
Harper snaps

Joseph chuckled hearing her reaction, "Don't tell me you are that averse to attention. Not after all the attention you get."

Aria pouted, "Just because I'm always the centre of attraction, doesn't mean I love it."

Joseph pursued his lips, trying to suppress the laughter, "Don't worry. I heard Professor Iris talking to Miss Anhao, telling her everything and that you would probably drop by with that one. I don't think everyone knows."

Aria breathed a sigh of relief as Miss Anhao led Harper towards them and made her sit on the bed beside Joseph. Then, turning to Aria, she said, "She's basically fine. Just seems a bit shaken up."

Aria nodded and turned towards Harper, who was downing a glass of something with a scrunched up nose.

Aria smiled, "I think Harper hates whatever you've given her. Could you bring a cup of hot chocolate? It compensates for everything."

Miss Anhao pinched Aria's cheek, "A nice way to get a cup yourself. I'll be back in a minute."

And she walked away with a motherly smile on her face.

"So, when are you being discharged?" Aria asked Joseph.

Joseph scratched his chin, "I basically feel fine. I'm glad Professor Thomas had mercy and went easy on me. Miss Anhao will probably let me go after lunch."

Aria nodded. They both remembered last night and Aria's promise to meet as soon as Joseph was discharged, but they said nothing as Aria had a glass slam on the bedside table behind her.

Aria turned her chair and said, "How are you feeling Harper? Well enough to move about?"

Harper frowned but said nothing.

Aria instantly became worried, "What's wrong? Miss Anhao said you were fine. Should I call her back for a check-up?" She began to hover over Harper.

Harper stared at Aria for a long time before she suddenly snapped, "You can drop the good guy act, you know. No one's here."

Aria froze in her steps and stared at Harper, who looked behind her to a frowning Joseph and said, "Well your friend is, but I'm pretty sure he would prefer you to be a damsel in distress so that he can be the knight in shining armour."

Joseph turned to look at Aria. He knew she hated people butting in her business, but the way this girl was talking. Just after Aria had saved her from such a disaster too!!

But Joseph was surprised to see a resigned look on Aria's face. Was she giving up? That was very unlike Aria.

Harper continued to ramble on and Joseph's frown grew deeper, not because he was hurt by what Harper was saying, because he was very surprised by how sad Aria looked.

Aria waited until Harper was finished. As she stopped for breath, panting, Aria spoke, "You know Harper, you really remind me of someone. We were very good friends, but one day she snapped at me, I'm still not sure why. That was the last day I saw her."

Aria stopped, looking very sad. So sad that Harper forgot what she was about to say and stared at Aria, wondering what had this girl gone through to be able to look so sad.