
Helen is envious!?!?!?!?!?!

As it turned out, Aria's decision to not chase after Helen proved absolutely correct.

Helen was obviously not in a state to properly talk as she continued to clench and unclench her hands all the way up the West tower to Helen's room. Jacob could tell that she was feeling guilty about talking to Aria that way, but there was something else on her mind that he did not know.

As Helen went in her room, Jacob spoke up after a lot of deliberation, "Why did you do it?"

Helen fumbled around as she asked, "Do what?"

Jacob walked forward and helped Helen light a lamp and hung it on a wall, "Why did you talk to Aria that way?" he asked again.

"Tall like what? I'm just tired and want to get some rest." Helen was still intent on acting oblivious.

Jacob sighed in defeat, "I know you feel guilty. And you should, friends don't talk to each other that way. I just want to know why you did that."

Helen sat on her bed, "Why are you so nosy today? Are you that worried about Aria?"

Jacob crossed his arms, "You would be too. If you saw how hurt she was when you left like that."

Helen scoffed, "Of course. You're worried about her. And yes. I did not see her expression. Because that's what I do!! I don't see!! And Aria does!!!"

Seeing her getting angry, Jacob walked over and knelt on the floor, "What happened today Helen? Why are you acting this way?"

Helen turned her face away, "Why are you asking me that? Haven't you heard of the fabulous Aria acing the exam?"

Jacob frowned, "As a matter of fact I did not hear that. That was why I asked both of you how your exam went, and you ignored me."

Helen immediately felt guilty as she remembered her behaviour. She had actually been rude to a lot of people tonight other than Aria.

Helen sighed as her hands fell on her lap, "I don't know. I'm just....so envious of Aria. She.....she has everything. She's so beautiful. There's no one that can match her bending talent. She's happy all the time like a sun and....and.....she can see too."

The last end of the sentence came out in a whisper but Jacob caught that.

Jacob spoke in a sad voice, which made Helen look up, "You really think Aria has everything? Her life is a bed of roses?"

To his surprise, Helen nodded.

Jacob frowned, "Has she never told you anything about her life before coming to the academy?"

Helen tilted her head, "I know it was nothing special, but she's been happy. Even if she is from a small village, it doesn't change the fact that she shines like the sun."

Jacob sighed, "Can you think of any explanation of why someone from such a small village would have such talent for bending and would be able to bend three elements on top of that?"

Helen hung her head upon hearing that. She had never really paid much thought to Aria's past.

Jacob gazed at Helen's beautiful face for some minutes before he spoke.