolley. Throwing her hair behind her dramatically as she did so.

'Bloody vampires, I swear to god.' Rebecca whispered under her breath, knowing full well she would hear it. She got no response, breathing a sigh of relief as she noticed Sharlena standing awkwardly behind her.

'Sharlena, what is your room number by the way?' Rebecca watched as Sharlena fumbled around in her dungaree pockets, pulling out receipts and hairbands as she did so. Finally, she pulled out a small key with a number on a plaque attached to it. 'Room 109!' She smiled at Rebecca in triumph as she read the key to her.

There was almost a minute as silence between them as Rebecca suddenly pulled her own key out of her pocket. She held the key up, 'Room 109… Looks like were roommates! What are the chances!' Rebecca smiled at the girl; a beaming smile being reciprocated. Before she had chance to even react, Sharlena had wrapped her arms around her in an embrace shaking her almost as she did so, 'How amazing! I can't believe it! Were roomies!'