

Elemon. creatures with lower intellect, but possess elemental power far superior to any beings of the world. Alas can only become a cultivation tool for other beings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that the following synopsis is entirely made out of *SPOILERS* as these are dialogues that will happen in the novel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I don't care what anyone thinks anymore." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Time to pay for your sins!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! WHY IS IT YOU? WHY MUST IT END LIKE THIS? WHY DID YOU FORCE ME TO DO THIS TO YOU?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I'm sorry. But were people from different worlds. If there's a next life, I hope we can be together." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Even if I die today. I will. BRING. YOU. WITH. ME!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My little friend, I'm sorry. I have caused you a lot of suffering. But you won't have to be restricted by me anymore. Goodbye." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I'm *sob*sob*. I'm your *sob* *cough*. *breathe* I'm you're ..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Elemantalist_Z · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 : The Match Ends

Max's blood that was spilled on the floor evaporated into thin crimson thread and was absorbed by the Fiery Blood Sabre. The black and crimson glow from the Fiery Blood Sabre enveloped Max.

The onlookers who were sitting with disappointment were shocked beyond belief. Max, who had looked like had lost all hope for a second, now had become so terrifying.

The most shocked of the development was the elders and grand elder of the elder council, especially elder Loxius. They understood what the glow from Max's eye meant. It meant Max was born with a special body part that allows him to cultivate faster and more efficiently than others.

People like Max are labeled as mutated. Like the Lightning Phyonet, which is considered mutated due to its unnatural elemental nature, every being that was born with some special or abnormal condition is classified as mutated.

People with mutation are regarded highly due to special abilities that come with their mutation. For example, Max's mutated eye gives him the most refined energy control and also acts as a second spirit core.

Some of the onlookers stood up from their seats and left the arena. It was not because the duel was boring, but due to the thick blood lust and murderous intent leaking from Max's body.

Even though there is a force field, and a distance of 500 meters from the viewing area and the platform that Max and Jin were fighting, Max's aura managed to scare away people who had not broken through to the essence transformation stage.

Even Jin took a few steps back due to his fears.

"Little tricks."

Jin sent another barrage of azure slashes towards Max. But this time, Max didn't dodge. Max destroyed all of Jin's slashes with slashes of his own. But he didn't stop there. He sent more slashes aimed at Jin.

Being at the receiving end, Jin panicked as he imitated Max to cut the crimson red slashes came flying towards him. Even though he was successful in cutting the slashes, there were still some that managed to cut him. Jin was screaming as he was still defending from the slashes.

The Crimson red slashes from Max, not only did it cut him, but it also burned his body and wound. But it did not end there for Jin, as he was still defending from the slash, he felt a sharp pain from his left shoulder and he can't feel his left arm. His left arm became completely immobile.

When the barrage of slashes from Max ended. He was shocked to find one of Max's small knife had pierced through his shoulder. When he turned back his attention towards Max, Max was holding the last of his small knife.

Jin was terrified, his body was filled with wounds, bruises, and burn marks. His legs were shaking. If Max threw the small knife in his hand, Jin has no way of dodging or defending from the knife piercing through him.

As he was thinking of declaring defeat, Max threw the knife in his hand. But to his surprise, the knife didn't stab him. The knife was thrown in front of Max. Jin looked at Max with confusion. But Max had an evil smile on his face. Max started to perform a series of hand signs. Jin's heart sunk. Jin looked around himself. Jin panicked.

"I ad…"

As Jin was trying to say something, he became silent and immobile. To be precise, Max made Jin immobile and mute. Jin was inside of a formation. When Max threw his small knives from the beginning of the match it was not aimed Jin, but rather the place Jin was standing.

Jin was now trapped in a square formation created by the four knives surrounding him and one knife that had pierced his shoulder. If Jin had managed to say the full sentence, the force field surrounding them would have opened and protected the person who had admitted defeat. But now, Jin is mute.

Unless the grand elder decides to end the match, Jin's life is at Max's hand. Max slowly walked towards Jin. At the viewing platform, the crowd was extremely surprised by the development. Some were even looking at Max with fear.

Elder Loxius impatiently ran towards the platform that Max and Jin were fighting on. But he was stopped by Kuro Kiba.

"KURO KIBA! If you try to stop me, I will have to attack you. So, Move!"

"Elder Loxius, if you are willing to admit defeat in Jin's stead and agree not to touch Max, we can end this match here."

Elder Loxius snorted. Even if he were to interfere the match will be Max's victory. But he can attack Max and make excuses that it was in a moment of anger. If they were to allow Max to grow, in the future Max will take revenge on them.

"Shadowstump, torn whiplash."

Elder Loxius punched towards Kuro Kiba as his Elemon also lashed its thorn covered vines. Kuro Kiba sighed at elder Loxius's action.

"Hydrapeng, frozen wall."

Kuro Kiba's bracelet glowed and a thread of light flew out from his bracelet and landed in front of Kuro Kiba. Suddenly, a five feet tall wall made from ice erupted from the ground. The whiplash attack and elder Loxius's punch hit the frozen wall.

As elder Loxius was going to make another attack, Jin's voice was heard.


When everyone returned their attention to the platform, Max was walking away from the platform towards Kuro Kiba with the Fiery Blood Sabre in his right hand and the Azure Turantanium Blade on his left hand.

When the onlookers looked at Jin, they were horrified. Jin's right arm was missing. There was even no sign of his hand on the platform. Elder Loxius rushed towards Jin, ignoring Max.

Blood was spilling from Jin's right shoulder. There was only some ash beside Jin. As he was stopping the blood from Jin's amputated shoulder, Max whispered something to Kuro Kiba, and the two started to leave the arena. After confirming that the wound has stopped spilling blood, elder Loxius wanted to chase after Max and Kuro Kiba. But he was stopped by the grand elder.

"Grand elder, you must allow me to punish Max. He has destroyed Jin's arm."

"Elder Loxius, you must speak rationally. If the one who's arm was cut was Max, would you allow Kuro Kiba to attack Jin? If I find out that you are trying to harm them both in anyways. Then you will be stripped of your status and will be punished in public as an example."

Elder Loxius was at lost for words. The grand elder had seen through him. But even so, the grand elder's word meant, if there was no proof it was his doings, it will be okay. The grand elder must also feel endangered by the pair of brothers.

'Max, just you wait. I will get revenge for what you have done to my grandson.'

Hey guys, its Z here. If you like my story, please take a minute to write a comment. if you find any flaws, I'll be more than happy to learn from my mistakes.

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