
Elementless Magician

In the mystical realm no longer protected by the Great Mage Merlin, Abel Kaid grapples with an unforeseen destiny. Branded as an Elementless Magician in a world where magic is paramount, Abel finds himself in the adventure of his life. Will Abel defy the shadows that threaten to engulf him or will he become another soul lost to the horrors of history? Join Abel on a journey where the pursuit of one's place in a magical dynasty unveils the true enchantment that lies in the void of elements!

Nimble_Penguin · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


In the enchanting realm of Eurion, where celestial wonders adorned the sky, three continents formed a captivating triangle within a vast expanse. Rheastra's rugged landscapes, Calypsonis's spiritual balance, and Ayealon's arcane legacy composed the symphony of this extraordinary world.

Protecting the eastern border of Ayealon lay the Kaid residence. The Kaid family, known for their mastery of water magic, had been a bastion of arcane power for centuries. But this day was unlike any other in their storied history.

As the sun bathed the grand estate in a soft, golden glow, a hushed anticipation settled over the household. The air was pregnant with magic, and the world seemed to hold its breath.

In a chamber drenched in morning light, Emelina Kaid, the matriarch, lay upon an embroidered silk bed. Her face, a delicate blend of pain and determination, spoke of a woman about to bring forth a rare occurrence in Eurion—twins, identical in every way, destined for greatness and echoing the family's unique legacy.

Just as the anticipation in the room reached its zenith, reality itself quivered with an electrifying crackle, sending ripples through every stone and beam.

A voice rang forth.

"Greetings, one and all. Let not fear take hold, for I have woven enchantments to transmit a dire proclamation through the ether to all corners of the world."

Amidst the throes of childbirth, Emelina cast a fleeting gaze to her sides, seeking the source of the voice.

The matriarch's attendants exchanged frantic glances, their expressions a mix of bewilderment. Their wide-eyed looks didn't convey worry or concern; instead, they wore an air of sheer astonishment, as if Emelina had somehow glimpsed into their very thoughts. 

The voice continued. "My name is Merlin… and I am not long for this world," Merlin's words echoed within their consciousness. "Screams heard across realms tell of my fading presence. The world teeters upon a precipice."

The message sent shivers down their spines, a portentous weight in the air, foreboding and unsettling. This was unmistakably the voice of Merlin, Ayealon's strongest magician, invading their subconsciousness.

"As I depart," Merlin's voice full of conviction, "I entrust the mantle of 'The World's Strongest' to a successor, forged in the crucible of destiny. My legacy and my reward, a trio of trials, awaits the worthy who is being born as I speak. To you, born under this celestial alignment, I grant my inheritance."

"To this successor," Merlin's urgency deepened, "I have glimpsed a dark future. Only you can halt the encroaching malevolence, the looming specter of darkness in two decades' time. Ascend, or the world as we know it shall falter. Elevate the realm of magic, surpass my legacy, and become the true 'World's Strongest.'"

With those words, the burden of an age-old prophecy settled upon the newborns' shoulders, and they unknowingly embarked on a path that would define the course of magic and destiny for years to come.

The gazes of all present, including Emelina, could only look at the newborn infants in the matriarch's embrace. The message was clear.

In the room adjacent to this, one could find a dimly lit study of the family's patriarch: Jairo Kaid. 

The soft candlelight flickered as he muttered to himself, his voice measured and tinged with ambition. 

"These twins," he mused, "fulfilling Merlin's prophecy could solidify our family's stature in the arcane hierarchy."

As the newborns' cries echoed through the halls, Jairo's murmurs fell silent.

"Lucius." intoned the patriarch, his voice deliberate and commanding. In response, a figure materialized from the shadows.

"Prepare a message to the council," he instructed. "Inform them that the heirs have arrived, and our family stands ready to claim the legacy."

Thanks for reading the prologue! Because I'm working, I don't have a lot of time to update this with chapters. I will be adding chapters (shooting for at least weekly or bi-weekly) so stay tuned. Thank you for your support.

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