

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Worldly Wisdom Part 3

Back to the World Geography and Survival Class 

The last rays of the setting sun cast long shadows across the classroom as Professor Elara wrapped up her World Geography and Survival class. Khaled and his classmates, weary but intrigued, listened intently as she summarized the day's lesson. Their focus was on the four kingdoms that shaped their world: Watan, their homeland; Dawla, the enigmatic nation to the east; El Majless, locked in a bitter struggle with the beast race; and Arkedia, the vast land of the very same beasts. 

Professor Elara, a woman whose stern gaze was softened by a sprinkle of silver in her hair, gestured towards the large map dominating the wall. "Arkedia," she began, tracing a finger along its expansive borders, "is the largest of the four kingdoms. For the past three hundred years, it has been embroiled in a brutal war with El Majless." 

Her voice dipped as she continued, "Initially, El Majless held the upper hand, slowly chipping away at Arkedian territory over the decades. But for the past century, the tide has turned. The beast race has been pushing back, reclaiming lost lands with surprising ferocity, even without the apparent involvement of dragons." 

A murmur rippled through the class. Dragons, the mythical creatures of immense power, were rarely seen but their legend loomed large. Their absence from the conflict was a curious detail. 

Professor Elara acknowledged the unspoken question. "The reasons for the shift remain shrouded in mystery," she conceded. "However, the emergence of four formidable beast clan leaders in the past two hundred years has undoubtedly played a significant role." 

She pointed to designated areas on the map, each representing a clan. "There's the Phoenix, the undisputed leader of the Avian Clan." Her gaze moved to another section. "The Sphinx, the cunning head of the Feline Clan." Finally, she landed on the remaining two: "The Hydra, the powerful leader of the Serpentine Clan, and the Behemoth, the formidable chief of the Ursine Clan, complete the quartet." 

A student raised a hand. "Professor," he inquired, "how does their magic work compared to ours?" 

Professor Elara smiled. "An excellent question, Khaled. Unlike human mages who draw upon the Riaf, the magical energy that permeates the world, the beast race utilizes a more primal form of magic. It stems from their very nature." 

She elaborated, "For instance, the Storm Eagle Clan can summon lightning because of their natural affinity with electricity. They can't control the Riaf in the same way a human Hami would, but their inborn abilities grant them rudimentary magical control." 

"So, if we understand their strengths, can we exploit their weaknesses?" another student chimed in. 

Professor Elara nodded. "Precisely. Identifying their core abilities allows us to develop effective countermeasures.By understanding their limitations and how to exploit their vulnerabilities, especially when they're not in their true forms, we can gain an advantage. However, their greatest strength lies in Tahsin* spells ." 

A collective gasp filled the room. Fortification magic, when used by skilled practitioners, could create impenetrable defenses. Coupled with the beast race's inherent physical prowess - some could even fly or swim with incredible speed - it made them formidable foes. 

"But here's the concerning development," Professor Elara continued, her voice turning grave. "In the last century, the beast race has somehow managed to tap into Anasir spells. The specifics remain unknown, but their newfound ability to wield spells, albeit haphazardly, has significantly contributed to their recent victories." 

A tense silence descended upon the class. The image of a hulking beast wielding powerful magic was a chilling prospect. 

Professor Elara's final words hung in the air as the bell echoed through the classroom. A palpable tension lingered – the chilling reality of their world settling in. Nadia broke the silence. 

"So, they're just brute force with a sprinkle of random magic?" she scoffed. "Sounds chaotic. Shouldn't that be a disadvantage?" 

Professor Elara's lips curved into a wry smile. "Chaos can be devastating, Nadia. Think about it. Imagine a hulking Behemoth charging at you, suddenly summoning a torrent of flames. Unpredictability is a powerful weapon, especially when combined with their monstrous strength." 

A worried frown creased Omar's face. "Professor, what about the dragons? If they haven't intervened yet, wouldn't they step in if the beasts completely conquer Arkedia?" 

A hush fell over the class. Dragons were mythical beings spoken of in hushed whispers and ancient lore. Their existence remained unconfirmed, yet the mere possibility ignited a flicker of hope. 

"That's a fascinating question, Omar," Professor Elara stated, her voice thoughtful. "There are several theories about the dragons' absence. Some believe they retreated deep into El Majhoul, wounded from ancient battles. Others believe they're simply indifferent to lower races conflicts." 

"Maybe they're extinct," muttered a voice from the back. 

Professor Elara shook her head. "While their complete absence is concerning, I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Dragons are immortal, or at least incredibly long-lived. Their inactivity doesn't signify their demise." 

The conversation shifted, fueled by a mix of fear and morbid curiosity. Khaled, usually quiet and reserved, found himself blurting out a question before he could overthink it. 

"Professor," he stammered, "what if the beasts breach El Majless and turn towards Watan? Are we prepared?" 

Professor Elara's gaze softened. "Watan is a beacon of civilization, Khaled. We have a strong military with a deep understanding of beast capabilities. We have developed advanced Spells and defensive measures that are constantly being improved." 

"But what about the monsters from El Majhoul?" Nadine interjected. "They seem to be getting bolder." 

Professor Elara nodded grimly. "That's true. The increased activity outside the city walls is a pressing concern. We're intensifying border patrols and exploring new trapping techniques." 

She continued, her voice taking on a determined tone. "However, it's crucial to remember that knowledge is power. This class is about understanding our world, about preparing for the unknown. By studying the beasts, their strengths and weaknesses, we can develop effective strategies. By deciphering the mysteries of El Majhoul, we can potentially discover the source of the monstrous threat." 

A newfound sense of purpose seemed to fill the room. The fear didn't vanish, but a spark of defiance ignited within them. Maya, a quiet but observant student, spoke up. 

"So, studying geography and survival isn't just about navigating forests and telling poisonous berries apart, is it?" she queried. 

Professor Elara smiled, a twinkle in her eye. "It's about understanding our place in the world, Maya. It's about discovering the threats we face and preparing ourselves to overcome them. It's about ensuring that humanity thrives, not just survives." 

A sense of camaraderie bloomed in the classroom. The students didn't just see each other as classmates anymore. They were a team in training, facing a world on the brink. The conversation delved deeper. Khalid, emboldened by the shared purpose, brought up a question that had been nagging at him. 

"Professor, you mentioned the beast race using elemental magic haphazardly. Wouldn't that be dangerous for them? Couldn't it backfire?" 

Professor Elara stroked her chin, her brow furrowing in thought. "An excellent point, Khaled. Uncontrolled elemental magic can indeed be catastrophic. However, it seems the beasts are somehow mitigating that risk. We can only speculate how." 

The discussion took a more theoretical turn. Students brainstormed different possibilities surrounding the beasts' newfound magic. Could their natural affinity, coupled with exposure to the elemental forces within El Majhoul, be granting them a degree of control? Or was there some unknown ritual involved? 

Professor Elara, impressed by their eagerness, encouraged them to delve into relevant historical accounts and scientific texts. The classroom transformed into a hive of intellectual activity. Nadine, always the pragmatist, voiced a worry. 

"Professor, even if we understand their magic, what if it's too late? What if Watan falls before we can react?" 

A sombre silence descended. Professor Elara, with a heavy sigh, acknowledged the student's concern. 

"Unfortunately, Nadine, war," Professor Elara continued, her voice taking on a somber tone, "is a messy affair. It unfolds on its own unpredictable timeline. But remember, history is filled with examples of seemingly insurmountable odds being overcome. The human spirit, when faced with adversity, can be remarkably resilient." 

She looked around the room, meeting each student's gaze. "You, the youth of Watan, are our future. You have the potential to become the next generation of warriors, scholars, and leaders who will ensure our continued survival." 

* Majhoul: a land surounding Elginn's world map but remaining undiscovered and inhabited. Also the center of many children's tales.

* Anasir spells: Elemental spells

* Tahsin spells: Fortifying spells

*Sehir spells: Enchanting Spells

Hey everyone (aka my awesome readers) RandomLurker here!

Just wrapped chapter 28th of Elginn. Those students, though! Beasts, magic, potential war – talk about a wild curriculum! But hey, maybe a little chaos is just what these future heroes need.

So, spill the tea! Team El Majless or secretly rooting for the beastfolk? Any dragon theories? What secrets lurk in El Majhoul? Hit the comments and let's chat!

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