
Everyone's Condition and Mrs. Todomaru's request.

A few hours later...


Dad: Hey calm down, It's good to see your awake, But you can't move too much, your in a pretty bad shape if I do say so myself.

Zakou: No, But where are they!?, Where is Misaki!?

Dad: Don't worry, if your talking about your "Girlfriend" shes in the room ahead and Jonetsu is in the room next door.

Zakou: S-Shes not my girlfriend, But thanks!

Dad: Hey wait!

One of the doctors tried to stop me from leaving the room, But I used teleport away from them.

Zakou: Misaki!!!, I screamed as I ran through the door.

Doctor: Be quiet, she's in critical condition.

Zakou: What...

Doctor: Shes more than lucky to be alive, If it weren't for that kid that brought her she would have been dead If he got here a minute or two later.

The word dead echoed inside my head for a while and my eyes turned blue as my tears slowly came flowing over my face, Seeing her how she was and all of the machines around her made the scene even worse for me, I cried over the fact that there is nothing I can do, I cried over the fact that I was useless and It's because of me, she's in that state, I kept crying over the fact that crying was the only thing I could do in that moment.

After several minutes of hopelessly crying, I slowly turned around and walked back into my room as my eyes got darker and I fell into depression and the Beautiful sunny day turned into a gloomy rainy day by the great emotional weight that was carried over to my powers.

Mom: Sweety-

Zakou: I don't want to talk right now mom...

I got into bed and covered myself from head to toe, and in those few instances I realized two things, One, that Im weak, I cant save not one of my friends, and two, how I realized that I was in love with Misaki.

*Knock knock knock*

Jonetsu: Hey.

Dad: Come on in Jonetsu.

Jonetsu: Thanks for having me, Im assuming he went and saw Misaki?

Dad: Yeah.

Jonetsu: I see, so that's why It suddenly started raining.

Dad: What does the rain have to do with Zakou?

Jonetsu: Long story short, when Zakou feels a certain emotion his element and eye color will change, Im assuming that he's depressed, so he's so depressed his powers made it start raining.

Dad: I see, I'm guessing this would be his water element.

Jonetsu: Yes sir.

Mom: I wish there was more we can do for him.

Jonetsu: Hey Zakou.

Zakou: What do you want.

Jonetsu: *Sigh* Stop feeling so low in the dumps, if anyone can get through this is Misaki, Shes the toughest one out of all of us, Remember!?

Zakou: Yeah, I hope so...

*Knock Knock Knock*

Mom: I'll get that, its probably the doctor.

?: Excuse me, are you Mrs. Soshikabe?

Mom: Y-Yes, Why?

Mrs. Todomaru: I'm Misaki's mom...

Mom: Oh, I see.

Mrs. Todomaru: May I take a word with Zakou?

Mom: Yes, But he isn't feeling very well right now.

I got out of my blanket and she sat next to me, and unexpectedly-

Mrs. Todomaru: Thank you very much for being there for Misaki.

-She hugged me as she thanked me.

Zakou: I-Im sorry, But I think your mistaken, I wasn't of any help, Misaki is in this state because of me-

And she suddenly slapped me.

Mom: Hey!-

Mrs. Todomaru: Don't you dare say she's like this because of you, It's thanks to you that she is still alive, and everything else you've done for her, I can't put my gratitude into words.

Zakou: *sniffle* I-

Mrs. Todomaru: So as a request!

Zakou: Y-yes. I said as I wiped the tears off my eyes.

Mrs. Todomaru: It seems she's taken a big liking towards you, so please take care of her in the near future! She said as she was on the ground.

Zakou: Wh-What, p-please get up Mrs. Todomaru.

Mom & Dad: Interesting...


Zakou: Mrs. Todomaru, I don't really know what to say, I feel like its Misaki that has to decide on that, Im not gonna lie, I do kind of like her, but this request is bigger than just myself.

Mrs. Todomaru: I see, I understand and It makes sense... Anyways, Your Jonetsu right!?

Jonetsu: Yes Ma'am.

Mrs. Todomaru: I want to thank you too Jonetsu, I can't really thank enough either of you, you are both incredible friends of Misaki, you are always welcome to our residence and I will always be up for anything I could help with, So both of you please take care of yourselves and of Misaki.

Jonetsu & Zakou: Yes Ma'am!

Mrs. Todomaru: Thank you for your time, Now if you excuse me-

Mom: Im sorry but before you leave, could we exchange numbers?, I certainly want to keep in contact with my future daughter and laws mother.

Mrs. Todomaru: Oh yes, I certainly agree.

Zakou: MOOOOOOM!...

A few minutes later Jonetsu ended up going back to his room and Mom and Dad ended up leaving.

Zakou: *Sigh* I hope Misaki gets well soon...

And I slowly but surely fell asleep due to the fatigue from today's occurrence, by the next day every one of our classmates would end up coming to see how we were doing.