

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

A day in the academy 03

"Open your books to page ten. Today we're going to uncover what makes and breaks a Rafik summoning ritual." Professor Batta announces, and I push back thoughts about Heni Kabil to the back of my head.

I take out my notebook and start writing down every one of her words and slowly but surely an hour passes and the class ends.

"Khaled!" Batta calls and I stop in my tracks, clearing out my table and standing up to leave the classroom.

"Tomorrow. The assignment." she warns, and I nod sharply.

"Yes Ma'am." I answer, smiling sheepishly and then hurry out to the halls.

Pushing my way through the crowds, I run into a solid chest and feel my blood freeze. In front of me stands Jahith with Samad at his sides. They both look sleep-deprived and exhausted, and when they realize it's me, their faces pale as well. The buzzing conversations and noise of the ongoing students around us suddenly merges with the background as we stand there, the three of us, frozen.

"Khaled. How..." Jahith is the first to speak, his eyes wide as saucers. He steps towards me, and I step back feeling anger rush through me as I remember how they left me to die.

"How could you abandon me?" I snap immediately with fury and Jahith pauses. At his side Samad remains silent, and it only angers me further. The fury seeps into me, filling me, and I feel on the verge of exploding.

"You." I point at Samad, and he snaps up to look at me. The chameleon at his side, jumps and retreats away to hide.

"I heard everything clearly." I continue, "It was your idea! You're the one that insisted on leaving me behind!"

"Khaled, stop it." Jahith starts, but I ignore him and glare daggers at Samad.

"How could you do that to me? I always helped you with assignments and covered your back whenever you needed me, even if we never really got along. But because you were Jahith's cousin, I even accepted you in our Team for the tournament." I snarl at him and the blond stiffens.

"Khaled-" Jahith starts but is cut off by Samad.

"I did what had to be done! I saved us. I'm freaking sure you, out of us all three, would've done the same if put in our place. You were dying!" the blonde yells and I glare at him. "No, you were already dead by then, all that blood...You're not supposed to be alive not to say already back to school. The wound, the beast...What happened? How are you still alive?"

"Don't change the subject." I warn him," You left me without a second glance, your so called friend, defenceless and on the verge of unconsciousness in hopes of delaying that creature! How could you?" I growl, and he steps away from me as I come in closer. My fists clench, and my jaw tightens. Jahith jumps in between us and holds me back by the shoulders.

"You bastard! You fucking disgusting traitor!" I yell at Samad and he retreats further back, a number of students are already forming a circle around us. Some of them cheer for a fight while others look on restlessly unsure if they should call a professor.

"Calm him down Jahith!" Samad screams to his cousin, and the other nods, tightening his grip on my shoulder and I wince.

Blinded with anger and the pain of betrayal, I lash out at Jahith, "And you! You are my best friend, how could you leave me? How could you listen to him?"

I pull at his uniform's collar. "Explain yourself! Give me one fucking good reason to ruthlessly abandon someone like you did me!" I scream and tighten my grip.

My best friend tears himself away from me and pushes me back. I stumble into one of the students but bolt back up again quickly. Jahith glances at me worriedly while Samad curses profanities under his breath.

"Come back here Jahith!" I scream just as I spot Professor Sami Ostedh, my old and favorite professor. Sami Ostedh forces his way through the circle of muttering students with heavy steps. The hallway suddenly hushes and I stand stock still.

"Everyone disperse! Back to your classes!" Sami orders, "Khaled Ben Sakir. How will you explain this behaviour?" he sends me a disappointed look and I feel my anger slowly dissipating and morphing into shame. The students hurry away and I'm left alone in the halls with the Tahsin* and Sehir* professor.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to make a scene or-"

"-This is your fifth warning this year." the Professor cuts me off, voice tired. "And you're only back to second term! This doesn't look good on your student file, and with your issue you'll need all the help you could get from the teachers' counsel at the end of the year.

"I thought we already went over this. You promised you'd steer clear of trouble this semester." he sighs and massages his bald head in frustration. I open my mouth to protest but at the hard look in his eyes I immediately shut up. I feel small under his gaze.

I intertwine my fingers and stare down at my feet. I don't want to talk about this. I should probably apologize quickly and get out of here. I have Riaf History next and Professor Fahim doesn't accept anyone late.

At my prolonged silence, Sami's shoulder's slump. "Khaled," he breathes out, "if you don't tell me anything I can't help you."

My throat tightens and I look down at my feet.

"You have detention tomorrow." Sami announces frustrated."You can go now." he finishes and leaves.

I watch guiltily as the professor hurries down the halls and to the main building's exit. By the time I look back searching for Jahith and Samad, they're already gone. The bastards.


*Hadeya: gift

*Rafik: Familiar

*Inter-Bab: Teleportation portal connecting small neighbouring cities and villages together

*Irsal: Telekinesis

*Toukous: Ritual studies

*Anasir spells: Elemental spells

Hello everybody and sorry for the late updates,i am changing houses this week so i don't have enough time to write chapters :'( so for this 2 weeks i ll upload only 3 chapters per week.i hope you enjoy !.

Thanks for reading and please review! I'm open to all kinds of constructive criticism.

RandomLurkercreators' thoughts