
Trip or punishment?

As Aria watched Professor Iris fight she noticed one more thing. Hardly any of the students got hurt and those that did, their injuries were not serious. Professor Iris, in contrast to Professor Thomas, fought with a cool head and rarely ever gave in to her instincts. "Well, it's just as well that she doesn't have to deal with students like me, or Joseph or Silver, who would draw out the sensation to fight in anyone." Aria thought to herself as the fight progressed.

Jacob was fighting greatly as he dodged Professor's attacks. But they were too much and he had to divert his attention to blocking. As soon as he did, his offence became weak and very soon Professor Iris overpowered him.

The fight came to and end and Aira was suddenly horrified by how late it had gotten. She rushed at once to where Helen was standing and said as she clasped her hands, "Hey Helen. Tell Jacob he fought magnificently. I would love to fight him sometime. And I'm so sorry!!!!! I won't be able to watch your fight."

Helen was perplexed, "Your fight happened yesterday right? Where are you off to?"

Aria: "I have chores to do for punishment. And am very late. I'll see you whenever I get off."

Saying this Aria ran off towards the castle. She caught Jacob's eye and gave him a thumbs-up with a brilliant smile as he reached a very guilty looking Helen.

Aria darted towards the kitchens and rushed in through the door. She stood panting inside and said, "I'm... I'm here...sorry I'm late...."

A very kind looking woman came towards her and stood with her hands on her hips, "I was told you would be coming today. What did you do now?"

Aria smiled, "Hey Mary! Oh you know, the usual. What should I do? And my word!! Is that Ella that looks do pretty!!"

A little girl came bouncing and greeted Aria with a smile, "Hey big sis. What are you in here for now? Trip or punishment?"

Aria: "..."

Mary laughed and said, "You see Aria. You are so well known, the only thing not known is whether you came for punishment or a trip."

Ella nodded as she held onto Aria's dress, "Big sis, you're looking so pretty today!!! Wait, that's not right, you look very pretty everyday!!"

Aria chuckled and kneeled down, "So do you my little princess. Now, I don't have time to play around today."

"Means you're here due to punishment today!!" Ella exclaimed as she played with Aria's long hair and said in a dreamy voice, "Say mom? Can't I grow my hair as long as big sis?"

Aria picked up the girl in her arms and stood up. She said, "You know what? If you will be a good girl I'll tell you the secret of such long hair sometime."

"Really!?!?" Ella exclaimed as she jumped down from Aria's arms and ran away.

Mary turned laughing to Aria, "That kid is very fond of you."

"And I'm very fond of her. Oh hello, Mr. Josh." Aria greeted a stout, mousy coloured man who had walked over.

"Hello Aria. Another punishment today?" He asked with a fatherly smile.

Aria let out a smile, "Guilty. Say Mary, what should I do?" She asked, turning to Mary.

"Oh go and help Susan over there. She would be happy to have you." Mary waved her hand towards a girl just a little older than Helen.