
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

War 6

War 6

Caster Seat

The majestic blue skies and the blinding luminous light of the sun mingled by a ray of hope is gallantly blending in the luxurious way of life inside the academy.

"Wow!" My mouth went dropped as I take my sluggish steps inside with awe and unmistakably bliss. The astounding melodramatic world inside is evidently affluent. The anomalous magic resides the academy embraces my skin with a shivering sensation.

I skimmed my eyes in agape, indulging the seemingly phantasmal dimension which I couldn't believed is real!

At the midway, there, a monumental fountain is impressive with its regal and picturesque design appeared before our sight. Ysio sprang out from behind, busy watching the spectacle inside of the academy. I stare at the stupendous infrastructures, trees, flowers, and statues. I can't hide the amusement on my expression right now.

The lively discordance of the seemingly boundless horizon is positively affecting my mood. Some casters are staring at us, wondering about our sudden presence here.


"Welcome again to Ethereal Academy!" Renan made sure to emphasize each of those words. He unfolds his arms wide open. He shifted his head towards us and maneuvered his index finger to follow him. Moving our head in excitement, we followed him decisively.

As we parade at the green field, I realized that the vividly dominant field is the center of the academy. The endless alluring expanse is rained by sharp green grass. The sparkling interspersed flowers and bushes is refreshing to my eyes, and so the firm and colossal trees. I do really love the beautiful scenery of nature thus flutters my heart so bad. Gaggle of casters are playing at the field, some are practicing their power, and some are proudly presenting the grimoire and sword they possessed.

Their grimoire and sword... I suddenly felt... envy. I shook my head to disregard my abrupt change of emotion, tossing that thought away from my mind for a while.

The indomitable buildings are erected grandiosely, surrounding the vast field with its galvanizing well-refined architectural designs. However, it isn't the end of the academy for the truth is yet to be revealed. Basing everything for what my eyes saw, there's a gigantic realm behind which means, there's also life in that place. Realm which is bigger than any other buildings in this courtyard, is very interesting!

It is indeed, a very good idea to walk into the middle of the field because it offers a wider describable picture of the horizon. I'm smiling the whole time and my heart is ramming inside of me.

We decided to march to the nearest bench underneath the tree and take our seats. I allowed myself to appreciate the beautiful day. I gently blinked my eyes, inhaling the fresh and aromatic scent of the air. The green grass is gracefully dancing along the wind and the sound of the clashing branches of trees above is such a mesmerizing impression.

"There, on that building is where you're going." I glance at Renan's way and saw him pointing his finger towards the ostentatious fortress at left side. He continues. "Since both of you are new students, you are classified as unranked caster." The ends of his lips rose as he explain the unranked-thingy. I furrowed my eyebrows and recline myself behind before I asked some imperative questions.

"What do you mean by unranked?" I inquired. I'm kind of curious about the academy's ranking system. Way back before in our kingdom, there's no such thing as rank because my father believes that everyone is equal. Though, I beg to differ from what he's believed in. Maybe, that was also the reason why our kingdom is unsubstantial. We lacked of upperclass casters to defend our home for my father failed to trained mighty and powerful knights.

Also, I wanted to understand their way of life and standards so we will be informed and knowledgable enough to help our growth.

"Unranked means that you aren't classified as a caster yet. Although we are all casters, you are label as unranked because you're new and you haven't passed the evaluation yet. Here at the Ethereal Academy, everything depends on your battle potentials. If you wanted to survive, if you wanted to be strong, and if you wanted to improved and surpass your current level, you must know how to fit yourselves in. In other words, you needed to manifest the skills you possessed and prove yourself to be worthy of the titles and in order for you to advance." He smile genuinely as he answered my question. So this is what the King said earlier. Motioning our heads affirmably like we do understood his lectures, we followed up another question.

"So is this what Magus and Dyo means?" Ysio asked the question.

"Yes, Magus is one classifications in the ranking system. The hierarchy is divided into four progressing levels." He fixed his ruffled hair and crumpled robe as he continued.

"The first level is Magus. Magus is usually the starting point of every ranked casters. After you passed the evaluation, you'll be promoted as one of the Magus." He motioned his body, facing the both of us. He looked at me intently like he is reading my every thought. I equaled at him as I ask more question.

"And what about the three other ranks?" I squinted my eyes towards him. He gasp imperceptibly as he proceed. His jaw clenched while furrowing his eyebrows in a manner I couldn't fathom. His frown expression is ricocheting towards the group of casters. His drastic change of emotion is kind of... perturbing. It opted me to follow his gaze and it made me think, why is he being hesitant on answering my inquiry?

This time, he unleashed a bellowing growl inside of his throat and he continues his explanation.

"As I said, Magus is the common rank that everyone in the academy has. To be honest, the remaining levels are quite... disturbing to know, because for the way to obtain them... is very, difficult and... dangerous." I gulped the lump inside of my throat. I felt my sweats running downwards from my forehead. I wiped them off as I asked another series of questions to fill the curiosity of my mind.

"Okay, just tell me, I don't care." He stared at me intently. His purple blended by silver colored eyes drifted towards mine. Abruptly, he burst into laughters and it lapse rapidly anyway. He gazed at me seriously this time.

"I knew it that you will be insisting yourself to gather such interesting and mind-boggling informations. Rest assured, I'll elaborate everything to be clear and specific." He smirked at me. Ysio also listened carefully. His depth green eyes are so captivating and shimmering, you know.

"Okay, I will start explaining the second level. The next level of the hierarchy is... Sage. In order for you to advance to this specific and peculiar rank..." he paused. Ugh, his pauses are so anti-climactic. I punched his shoulder softly. He chuckled.

"Okay, okay." He sweep his hands on the part where I landed my fist. He keeps on cackling and I find it annoying. I glared at him and he cease himself.

"In order for you to obtained that title... you are required to defeat hundreds... no, thousands of casters in the realm... by invitation or by force." He paused, shaking his head like he couldn't believe that he was just explaining this things to us. He continues.

"When I said defeat, it's not as simply as you think like the opponent should just forfeited itself out of the battle... because no. Defeat... I mean, you needed... to kill them." His last words bring set of turmoil in my mind. I was taken aback as I watch him apprehensively. My breathing starts to hitch and my jaw twitched in dread.


"You need, what?!" I raised my voice this time. I couldn't exactly get this inexplicable rules they have. Why do I needed to kill my fellow caster just to prove myself and to obtain those stupid and senseless titles? That's a total plop!

"Ereais, calm down. Let him finish his explanation." Ysio shut me off. I turned at him and gave him a glare that he didn't much to care. I inhaled harshly and allowed him to continue.

"Sorry." I whispered though the meaning of the word is contrary to what I do really feel.

"This is the main reason why I don't really want to explain the hierarchy because it is clearly, disturbing and infuriating. That's is also the main reason why I remained myself as Magus because I cannot afford to kill someone just by proving myself." He closed his eyes, enclosing his hands and placing it against his forehead.

"Is the King allowed this kind of situation?! Hadn't he acquainted about these instances?" I whispered powerfully, lowering my voice to prevent us being too noticeable in the naked eye for some casters are eyeing us suspiciously. I clenched my fist as I put them on my lap.

"He isn't." He whispered breathily. I shook my head. He what? Did I just heard the right words from his mouth? I watch his deadpan expression. Oh, so he really is certain about what he just said.

"He what?"

"Yes, what you heard is right. He isn't informed about the situation happening on the realms. Because, it wasn't him who implemented the rules. It's the 26th King of the Krymt kingdom who does, yet for some unforeseen reasons, King Cardinal Redeval vanished and never been found again, until these days." His jaw twitched and gasp deeply, replenishing his almost depleted mood.

"Now the 27th King who you've already met is been reigning the kingdom for almost seventeen years and still new to everything inside the academy. You know, his quirky and free-spirited character who loves doing some unnecessary errands, I doubt him handling the kingdom really matters to him that much, nevertheless, he's the most awesome and amazing man I've ever seen." He smiled softly. I averted my gazes and toss it up to the ground.

"Didn't he tried himself to delve into those supposedly things he must knowledgable about? And he's been reigning the kingdom for almost seventeen years and that didn't classified him as new! Isn't it too long enough and I doubt that for it's very impossible and unlikely for him not to be informed about it. Haven't he raised suspicion or sense something wrong?"

"He did. Though..." he closed his distance towards us. He draw his face near our faces. Okay, now our positions are very, very, suspicious... and a bit awkward to be honest.

"Seventeen years is still a very new if I'm going to compare his reigning days to the recent Kings of the kingdom. The 25th King reign for almost twelve centuries, the 26th King reign for seven centuries. The 27th King haven't even in his quarter yet. Also, some Ardents are prohibiting him for they haven't acknowledged nor trust him. These Ardents are the top knights of the academy, the directors of the academy, lined up before the King. I doubt them so much for they seem to be plotting something behind the shadows and somewhat... discomforting."

"Can you explain this Ardent-knights-thing? Is Crea part of the Ardents?" Ysio asked beside me.

"There are ten Ardents in the academy. These Ardents are the one's who will bless and grant you the title and the ones who will be grading you in the realm. They're the most powerful upperclass casters residing in the academy. Crea isn't part of the Ardents for she isn't the knight of the academy per se. Her position is higher than any other Ardents in the academy. She's part of the Augment Four, their power is equal of the King itself. This Augment Four is the most dreadful, terrifying, and invincible casters of the entire kingdom. I believe, they manage to destroy the Seventh's stronghold by just only the four of them in the nearest kingdom, saving the home of the unfortunate casters living inside of it. In addition, they are the one's who appoint the Ardents to their positions." Okay, I think the informations are too much for me to digest in one sitting. My head is aching from the very beginning he explained about the killings and now, I feel like cracking my head into two.

"These informations are a secret. Promise me you will never try to spill those infos to anyone, are we clear?" He glared infinitesimally.

"We will. I mean, we will never try to spill those important stuffs to anybody as if we are able to."

"And what if you are able?"

"Still, we won't!" Ysio answered the question lively.

"And how about the remaining levels? Would you care to explain them?" I inquired shamelessly. I'm so curious!

"I think I'll be saving that for a while. I'll explain the rest of it when you both are ready enough to devour the... indisputable untold secrets of the academy." He smirked ominously. I nodded my head, nonplussed. I also don't think I can even consume the myriad amount information in just one day.

"How about Dyo means?" I asked out of nowhere. I just came to remember that he mentioned that word earlier.

"Hmm... okay I'll explain that to you. Dyo means that the certain caster is capable on controlling two different elements."

"So, in your case, you're a Dyo." Ysio fill the invisible blanks on the air.

"Yes, I am."

"How about if you're only capable of controlling one specific element?" I asked.

"If a caster is only capable of controlling one specific elements, that caster is an Enas. If two, then Dyo. If three—which is very rare, then it is Tria. Even three element user is very, very, rare almost to none were existing however... Anyway, since no one is capable on controlling four elements because only the Elementalist itself has the power to manifest such powerful magic." I gulped the lumped inside of my throat, acting innocently as if I don't know the last words he just stated.

It opted me to glance on my crest. The object glows two distinct and glimmering types of element—wind and fire. The red and silver light is contrasting very much.

"Oh wow! Both of you are Dyo's! Did you know that out of hundred thousands of students, only five hundred is a Dyo caster? Now it makes sense that the king seems to be very interested to the both of you." He place his right thumb and index finger on his chin and slightly cocking his head as he understand something on his mind. My eyes widen knowing the fact that there are thousands of student here!

No doubt about that though. The area of academy is really, really vast and I think day is not enough to reach every single corners of this place.

"Did you know that there are only five casters in this kingdom who are capable on controlling three types of elements? Including the King, Crea and one of the member in the Augment four, the other one is part of the Ardents and the remaining user is part of the Caster Seats." Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I raised another question.

"What is this Caster Seat exactly means?" I question him agitatedly.

"Caster Seats are the top students here in the Academy. There are top three in every elemental group. For example, all casters who are capable of casting fire is belong to that group. And the top three casters in that specific element will be part of the caster seats. But only the top one in each element is allowed and capable to seat beside the Ardents whenever there's a competitions in realms and the one who's able to represent their element." I watch him carefully as I listen to every words he say.

"So it means that there are twelve members in the Caster Seats, summing up all of the top three in each elemental group. Also, there are four leading casters here for each element. And a Tria Caster is part of it?" I assumed skeptically.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed.

"Is a caster capable on obtaining many position in the caster seat? I mean, as you mention earlier, there's a casters who is capable on casting two different elements. So what if you top on that specific element and at the same time at the other one too." I asked.

"Good question! Yes! it's not too far from feasibility, yet no one in the academy had been ever filled himself to various seats. Recently, however, the very last time I checked the Caster Seat, I saw none of them were been able to placed themselves into two or three different categories, even the Tria caster itself. It only means that..." he paused for a while and closed the distance of our body so we can clearly hear the every words he's about to say.

"...that the battle inside of this academy, is a war." He whispered enough for us to hear. "Before you even see yourselves at the caster seats, you must be the most outstanding caster among that hundred thousands. You needed to overcome your weaknesses, you needed to stained your hands... with blood."

His last word irked the shit out of me. Blood... I have no plans on staining my hands with such explicit acts. My plight is not to resemble the Seventh's for they're the most wicked and abominable enemy. I have no plans of inclining myself with their nefarious movements.

Nevertheless, I wanted to proved them that you haven't needed to kill someone just to be a part of that Seats. I'll show them. No matter how difficult it was, I'll be putting an exemplar decision in their limited minds.

The war is not yet getting started, but I can also imagine and feel my rampaging wrath, uprising inside of me. I'll be surpassing my current level to catch-up the strength of that group!

"Are you part of caster seat Renan?" Ysio inquired. Renan laugh at that question.

"Not really. But I'm the most powerful healer of the academy!" He smug actively.

" I do believe to the both of you! I'm looking forward to see the two of you at the caster seats, okay?" We both nod and thank Renan for such informations and motivations. He's a nice guy even tough he's a bit mischievous.

Our little chitchats cut when an unknown—for me and Ysio I think, man appeared on our front.

"Renan! I've been searching for you the whole time! You just disappeared on the middle of our class earlier what happened?" He asked like they owned this place alone. I watch them as I shifted my eyes from one place to another.

"Sorry, sorry. Crea called me for a while to escort and guide our new casters." He scratches the back of his head in shame and pointed the both of us, making the unknown guy shift his eyes on our side.

"Really!? Wow! Welcome to Ethereal Academy! Wait. I never thought that the academy is still accepting new students? Well never-mind. I guess, Renan scared the both of you, didn't he?" He assumes. I nod and chuckled. Ysio smiled widely as he discovered another friend in this kingdom.

"Renan you never change. Anyways, welcome again!" His wide arms open as he welcomes us.

"Thank you!" We both stand and bow.

"By the way, Renan let's meet at the library later, and if it's possible could our new students join us? I'll also help you guys discover and explore the secrets unfold in this kingdom." He offered his hand for a hand shake. We both accept and agreed to his proposal.

"Sure! We're glad to accept it. Thank you." I looked at Ysio as he seem to agree as well.

"Well then, see you later! I'm about to meet Mira for a while. Bye!" He wave his hand and leave.

"Okay let me bring you to your rooms for where you're staying from now on." We both nodded and followed him.

I delayed a day posting this chapter :( anyways, I’m glad I finished it today!

Thank you for reading!

cephyruscreators' thoughts