
Lady in Ice


I count the days down to the coming first day of the week.

And this time I want to take him by surprise.

I shuffle out of the house when it's about an hour before sunrise. I breathe out in relief as I quickly check that there is no hunted animal on the ground yet, before shuffling down the porch and settling right behind a bush just on the forest borders.

I'd taken a nap before this, so I feel wide awake now as I hug my knees together. The air is silent and cold, soon blushing my cheeks red.

But the excitement lasts for only a few minutes before it turns to doubt.

Why wasn't he coming?

And what was I doing? I probably looked like some idiot.

And I'm staring listlessly towards the porch when a curious voice echoes right behind me.

"What are you doing?"

I scream. But then he wraps his hand around my mouth, muffling the high-pitched yell as if he'd already predicted I'd react like that.

Heart jerking in my chest, I breathe roughly into his cold palm as he pulls me into his body. He smells like pine and rain.

"Rinei, what in the world are you doing? Will you promise you won't scream?"

I nod, still clutching at my chest.

He lets me go. And I plop down on the leaves, staring up at him. His head is tilted, dark brows furrowed. His eyes gleam in amusement.

"Were you planning to scare me?"

I grimace. Then I sign firmly, my hand moving in harsh angles.


"Then why were you here?"

I was birdwatching.

"Birdwatching, hm." He echoes, sweeping his hair over his neck. "That's interesting. I don't think you'll find any birds here, though. Did you?"

Does he really have to tease me like this?

I saw a lot before you came and scared them all away.

"I see. My apologies." Then he suddenly shifts his hand behind his back. And when he shows me his hands again, there's a sleek, beautiful bow.

I gape.

"You seemed interested the last time I came." He says. "It's a recurve bow. And it's yours if you will take it—"

His voice cuts off when I throw my arms around his neck. I'd never had something like this of my own. And it was just so beautiful— the bronze arch in the middle with the smooth, taut string.

I'm so happy.

Thank you. Thank you, Kaz. I sign rapidly as I take the weapon, so wrapped up in my happiness that I don't notice the scarlet flush in the tips of his ears. How do I use it? Are there arrows, too?

How should I practice?

"You practice with these." He says, shifting off a quiver of dark gray arrows from his back. Then he draws one out, passing it to me.

It's so smooth. Elven wood.

I'm struggling not to squeak.


And I try to remember, the way he had done it so fluidly last time. I nock the feathered end of the arrow into the string, and then pull. It's so much lighter— easier.

It all feels so wonderful that I think it'll hit wherever I'd wanted it to.

Instead the arrow goes wide from the tree trunk I'd aimed for.

"Not quite." Kaz says. Then he draws out another arrow, weighing it between his fingers before settling behind me. "Let me show you."

He adjusts my fingers on the bow. And his hand is so large against mine as he shadows what I'm supposed to be doing.

I really should be paying attention.

But I can't. How could I?

His beauty is just tenfold being this close.

Before I know it, he's shifted away from me and the second arrow is embedded straight into where I'd aimed the first time.

He gives me a pure smile.

"How was it?"

I don't know. I was too distracted because of you.

Good, I sign, forcing a smile back. I think I can get it soon if I practice.

Then I blink when a stretch of light shines on the side of my face. It's the faint heat of the sun, the beginning of sunrise.

And the happiness is torn out of me in a second.

I look up at him.

Do you have to go?

"...I do." He says softly. Then he looks away. "I'm

sorry, Rinei."

It's not your fault. I just don't want to wait another week.

"I'll come tomorrow."

Wait, what?

You will?

"Yes. I've alw—" Then he cuts himself off, shaking his head. "Sorry. Yes, I will be here tomorrow. If you stay awake for me, I'll be here at midnight."

He clasps my hand for a brief moment. And I can feel the calluses where he holds the bow, the soft skin of his palm.


It was my birthday today. I sign, smiling. My stomach feels so light and fluffy as I look up at his sweet, beautiful eyes.

I continue signing.

I wasn't planning to mention it to anyone, because father— father's fever has gotten worse and mother is so sad now. It just didn't feel like the time to celebrate anything, you know?

And even though I knew I should be being more mature, I'd sat quiet and sad for the entire day. Aemin had slipped me a gift of rare chocolates in the morning, but he'd had to leave right after to search if any supplies of medicine had come in the market.

But such a perfect time.

I give him a smile.

But you made it much better. You always seem to make things much better.



I'd known it was her birthday yesterday.

The smile on her face when I'd given her the bow. The way she'd started signing excitedly, her eyes wide and happy.

God, she was to die for.


"Your Highness!"

I look up. And River's staring at me with an annoyed expression, his brows raised.

"I called you five times already. You went somewhere last night, didn't you? Did you forget all about the lady you were going to meet today?"


"What lady?" I echo, my lips pressing on the silk band as I gather up my hair. Then I fasten it swiftly, my features hardening. "River, what are you talking about?"

"Lady Arlen. Are you being serious?"


She was just another nobleborn that my father wanted me to get together with to strengthen his position.

"Tell her I'm busy today."

"You've been telling her that since last week."

"River, I'm not going to—"

"Just meet her." He interrupts, sighing. "It's not that hard to tell her that you'd rather never see her again after. Just go. She's just going to keep asking for you if you don't."

All these girls.

There was only one I really wanted, and yet she was the one I was forbidden from.

I breathe. "Where is she?"

"Right outside."

"Right ou— River!"

"What?" He shrugs, making an innocent face. "I've been telling you. You just weren't listening."


"If you weren't my friend, I would've fired you and found someone else already." I growl as I rush to shift out of my hunting cloak. River chuckles, pretending to file out his nails with a knife as he sits back in the corner of the room.

"I love you too, Kaz."

I pull the door open.

And there stands Lady Arlen, her blue eyes narrowed. Her elven ears are studded with sapphires, glowing against her snowy skin. Ice blonde hair cascades down well below her waistline.

She taps her slender fingers against her palm.

"Your Highness,"

Her eyes slide up to meet mine in a cold gaze.

"If you would've just agreed to see me earlier, we would've had much less of a problem."

"I don't wish to see you as much as you don't wish to see me."