
In Zahra

When Cygnus returned he saw Janus with two large horses, one was dark brown with a black mane and the other was caramel colored with a light brown mane, both were equipped for what appeared to be a long journey.

Talia went to the bazaar for a moment to buy some things necessary for the trip – said Jano when he saw Cygnus arrive.

Sure – said Cygnus – here I brought some things, I'll put them in the saddlebags.

Jano stared in silence at Cygnus, he didn't know how to ask him about the meeting with his parents, something had changed in Cygnus, but Jano didn't know what it was.

How did it go with your parents? – Cygnus and Jano suddenly heard, startled at the sudden break of silence.

The oracle was right – said Cygnus in a low voice – I was born in another place, although I arrived as a baby, it is a long story, I prefer not to talk for now.

We are with you for whatever you need – Talia said, lightly touching Cygnus's shoulder.