
Elemental Hope

GP_Getting_to_work · Romance
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16 Chs

Part 2:Dependancy

The first thing you learn in life after living a while is that you need to have your dependance in the right places and people. Without this things can and will get sticky. Just look at what's happened so far when our crew; Blaze, Frost, Rocoka, Crystal, Obsidian, and Wonda all thought they could trust Hydro and Statica, they betrayed them, once again strengthening their trust in elemanity(humanity only for these its elemanity). 

"Ok, Crystal, use your abilities to shape all the glass windows into a forcfield as soon as I start a flamebomb, you need to do it exactly after or we all will be going down for the count with Hojasoma, Hydro, Statica, and all the others." says Blaze as he gets his bomb ready.

"Ok, I'll try the best I can." says Crystal, as she nervously starts bringing the glass together.

"If the dirty traitor Hydro was here he'd say that the best you can do would be to let us all get hurt!" says Rocoka angrily.

"Don't start with the wisdom of Hydro quotes, right now I need you all, except Frost and Wonda, to start making forcefields against my bomb!" barks Blaze.

As Blaze shoots his flaming bomb into the chandelier, Crystal, Obsidian, and Rocoka reinforce their forcefields, blocking the massive explosion that takes place.

"It's too bad we don't get to see the explosion." mumbles Frost.

"It's better than getting blown up and burnt in it right?" says Wonda chipperly.

The entire island is totaled and the five adventurers get away on their SS Element just in time to see Hojasoma, Hydro and his family, and Statica all getting away safely back to Hojasoma's base camp.

"You got to be kidding me! Just once I'd like to see when the badguys actually don't escape!" shouts Obsidian.

"Let's just find  a hiding place from them until we can plan a new strategy for our original plan." says Wonda calmly.(I guess she's the wise one of the group!)

Speeding along on their yacht, they come to the small wilderness of Sulfurcania (take a guess) and there are greeted by some smelly, but friendly and helpful sulfurkeepers.

"If I was them I'd start keeping a new element!" says Rocoka in disgust as he covers his nose.

"Just be thankful they are welcoming us into their world, and not killing us for tresspassing, and stop talking so loud!" says Frost as the sulfurkeepers' leader, Sulkansio, a big burly blonde guy with a huge beard in a lumberjack outfit (without a hat), greets them and shows them were they can stay for the time being.

"We have all the best technology and comforts you could dream of, and yes, we have nose plugs, smart alek!" bellows Sulkansio.

"How'd he hear me?" wispers Rocoka.

"I told you to stop speaking so loud!" says Frost.

"Let's just check out this huge yellow castle!" says Blaze in wonderment.

As the five get settled in their bunkers, luxurious suites of astronomical benefits, the sun begins to set with a strange but peaceful yellow tinge. But on the other side of the globe, Hojasoma is rideculing Aqua, Hydro's father for not fire proofing his facilities.

"I didn't expect them to do something like that Hoja.."

"I don't want to hear any excusses, especially about what you didn't expect! We have a lot of rebuilding to do and I can see that I cannot and will not be depending on you lack of dependancy any longer. Hydro, Statica, I believe you'll make finner associates than this previous failier." says Hojasoma as he turn to them both.

"We'd be honoured to work alongside you!" Hydro and Statica chime in.

"Good, and the first thing you will do is terminate this open wound, Aqua!" orders Hojasoma.