

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Beyond Aspirant

The rhythmic scratch of Khaled's quill filled the silence of the library, a counterpoint to the flickering candlelight. Nina, her eyelids heavy with fatigue, watched him from across the worn table. Hours had bled into one another as they delved into the magic Arts. 

With a sigh, Nina closed the hefty tome. Its leather cover, worn smooth by countless hands, whispered of the secrets it held within. "Rank 8 Aspirant," she murmured, the title a badge of honor yet a curious itch at the back of her mind. It was a starting point, a foundation to build upon, but it lacked the grandeur, the sheer power, of the ranks described within the book. 

Unlike most Aspirants who gravitated towards the flashy displays of elemental manipulation, Nina felt a pull towards a different path. Healing magic, with its ability to mend wounds and soothe ailments, resonated deeply with her nurturing spirit. Then there was the art of paralysis, a more niche discipline that intrigued her. The ability to temporarily render an opponent immobile held the potential to save lives, offering a non-lethal solution to conflict. 

The Grand Institute of Medina, a magnificent edifice of soaring arches and enchanted windows, housed hundreds of aspiring mages like Nina and Khaled. These students weren't mere scholars; they were acolytes on the precipice of unlocking their true potential. Here, they were not just learning theories, but manipulating Riaf, the raw essence of magic that permeated the world. It was a delicate dance, coaxing tendrils of Riaf into forming rudimentary spells that flickered with nascent power. Graduation from the Institute marked their ascension to the rank of "Conjurer", a title signifying the first true step on the path to mastery. 

A thrill danced down Nina's spine as she envisioned the future. To conjure a gentle warmth to ease a shivering patient, or to mend a broken bone with a touch – that was a power she yearned to wield. But the book spoke of far more. 

Rank 6 "Adepts" formed the backbone of most magical organizations. These versatile workhorses possessed a strong foundation in both Irsal, the art of manipulating the very fabric of reality, and Anasir, the art of wielding the elements. Adepts could be identified by their ornately inscribed wands, each channeling the user's will into focused bursts of magic. Their honed skills in telekinesis allowed them to perform feats like lifting heavy objects with a flick of the wrist, while their mastery over Anasir enabled them to conjure bursts of flame or create localized gusts of wind. Many Adepts served as apprentices to higher-ranked mages, gaining invaluable experience while refining their own abilities. They were the teachers, the advisors, the troubleshooters who kept the magical world running smoothly. 

Adept magic, while powerful, paled in comparison to the mastery wielded by the Hamis Of Rank 5 "Warlocks". These formidable individuals possessed a deep understanding of elemental magic, capable of unleashing spectacular displays of power. They were the backbone of any magical force,a Warlock's rage could manifest as a torrent of fire erupting from their fingertips, or a swirling vortex of wind that could uproot trees and hurl them through the air. The very ground trembled at their command, and the skies crackled with their power. They were the guardians, the storm breakers, the ones who faced down monstrous threats and emerged victorious. 

Nina's breath hitched. To command such destructive force… the responsibility was both exhilarating and terrifying. A world of power awaited beyond Aspirant, a hierarchy that stretched towards unimaginable heights. 

The unique path she had chosen, the blend of healing and paralysis magic, fueled a spark of determination within her. Perhaps, she mused, this unconventional combination held the key to unlocking her true potential and carving her own niche within the magical hierarchy. 

Beyond the Warlocks lay the realm of true mastery. Rank 4 Magus, a title whispered with reverence, demanded a lifetime of dedication. These legendary figures possessed an unmatched control over Riaf. They wielded elemental magic with devastating precision, shaping flames into intricate healing balms or manipulating earth to create fortifications that pulsed with a gentle, restorative magic. Their mastery of rank – Spells s allowed them to mend not just physical wounds, but also soothe fractured minds and broken spirits. Nina envisioned herself as a Magus, a beacon of both healing and tactical prowess, a role that perfectly aligned with her chosen specialties. 

The ranks above Magus became shrouded in mystery. Rank 3 Ascendant Magus remained a realm of whispers and speculation, tales of mages who transcended the boundaries of elemental manipulation. 

Rank 2 Heroes, on the other hand, were a different breed altogether. While immense magical power was often a prerequisite, their rank was more a reflection of loyalty and service to the crown. These chosen few, some wielding restorative magic alongside offensive capabilities, served as protectors, using their skills to mend the wounds of war and bolster the defenses of the realm. 

At the very apex of this magical hierarchy stood the Rank 1 Djinn. These were not mortal beings, but mythical figures whose names were etched in the annals of history as legend. Legends spoke of a Djinn who, with a touch, could mend the very fabric of reality, restoring ravaged landscapes and reversing the flow of time itself. 

Nina closed her eyes, picturing the path ahead. The possibilities were endless, the potential for her unique blend of magic both vast and intriguing. While the road to becoming a Rank 4 Magus, or perhaps even higher, was long and arduous, the thought of wielding such power for good, of being a beacon of healing and restoration, filled her with a renewed sense of purpose and With a determined spark in her eyes, she straightened up. 

She glanced over at Khaled, engrossed in his reading, before her eyes settled on the table where the book lay. A puzzled frown marred Nina's forehead as she read the title. 

"Farid's Magical Odyssey," she muttered under her breath, the name a jarring note in the quiet hum of study. 

"What was that doing here amongst these texts?" It seemed out of place amongst the dense grimoires and intricate diagrams on Riaf Arts. 

*Irsal : Telekinesis

*Anasir spells: Elemental spells

*Tahsin and Sehir : Fortifying and Enchanting Spells

*Challal spell: Paralyzing spell

*Rafik: familiar

*RIAF: Source of energy in the Elginn Wolrd (Mana)

*Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal

I think it's time now to start presenting the world of Elginn in more detail! I'm already on Chapter 15, and with the introduction of the Hami (Mages), I've established a basic ranking system for them in this fantastic world. Buckle up, because we're about to also delve into the Spells system!

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