

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The Uphill Climb Part 3

"Irsal," he reminded himself, was the art of manipulating objects around him. It wasn't brute force, but a delicate dance of will and intention. Riaf acted as the bridge, the conductor that allowed a mage to "speak" to the object, to nudge a pebble here, levitate a stone there. It was a skill that required focus, stamina, and a deep understanding of the earth's natural flow. 

Today, however, the flow felt sluggish, clogged by fatigue. With each rotation of the stone, his vision swam, the edges of the training room blurring slightly. His breaths came in short, desperate pants, the thin air mimicking the high altitude he was simulating. But he wouldn't give up. "Not now," he thought, gritting his teeth. "Not ever." 

With a final push, Khaled sent the stone hurtling towards the Red Bao puppet. It struck the creature's chest with a dull thud, the impact echoing in the chamber. The puppet let out a chirp, more startled than hurt, and tumbled backward. Khaled watched, panting heavily, as the creature struggled to right itself, its button eyes blinking in what seemed like surprise. 

"Got you," Khaled muttered, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. He had done it. He had pushed through his fatigue, his doubts, and emerged victorious. "Take that, Sandra." 

As the puppet finally righted itself and resumed its playful stance, Khaled felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He sank to his knees, the rocky ground cool beneath him. "I did it," he thought, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. "I really did it." 

In that moment, the Red Bao puppet tilted its head again, its eyes fixed on Khaled. It let out a final, high-pitched chirp, almost as if acknowledging his victory. Khaled chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Even in victory, you're adorable," he thought, feeling a strange kinship with the creature. 

But just as he was about to relax, the puppet's eyes glowed a menacing red. Its stance shifted, becoming more aggressive. Khaled's heart skipped a beat. "What the...?" he muttered, scrambling to his feet. This wasn't part of the plan. 

The creature let out a low growl, its playful demeanor replaced by a predatory intensity. It lunged at Khaled with surprising speed, its wooden claws swiping through the air. Khaled barely had time to react, dodging to the side as the puppet's claws grazed his arm. 

"This isn't right," he thought, panic rising in his chest. "Sandra wouldn't program it to be this aggressive." He reached out with his Riaf, trying to form a barrier between himself and the puppet, but his reserves were dangerously low. The barrier flickered weakly before shattering under the puppet's assault. 

Khaled stumbled backward, his mind racing. "It's malfunctioning," he realized. "It has to be." He glanced around the chamber, hoping for a sign from Sandra, but there was nothing. He was on his own. 

"Okay, Khaled," he thought, trying to steady his breathing. "You need to think. You need to use what you've learned." He reached for the rank 2 Irsal spells he had studied, the more advanced techniques that required greater control and precision. 

"Control is the foundation of mastery," he reminded himself, repeating the mantra from the book. "You can do this." 

He focused on a larger rock, one that lay partially embedded in the ground. It was more challenging, requiring a deeper connection and more Riaf than he had used so far. But he had no choice. He closed his eyes, visualizing the rock, feeling its weight and texture, the way it was anchored in the earth. He reached out with his Riaf, forming a tendril of energy that snaked towards the rock, connecting him to it. 

The puppet lunged again, its claws slashing through the air. Khaled dodged, his focus unwavering. "Come on," he urged himself. "Move." The rock trembled, then slowly began to rise, pulling free from the ground with a shower of dirt and pebbles. 

"Yes," he thought, a surge of hope filling him. He directed the rock towards the puppet, aiming for its chest. But as the rock moved, he felt his Riaf reserves dwindling, the effort of maintaining the connection taking its toll. 

The puppet, sensing the attack, shifted its stance. It let out a guttural roar, its eyes glowing brighter. It charged at Khaled, moving with a speed that belied its size. Khaled pushed harder, trying to accelerate the rock, but his Riaf was nearly depleted. 

"Just a little more," he thought desperately. "I can do this." But as the rock neared the puppet, his connection faltered. The rock wobbled, losing momentum. The puppet's claws whizzed past his face, missing by mere inches. He scrambled back, trying to summon more strength, more energy, but his body was exhausted, his magic nearly spent. His mind raced, searching for a strategy to stay alive. 

"Think.." he muttered to himself. "i have to be smarter than this puppet." 

He reached out with his remaining Riaf, focusing on the small stones scattered across the chamber floor. Telekinesis, a simple yet effective Irsal spell, was his best option now. He gathered the stones, forming a small barrier in front of him. The puppet lunged again, its eyes glowing red with aggression. 

His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline fueling his movements. He had to keep moving, keep thinking. He grabbed a larger rock with the spells, hurling it at the puppet's head. The rock hit its mark, causing the puppet to stagger, but it quickly regained its balance and charged again. 

Khaled tried to form another barrier, but his Riaf was almost gone. He was running out of options, out of time. The puppet was relentless, its attacks growing more vicious. He could feel the desperation creeping in, the fear of failure, of death. 

As the puppet swung its claws at him again, Khaled focused his remaining Riaf on diverting the attack. He couldn't stop it completely, but he could alter its trajectory just enough. The claws grazed his shoulder, drawing blood but missing a fatal blow. 


Gritting his teeth against the pain, Khaled retaliated with another barrage of stones. Each movement, each spell, drained him further. He was on the edge, fighting with every ounce of strength he had left. 

The puppet lunged, and Khaled dove to the side, rolling to avoid the attack. He grabbed another rock, using Irsal to send it flying towards the puppet's face. It struck hard, momentarily dazing the creature. He seized the opportunity, summoning a burst of energy to push the puppet back. 

But the puppet recovered quickly, its red eyes blazing with fury. It roared and leaped at Khaled, its claws outstretched. He could feel his energy waning, his vision blurring. He had to hold on, had to keep fighting. 

Khaled gathered the last remnants of his Riaf, focusing on the largest rock he could see. He lifted it, straining against the weight, and hurled it at the puppet with all his might. The rock collided with the puppet's head, cracking its wooden exterior. 

The puppet stumbled, its movements slowing. Khaled could see the damage, the cracks spreading across its body. He had weakened it, but it wasn't enough. He needed one final push, one last effort. 

But just as he thought he might have a chance, the puppet surged forward with a final, desperate lunge. Khaled barely had time to react, using the last of his Riaf to divert the claws. Khaled managed to divert the claws so that only the puppet palm hit his side. 

He fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The puppet loomed over him, its eyes still glowing with menace. Khaled tried to move, tried to summon more Riaf, but he was spent. He had nothing left. 

As the puppet raised its claws for a final strike, Khaled braced himself, thinking it was the end. But the blow never came. The puppet froze, its red eyes dimming, and it retreated a few steps, standing down. 

Sandra appeared at the edge of the chamber, her face calm but her eyes intense. She walked toward Khaled, the puppet moving aside to let her pass. She knelt beside him, checking his injuries with a practiced eye. 

"Finally, you are here" Khaled panted, his voice shaky. "The puppet malfunctioned" 

Sandra shook her head, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. "Khaled, the puppet didn't malfunction. I made it more aggressive on purpose. You were too relaxed, too comfortable. You need to be pushed to your limits to truly learn." 

Khaled's eyes widened in realization. "You... you controlled it?" 

Sandra nodded. "Yes. I wanted to see how you would handle real danger. You need to understand that in a real fight, there are no breaks, no time to catch your breath. You have to be ready for anything." 

Khaled felt a surge of anger and frustration, but also a grudging respect. Sandra was right. He had been too complacent, thinking he could handle the training without truly pushing himself. 

"I understand," he said quietly, his voice filled with determination. "I won't make that mistake again." 

Sandra's expression softened as she laid her hands on Khaled's side, where the puppet's claws had left deep gashes. Her hands glowed with a gentle, soothing light. Khaled felt a warm, tingling sensation as the healing magic began to work. 

"You did well today," Sandra said softly as she concentrated on his wounds. "Sometimes, we need to face real danger to understand our limits and how to surpass them." 

Khaled watched in awe as his flesh knitted back together, the pain fading into a dull ache before disappearing completely. "Thank you, Sandra," he murmured, grateful for her guidance and support. 

Sandra nodded, her focus unwavering. "Remember, Khaled, Riaf is only the source to use spells you need visualize it, see how it flows and how it affects the world around you." 

Khaled closed his eyes, recalling the spells he had today used. He visualized the delicate dance of Riaf energy, the way it connected him to the puppet and the objects he manipulated. He saw the spells not as mere tools, but as extensions of himself, expressions of his will and control. 

"Thank you, Sandra," he said again, this time with more confidence. "I'll keep practicing. I'll get stronger." 

Sandra finished healing him and stood up, offering her hand to help him up. "I know you will. " 

Hello dear readers,

Randomlurker here! I wanted to give you a heads-up that I've decided to accelerate the pace of the story . As such, today I have updated twice! I hope you enjoy the extra Chapter.

Feel free to dive in and let me know your thoughts on the latest developments. Your feedback is always appreciated!

RandomLurkercreators' thoughts