

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Asleep for two whole weeks-part two

Evandale Ellis Pov-

I am infront of my school instead of the fridge. I am crying again. Arwen is trying to touch me but i am pushing him away. "Evans, let's just forget about that night.Okay? If we just forget we will both go back to the way we were. I need you. You need me. Is it not better if both just forget that nigght happened?" Arwen said coming closer to me.

"No." I stated wiping my tears.

"What do you mean No?' He asked furrowing his brows.

"I do not need you." I said biting my inner cheek.

"Huh? Evans what are you saying? We both need each other. That night can not change anything between us. I will not let it happen,Evans." Arwen said holding my shoulders tightly.

"I thought I can not live without you. I thought I need you more than anyone. But guess what?Feelings change. That night changed everything between us. Believe me." I said trying not to cry.

"Evans baby, it was a drunk mistake.Please just give me another chance."

"Arwen, be drunk or not you slept with another person.Please do not give any excuses. I do not want to hear it. And please stop calling me baby. It feels disgusting." I stated hearing his petty excuse.

"Evans we can just start over. We can-"

"Arwen please stop. I am trying to be nice to you as much as possible.Stop saying we can start over. WE can ot start anything over. It is already over between us. I am not feeling anything for you. If anything, I feel diisgust. And seeing you sleeping with another girl,you must also have moved past me a long time ago. So,it is better to just let go of us. Oh, don't worry I have not said anything to my family and planning to not tell them in the near future. We can just preteend inffront oof them. Sounds good,right?" I said turning away.

"Evans, you can not do this. You can nnot end us."

I scoffed. "I think you are the one who ended us the moment you decided to sleep with that girl."I said turning back at him. He looked at me pleadingly. I looked away.

"I really want to know why did you do it?Is it because I refused to have sex with you? That must be the reason,hm? You really are a piece of work you know? The moment your fiancee refuses to have sex with you,you go running to another girl. Should have seen that coming." I said. My voice sounding cold. I was not holding back tears as this time there were really no tears to hold back.

"Also do not talk to me in school unless it is too important."I said walking away.

I am in a garden now. I was shouting at Arwen. "You are literally following me. No, spying on me. Those little minion of yours how dare they! How dare you! Why are you doing this?" I shouted.

"IT is for your own good." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Excuse me? What good?" I scoffed. This man does not deserve a word out from my mouth really.

"You will not let me be with you. So I need someone to watch you. Don't you think ?" He said.

"You are a piece of big old junk!"I shouted and walked away from there.

I am in a dark room now. All alone. I have never been here. Have I ? Where the hell am I ?Suddenly, I saw a big bright light in the middle of the room. I ran to it and got inside the big circle of light. I feel dizzy. SHould I lay down for some seconds?It will be okay,right?

But I couldn't get up even after a few minutes. I could not move my body. Why do I feel nothing in my body? My eyes feels heavy making me want ot close them. I closed them and fell into a deep sleep.

"Wake up Evandale. It is time. You are ready." A voice whispered.

I blinked my eyes open and there was worried familiar faces around me. Mom,dad.Autumn,Arwen and Lorenzo sleeping on the sofa beside my bed. W-Wait,Lorenzo? What is he doing here?

"Thank God! Honey you woke up at last. Thaank goodness." Mom said beside me crying.

"Bark-"I obviously said mom but bark? Wait,huh? I looked down on my body and realized I am in my wolf form.

"Honey pie,baby you feel okay?" Dad asked holdding mom.

"Bark." I barked. What am I supposed to say other than barking? I am good ,dad. But what happened? Why is everyone here? Why is Autumn,Lorenzo and Arwen sleeping on my sofa? I understand Arwen and Autumn. They are gay for each other. But Lorenzo? Why is he here? What the hell happened?

"Honey, we need you to transform back into human.Can you do that for us?" Dad said patting my head. I nodded. I failed the first time but succeeded the second time.

"Oh my beautiful busy bee!I am so glad you woke up!" MOm said hugging me.

"Mom why are you crying? Is it evening?Did I slept for so long? Why are you both so overreacting?" I asked pushing away my covers. Mom and dad looked at each other in confusion. All the fashbacks of Arwen and me were actually a dream? Everything felt so real though.

"Honey pie, you have been asleep for two weeks. You don't remember anything?" Dad asked sitting down beside me.

Huh? Two weeks? What is dad saying? Why will I be asleep for two weeks?

"You both are kidding,right?"I asked laughing.

"Why would we joke with you about these things?" Mom said.

"So,you really mean I have been asleep for two whole weeks? I missed two weeks worth of school?"I saidnot believing their words. They both nodded though.

"So, all these things I have been seeing were actually dreams?" I asked. They nodded in confusion. What the hell is happening?

"So the voice just told me to wake up were not you guys?"I asked.

"Honey pie,we don't know what are you talking about. We are also as confused as you are." Dad said patting my hair.

"I think you need some food in your stomach. A little food may help you open upp your brain." Dad said smiling.

"Nope. she need some rest." Mom said. I looked at her in disbelief.D id they not just say i have been asleeo for two weeks? WHy would I need more rest?

"I have been sleeping forever. Now you tell me i need more rest Mom? I need food. PLease gimme food." I said holding mom's hands tightly. Mom chuckled softly and nodded before walking out of the door. Dad held my hand and we walked downstaairs following mom to fill my stomach.

I really do want to know why Lorenzo is here though. Maybe the food will help me remember something?