
Giant Bats pt 2


Another attacker sprints towards her carrying a wounded defender on his shoulders. He put the man on Chika's feet and leaves him there as he goes back to fight against the giant bats that have been woken up.

Chika couldn't help but sob while healing the fallen members around her feet, she could feel her energy draining away from using too much power without stopping.

There are blood and dead bodies everywhere that make Chika feel nauseous and wanted to vomit but could only swallow it and do her job if she wants to stay alive as well.

"Chika, I'm running out of mana. Can you take over for a minute while I recharge myself?"

Kalish, another healer vomited blood as she lean herself on the cave walls while trying to take a short break.

Chika couldn't do anything but accept the additional work since they are losing the battle between the giant bats.


Isaki yelled while cutting the bat's head in two. The flames burning in his eyes warmed Chika's heart as she realized that there was still hope.

After she healed the injured members, they went back to do their ask. Defending, killing, and supporting each other until all of the bats are dead.

Everybody celebrated in victory when a series of stairs appeared out of nowhere and the members started to go up. Chika was dumbfounded as she thought the raid is over.

"There are 3 floors in this tower and the very top contains the Lord. We must defeat the Lord to close the gate and wait for it to re-spawn. This tower takes 6 months for the Lord to be reborn again."

Kalish spoke softly as she look at Chika with a soft smile, "I think you needed that information."

"Thank you."

Chika smiled thankfully as Kalish nodded her head and went on her way up while Chika followed behind her.

The trip to the next floor didn't take much time as they were greeted by wingless bats with claws that could rip you to shreds.

Isaki didn't hesitate to attack first as the rest followed him. As for Chika, she's still supporting the injured members from behind. The new enemy is a lot easier to fight than the first one and they defeated them after 20 minutes with fewer members injured.

As they reach the last floor where the Lord resides. Chika started to have goosebumps when she felt a different aura coming out of the door.

"Behind this door is the Lord of this Bronze Class tower. For those who haven't heard about this Lord, he is a giant bloodsucking bat with baby bats as his guards. He's not that strong but still can do damage, so be careful."

Isaki warned the group before opening the door. Inside is the Lord sitting on a throne made with skeletons. Thousands of baby bats circled around him, they may look small but their numbers are annoying to deal with.

"Defenders, go in front and form a defensive line. Five attackers on each side and mages will be attacking behind the defenders. Healers, assist behind the mages as long as you can. This battle will be a hell of a good one."

The group members followed his instructions carefully as the Lord started to command his minions to attack the group. Dozens of baby bats circled around them and one by one they storm down like rain and once they were touched, they would explode like a bomb.

The attackers and mages attack the baby bats while they are still in mid-air so that they won't do a lot of damage to them. As for the defenders, they shield the mages but focus on the two healers as they are very crucial in the team.

The Lord's red glowing eyes look at the intruders with distaste as he sends another group of baby bats to attack. Using his enormous wings, the Lord spread them around and Isaki's expectation is that the Lord will blow strong winds towards them.

"Defenders, prepare for the wind!"

Isaki yelled as the defenders formed in position to protect the mages and healers while the attackers went to the safe zone away from the attack rage but instead of the strong winds that they expected, they were greeted by thorns flying over them.

It pierced through the shields and magical barriers set by the mages. The formation was destroyed as they were scattered around the room. Those thorns are the size of a regular person with sharp ends that could cut through metal.

Many of the defenders hurt themselves as they were continuously attacked by the thorns and the attackers couldn't counter it since the baby bats are attacking them as well. The mages are the only one that attacks the thorns but their magic couldn't deal a lot of damage.

"Leader, the Lord evolved its power and skills. We don't even know if this tower is still Bronze Class--"


- The final boss of the tower.

Monachrecreators' thoughts