

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

A day in the academy 01

My lips tug into a grin and I hurry up to the elder stone. I make sure to express a heartfelt thank you to everyone that let me through before I jump into the circling of inscripted runes.

I step out of the gate radiating with happiness and I take a moment to glance up at the dwindling crowd of people and the sturdy houses and shops filling Medina. A clock tower stands rigidly a few shops away and I spot the time. It's 8 o'clock.

I jump and hurry down the streets, dashing likes a madman. I only stop to take a breath when I reach the Hami Academy. Impossibly tall white walls surround it, leading up to a pair of gigantic wide extravagant vibrant yellow double doors decorated with metal studs in geometrical shapes.

Inside, I can finally see the old intimidating high stone building of Medina's Hami Academy: It's at least three stories high with a basement. Adhering to the same architecture laws as all traditional state buildings, the academy has a box-like shaped roof, striking white walls and rectangular blue wooden windows. Further back, inside the Academy's grounds, a garden of jasmine lead up to the training hall. The big stone building stands out even from far away with its large copper roof dome.

I hurry towards the wide double wooden doors of the main building's entrance. Squeezing myself inside, I join the mobs of students hurrying through the wide crowded halls. The students squish and knock into each other running to class, most six years standing out with their Rafiks at their sides. The elemental spirits range from small little animal-like creatures to intimidating beasts and humanoid beings. They also add to the uncomfortable suffocation of the crowds.

I fight my way through the masses past the first and second year classes on the first floor and up the stairs. My black slacks click against the polished wooden steps and I quicken my pace. Up at the third floor, there are less crowds and I sigh thankfully. I run up to the cross hall and turn right, only stopping at the third class. Carefully, I peer inside: The classroom is brimming with my classmate's murmurs and conversations.

Luckily, Professor Batta has yet to arrive and I am able to sneak in. Some of my classmates sitting in the front send me disapproving glances as I take a random seat at the first row, but I ignore them. Batta walks in the classroom minutes after. Her Rafik steps beside her, a duck-like thing with razor teeth and evil eyes. I shudder, some Rafiks look majestic, other intimidating but mostly they're just plain weird. Some say that a Rafik's corporal form reflect its caster's soul.

I push back the image of the decaying creature that appeared for me and shut that train of thought down, thrusting it back to some secluded part of my mind.

The old pudgy woman makes her way to the middle of the class with lazy steps, the duck-thing behind her flies-no jumps- up to the table and makes itself comfortable. Batta sweeps over the students with a hard gaze. She notes the absences and scribbles them on the attendance notebook.

"Good morning everyone." she starts," First of all I would like you all to take out your assignments."

Around me, the rustle of paper sounds in the classroom as students pull out 10 inches long assignments. I steal a glance at my right, at my desk mate, Mohsin's paper to read some of it.

'The study of Toukous* mainly revolves around three types of ritual: Banishing rituals, Consecration rituals and summoning rituals. Summoning rituals are complex to cast and encompasses a wide-range of rituals, for example the Rafik summoning ritual-'

Mohsin, his trademark etched frown pulling at his lips, snatches away his paper from under my gaze with furrowed eyebrows. I smile sheepishly at him.

"No need to get so defensive." I tell him jokingly and he grumbles something under his breath and looks away from me. He's probably one of the most unpleasant people I had to sit next to in any of my classes. And they tell me I have temper issues.

Since sixth year started, even the usual slackers did their assignments and brought them on time. The quality of said assignment though is another matter. With the second term starting, playtime is truly over. This is our last year in the Hami Academy and our performances both through the year, in class, and at the graduation test will decide our futures. Everyone is hunting for any additional projects or assignments to get extra-credits. Since I'm very lacking in the practical field I need them more than anyone else to help me boost up my marks.

Mohsin sends his assignment along the other students promptly through Irsel* to the professor's table. I panic slightly and look around wildly to my other desk mate on my left, Maya.

I ask her carefully, "Did she give out the assignment at the end of the first term? I didn't know that we-"

"-Khaled Ben Sakir." Batta cuts me off and I jump, straightening up when I find her standing feet away from me.

She takes me in with hard grey eyes, "Where's your assignment?"

"Um... I was absent that day because of...umm...So. I didn't know about it. I'll make sure to bring it next lesson Ma'am." I answer scratching at my nose and she stares at me with a quirked eyebrow.

"Very well. I don't usually accept that as an excuse, but since this is your first time I will give you another chance. " she nods and notes my name down as a reminder.

Sending one last warning look at me, Batta turns around to the rest of the class room and starts, "As you know though Toukous* is categorized as a branch of Anasir* it's still a main class for Irsal* majors and so it will make an appearance on your graduation test."

Some students groan while others nod pointedly at that, but most already accepted that fact long ago. Toukous is despised by many since it demands both extensive memorization and careful Riaf manipulation when casting. I'm not that fond of it either. I'm not fond of any Anasir categorized branches or spells, for that matter. The reason I chose to enrol in the Irsel* section at the end of the orientation in second year was so I could avoid anything Anasir*. Somehow that didn't work out as much as I hoped it would though.