
Elements Diaries The Saga chapter 1 (The Power Of The Crystals)

five friend find crystals which changes thier life and they go on for a magical and a wonderous journey they enter a magical academy and fight of the villain together as a team

DaoistSdj3sH · Fantaisie
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Element Diaries The Saga chapter 1 (the power of the crystals)



Adam: Ice and electricity


Adam's superpower is his brain he can control people and inanimate objects as well as other elements with his brain


Peter: Earth


Shane: Fire


Kevin: Water


David: Air






There was a tight-knit group of five close friends named Adam, Peter, Shane, and Kevin. These young boys were all in sixth grade, with Adam attending the esteemed Manhattan National School. Despite his exceptional academic skills, Adam was quite introverted and preferred to keep to himself. However, this did not deter the atrocious bully, Matt, from targeting Adam as his easy prey. Fortunately, his loyal friends were always there to support him, and when David finally stood up to Matt and put an end to his bullying, Adam felt grateful for having such outstanding friends.


As the holiday season approached, Shane's father planned a camping trip to immerse the children in the breathtaking beauty of nature. On a particularly hot and sunny day, while the boys were busy setting up their tent, an unexpected situation arose. Shane, known for his laziness, suggested taking a break to cool off and take a break. However, Peter, with an ardent passion for nature, was eager to explore the surrounding area and capture stunning photographs of the serene scenery and beautiful flora and fauna like birds. They ventured around and stumbled upon a mysterious and ancient cave, which immediately intrigued them. The cave's curious and intriguing appearance was enough to grab their attention, and they decided to investigate further. The cave's entrance was dark and foreboding, but the boys were determined to uncover its secrets. As they entered, the air grew colder and damper, and they could hear the sound of dripping water echoing through the caverns. The walls were rocky and jagged, with eerie shadows cast by their flashlights. Despite their fears, they pressed on, drawn deeper into the cave by the mystery that lay ahead.


The cave had a musty smell, like wet rock and earth. As they ventured into the cave, everything was dark it was unclear what spurred their curiosity or drew them in. Inside, they noticed curious symbols etched onto the walls. Shane asked about their meaning, and Adam explained that they represented elemental symbols for nature, such as air, water, fire, electricity, light, earth, ice, and brain. Each of them selected their favorite because it was unclear what spurred their curiosity or drew them in. Inside, they noticed curious symbols etched onto the walls. Shane asked about their meaning, and Adam explained that they represented elemental symbols for nature, such as air, water, fire, electricity, light, earth, ice, and brain. they saw the crystals in a cup and walked up to the pillar where the cup was suddenly a group of animals came from nowhere and they looked furious the friends were scared there was a wolf, a shark, an elephant, a phoenix, a falcon, and a dragon but suddenly they came closer and looked less furious and they backed off and welcomed them. the friends also felt a sense of welcome towards them and a bond between them. so they walked to the pillar where the cup was without any obstacles. Each of them selected their favorite colors: Adam chose the three-colored gems, Kevin chose blue, Shane chose red, Peter chose Green, and David chose purple, as they touched it The boys could feel the gems within the vessel when they touched they could feel the elemental power already. They could feel the power of each color, already fighting to control them. it was like the crystals attracted them and David chose purple. and then they looked back and the animals just disappeared the friends felt strange!

Suddenly, they heard Shane's father calling out for them, so they abandoned the crystals and headed towards the voice. Unbeknownst to them, the power of the gems had already begun to flow through their bodies.

The following day, after school at Adam's house, he and his friends received a mysterious message in the mail addressed to him.


Dear Parent/Guardian,


We kindly request that your child attend Magical Academy, starting on Monday. A car will be provided on Sunday at 8:00 AM to purchase necessary supplies to ensure they are fully prepared. Your child is a special individual with a unique gift and has been chosen to attend the academy. We are confident that they will thrive in this environment and make the most of their exceptional abilities.


please confirm your agreement


Magical Academy Administration


thank you


best regards


Adam was thrilled to share a surprising letter with his parents. They offered to sign it to experience it, and he eagerly expressed his desire. His parents agreed to sign, which made him grateful. The same letter was also shared with Shane, Peter, Kevin, and David. Later that evening,


Peter invited everyone to his house at


8:00 p.m. to discuss something important. He asked if they had all received the mysterious letter and if they were planning to attend. Adam confirmed that his parents agreed, and everyone else said their parents also approved.


At 8:00 p.m., they all went to their respective houses.


On Sunday at 8:00 a.m., Brafilus arrived promptly at Adam's doorstep as promised. Adam joined his friends in the car where Brafilus was already waiting. Their destination was Maji-Mart, a fantastic store in Manhattan where they bought books, stationery, and even a pet. Brafilus explained that the pet was only allowed until year 2, after which animals could be kept in their dorms. Kevin had a fish, David had a cat, Adam had an owl, Shane had a bird, and Peter had a dog. As it grew late, Brafilus suggested that the children head home for the following day to get a good night's sleep.


The next day, Adam bid farewell to his parents and hopped onto a waiting bus. Brafilus, their newly assigned student guide, led them to a wondrous wall that only magical beings could pass through. Once they passed through the wall, they found a cozy spot on the train with A soft cushion and luxurious seat. Brafilus stayed with them throughout the journey, explaining how they could acquire magical powers by selecting crystals. Each member of the group showcased their magic, and Brafilus praised their abilities. He advised them to remain calm and keep their emotions in check, as their powers were influenced by their emotional states. Suddenly, Adam noticed something peculiar like the world around him was changing. He can see the strange wall in the distance, glistening from the sun's rays. It looks like it's made of glass When they opened their eyes, a gigantic barrier called the magic wall blocked their view and surrounded everything. Its surface was a blaze of colors, the colors shifted and changed at a pace too fast to follow, as if it was raining colors. Adam asked Brafilus for an explanation. Brafilus responded, "Oh, that's the magic portal. Only magical beings can see it, which means we're no longer in the human world."


After a long journey, Adam and his friends found themselves in a forest. The forest was green and filled with all kinds of bushes and trees Some were very large. The air smelled nice and fresh, and it almost seemed like the forest was alive The forest was cool and wet. It felt like there was a drizzle falling from the sky. This also made the ground wet and slippery. Some of the trees had even grown little flowers that were in bloom. They were a bit disappointed, and Shane asked if this was where they were going to study because they were in the middle of nowhere. Brafilus sarcastically replied, "Yes, sure!" Shane made a face, but Brafilus quickly reassured them that they were not going to study in the forest. Instead, he created another portal which was the key to the magic academy. Only good, positive, and magical people could go through it. when the new students entered Adam and his friends were amazed


The school resembled a grand palace, An elegant castle spanned with colorful flags that blew in the wind, the school's circular design let the sunshine on it, and the school was surrounded by trees and puddles. There were a lot of benches and a huge waterfall. A cool breeze filled with the sound of chirping birds and splashing water from the fountain. The bird's chirping was like a conversation and the water's splash was like a drop of rain. The birds are singing, the stream is flowing. The water is going down the waterfall. There were many flowers and benches. There was every color in the world. with stunning gardens, benches, and a waterfall surrounded by birds and animals. Upon entering, they discovered six houses and clubs, with a magical school in between offering various classes such as potions, spells, sports, history, weapon making, computer science, and music they had 2 labs and one library. However, one of the houses stood out as it was colored in three shades. When Adam inquired about it, he was told that the house was designed for special children with electricity, ice, and brains. so they entered the school


In the main hall, all the students showcased their abilities to the judges and house leaders. Based on their skills, they would be assigned to their respective houses. Many students displayed exceptional talents, and finally, it was Adam and his friends' turn. Initially, Shane created a fiery ball, followed by Kevin, who made a waterfall. Then, Peter crafted beautiful flowers, and Adam sculpted an ice statue, which he moved around. David conjured a strong wind that blew everything away. The judges and house leaders were in awe as they watched the display of skills from Adam and his friends. They had never seen such powerful magic before, especially from such young students. The ice statue that Adam had created was unlike any other, with intricate details and a lifelike quality that left the judges speechless. The judges were impressed by the group's display of elemental magic. They had seen many students throughout





The dining room was like a castle hall. It was adorned with candles and a fireplace, whose flames danced as big as a man, and the table was long enough to seat a hundred. The other students were dressed in suits and robes. The seats were cushioned, and the table was smooth. The hall was full of students. Some wore different colored robes, and Adam noticed some unfamiliar students. He asked Brafilus who they were, and Brafilus informed him that they were old students in year 2 to year 7, while Adam and his peers were in year 1. The principal then gave a lengthy speech about the new academic year, after which the students were sorted into their respective houses. Shane's name was announced, and he went up on stage, followed by Peter, Kevin, Adam, and David. Shane joined the firehouse, while Adam was assigned to the three-elemental house Ice, Brain, and Electric. Peter joined the earth house, Kevin the water house, and David the air house. The principal announced that students could join clubs based on their interests starting tomorrow, but they still needed to study all subjects in their respective classes. Finally, the principal dismissed the students to enjoy their dinner and retire to their respective houses for the night.


On the following day, Ms. Olivia Wilson taught the first lesson which focused on history. The topic covered the wars of the magic kingdoms from year 1 to year 7, with this year's focus being on the introduction of magic kingdoms. The learning objective was to understand who started the war, what the reasons were, and how they overcame it. During the lesson, the teacher explained the dark past of the magic kingdom, the dark kingdom, and the good kingdom. It was revealed that there was once a truce between the kingdoms, but the dark kingdom's king, Luther, was immortal, evil, and power-hungry. While the teacher was explaining, Adam remembered something like a flashback where a person was fighting in a lab everything was in chaos and there was a lot of destruction happening in the lab and suddenly he snapped out of it when he heard the teacher's voice. The teacher then instructed the students to take down some notes. The headmaster announced that these students "Adam, Shane, Peter, Kevin, and David so the teacher excused them

At the headmaster's office, The Headmaster told the friends that "You might be having a lot of questions in your head, for example, why am I here" then the headmaster said "You are here because first of all of your past is linked with Adam your ancestor he was working at a secret project in a lab which was very confidential but he didn't know that who he was making that gems were for an evil person his boss was an evil and a cruel man who wanted that chemical for world domination. one day Adam's ancestor was going to his boss to submit the daily report on the project but . he heard him making plans for world domination and what he was going to do with the chemical so he went back to the lab to hatch a plan with his friends to steal the crystals but his boss came to ask about the daily report and saw them stealing the gems in a bag then he called the guard and chaos started and some other chemicals spilled on the white crystals that's why Adam had three powers and the ancestor and his friend went to a hiding place where a small lab was he upgraded the crystals in a different form but the ancestor's boss called war and they fought in it and died Adam asked the why didn't my parents tell me about this The headmaster told "because they were forgotten but the crystals will find you because you already unlocked the first set of crystals and the other crystals will be unlocked by time you unlocked this crystals because of destiny fate and your qualities that's why the crystals chose you" the bell rang and it was time for spells class the headmaster told "you are dismissed you cna go back to your class"


At the eighth lesson, Adam and his friends' class teacher handed out the club sheet. They were allowed to choose only two clubs, so they had to tick or circle the clubs they were interested in.






A) computer science B) portions E) sports


F) spells G)weapon-making


h) Music




It was break time so the children were very excited The children ate their lunch with the same enthusiasm they had for the club sheet. Some children were anyway.


Adam opted for portions and computer science, and their club name was The Angels of Portions, while the other club was named Super Tech while Kevin chose weapon-making. The club was named Legendary Creators. Peter and Shane selected sports, and their club was named Football Athletes their class teacher Ms. Pamela Anderson announced that those who selected two clubs would have the option to attend the first club for the first week and the other club for the next week, and so on. It's up to you to decide which club you want to attend first, Ms. Pamela said and they learned spells in that class after they were dismissed they were really tired but something else happened Brafilus got a bad feeling As he thought that something terrible might happen and worrying, the vice principal Ms. Samantha arrived and called Brafilus to the headmaster's office.


In the headmaster's office, a conference was taking place. Brafilus asked, "What is all this commotion?" The headmaster replied, "Dismissed." Brafilus inquired, "Why are all the kings of the magic kingdom here?" The headmaster responded, "I need to talk to you about something important, Brafilus." Brafilus asked, "Please tell me, Headmaster." The headmaster then revealed, "Luther is awake." Brafilus questioned, "Who is Luther?" The headmaster clarified, "Luther is the evil and dark king." Brafilus exclaimed, "Oh no!" The headmaster declared, "The prophecy/legend is completed. The new students, Adam, Shane, Kevin, Peter, and David, are chosen." Brafilus asked The headmaster advised against it as it may make them feel unsafe. about Brafilus Brafilus then said please tell me, "I wonder what happened to the other crystals? the headmaster said There were supposed to be six crystals, but we only found five. Where is the sixth? brafilus said Anyways Should I warn Adam, Shane, Kevin, Peter, and David?" The headmaster replied, "No, they will feel unsafe."


There is a kingdom called the Dark Kingdom of Luther that exists outside the good kingdom and is deserted. The king of the Dark Kingdom, Luther, has recently awoken and is sitting on his throne while peering into a crystal ball. At the ball, he sees a man named Adam who possesses the immense power that Luther desires to acquire. Additionally, Luther desires to acquire other elements to dominate both the good and bad kingdoms, as well as Earth. To achieve this goal, he plans to lure students into his trap. However, there is a barrier between the good and dark kingdoms created by the other kings, and only the chosen ones can bring it down. Luther laughs wickedly, confident that the chosen ones won't even know what hit them.


the next morning at breakfast in the main hall the headmaster introduced a new kid called Nicholas he had superpowers instead of elements he had hypnosis powers they started murmuring the principal said he'd be joining Adam's group meant the brain and ice house Brafilus and Samantha noticed something the headmaster's eyes were green they thought that they were being delusional but little did they know this was all Luther's plan he sent Nicholas and the headmaster brought down the gate and let Nicholas enter the school


in Nicholas's room, Luther speaks to Nicholas" Hypnotize Adam and command him to fight with his friends" we have to break them apart only then you can lure him into the Dark forest we will kill him and obtain his power but someone was hearing their conversation it was peter he went to warn Adam but Luther teleported him faster


in the headmaster's office, Nicholas already hypnotized the headmaster he told him to give the keys to Adam's room


When Adam was doing homework someone knocked on the door it was Nicholas while he was coming to the door he sat on the bed looking into his eyes and he used his green breath it was hypnotizing turns out he had the superpower of hypnosis and he left the room


the next day Adam introduced Nicholas to His friends he told Nicholas please meet my very caring friends Adam's friends felt a little suspicious as from grade 1 no one talked to him since he moved from Los Angeles to Manhattan in grade 1 Adam showed Nicholas around no one was talking to Nicholas in the break so Adam joined Nicolas during break Nicholas told "I don't like your friends leave them" Adam said "ok" Adam's friends wondered were Adam was and they found Adam sitting on a bench with Nicholas they tried to join Adam but Adam said go away I want to be with Nicholas alone so they want Peter said this is not Adam's behavior the friends were obviously shocked by their friend Adam's unfamiliar behavior on the last lesson it was history class they were learning about the establishment of heroes it turns out that the old king made 2 division of heroes the first group was elemental heroes the second were superheroes which had superpowers which was based on one single thing the teacher then gave them some notes to write after that boring class was over they went to their rooms


Nicholas purposefully called Adam's friends and went into his room he went to talk with Luther in the balcony after five minutes and purposefully opened the door so they could hear their conversation where Luther discussed his evil plans when Nicholas came out of the balcony Peter said we are leaving now Nicholas said ok he told to Luther our plan has been succeeded then Luther said let's move onto our final phase the friends went to Adam to warn him but Adam didn't listen to a thing instead he told we are not friends anymore well then peter said we will leave now let's go, boys, then they went but peter said to the boys we have to save Adam this is not Adam I think Nicholas put him under a spell with his hypnotizing power I heard while Luther and Nicholas were talking that they will lead Adam into the dark forest where he will make Adam do evil things


David found how we can break this curse by hurting the doer in the eyes in this case Nicholas is the doer and Adam is the victim Kevin said "If I'm right we need to hit Nicholas in the eyes right "Yes" Kevin said let's go to the forbidden forest what are we waiting for the friend's let's go come on let's get going to the dark forest they were at their


at 8:00 the time when it all started we needed to head to the library said" They searched for books on hypnosis


secretly Brafilus hearing all of this said I need to give them something I knew this day would come he picked up some devices they were called the elenizers the kings who found the magic kingdom and the school handed them to Brafilus.



He went to his computer science teacher Ms.Natalie to modify it and to add some speakers and apps so he could communicate with the team Ms.Natalie modified it, and then she gave him some speakers and a watch with all the apps that were in the elenizers which were also connected to the elenizers



Nicholas went to Adam's room and told him to come with me to the Dark Forest



In the dark forest Luther was standing there he said come join me and we will rule the world suddenly the friends came in and Shane shot a fire blast at Nicholas and hit him right in the eye Nicholas's eyes were burning he yelled "My eyes my eyes!" here Adam was broken from Nicholas's curse Luther had all the powers including healing so he healed Nicholas's eyes he tried to hypnotize but failed since David had air element so he threw him and Luther tried to hurt Adam moving on plan B but Peter created a wall from earth Adam said let's finish this


Ms. Natalie teleported pollenizers with a chit from Brafilus


in no time the friends got it it was written "Dear students wear these on your wrists and your new name is Elemental Warriors and say summon crystals and crystals will appear on your hands insert theme into these devices called elenizers" So they did the same and they did the same and suddenly they go some fancy costumes Adam said these costumes and the elenizers are so outdated Adam froze Luther and the broke the ice into million pieces with Luther in it and they learned from this year that they possessed some magical abilities and they pledged to learn about these abilities and take responsibility for them by protecting their abilities from the ones who try to steal it and to stay together forever


after that, they all went to the academy and told the headmaster all of this the headmaster told them that he already knew and apologized for his misguidance the students eventually forgave him and they all lived happily together



—— the end———-