

Chika runs around for any possible way out of something that can be used to escape the place.

She has been going around until she tripped and fall on the ground with her face first. As she pushed herself up, she saw someone in front of her as the hem of the black gown is literally in front of her face. 

Her movement halted as she felt her body stiffen and goosebumps appear on her arms.


The voice sounds soft and low as if she's speaking in a loving tone.

When Chika raised her arms to see the face of the person in front, it vanished like it wasn't there in the first place.

She opened her mouth to call out but no matter how she tried to speak. No sound can be heard and that frustrates her.


The voice spoke again but this time, it was faint and farther away. Chika stands up and looks around when she saw the woman's black gown against the darkness that surrounds her whole body.