
Elemental Holder (PAUSE)

The year 2020... Unknown darkness suddenly engulfed earth, it lasts for only a day but it was enough to change everything. Different weather suddenly appear without warning such as thunderstorm, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, earthquake even the dormant volcano in lands or the sea erupts. Destroying many countries while killing countless people. The earth then suddenly expands by hundreds of times and different monster appear in every corner of the world with the appearance of a monster that came straight from a fantasy, even the animals, plants, environment, minerals, etc, evolve and change. Humanity also felt the differences in their body. They discovered that they can control Elements such as fire, water, earth, air. But that is just the begging. All the chaos started in the era called 'Usurper' the worst of the worst era ever existed. Tron was the guy who lost both of his parents because of some circumstances, because of that he suddenly receives money, with that he started his business but eventually close down. With money remains in his bank account, he decides to become a monster hunter. Tron who holds an element unknown even to him, just how far can he survive in this cruel world? ------------------------------------ I'm not that good at English, so please bear with me :D expects some grammatical error, some errors here and there. I would also like to remind you that ENGLISH is not my 1st language, so I'm sorry for any errors like grammar, punctuation, etc. So please understand :D ------------------------------------

Kopy · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 02: Monster Hunting!!

Earth Year 50XX - Vitalus Era (A/N: Vitalus means 'Light', light represents peace.)

Tron was similar to any of the common kids in the city of Zancia, where their parents were either killed mercilessly without resistance by some monster or they were killed fighting on the battlefield.

Tron both parents were sent to fight in a monster invasion as a reinforcement, Tron knows that both his father and mother were a soldier in the past but still he was quite shocked by the news and quite worried about them since a monster invasion is not that simple, he learns at the school that the monster was also using strategies while fighting against humans since they generally live in a forest they were very good at creating traps some monster was also proficient using the surrounding as a camouflage.

That's why the outside world of their city Zancia is very dangerous and if you don't pay attention, you may die before you can do anything or even know-how.

Tron parents were killed in action and died heroically by saving their whole team by sacrificing their lives to hold the enemy, that's why the government compensates him, they offer him some options, where they will fund him some money, and they will also let him attend to a 3-star academy, they will also provide him some apartment to live in, but that's only for a year and the other option is they can give him a certain amount of money instantly where Tron can decide whatever he wanted to do with it.

Tron didn't hesitate and choose the second option where he gets the money instantly, the first option is only limited to one year, after that what's going to happen the next year then? It's better to choose the second option where he can open some business or something.

The government then gave him the money worth $1.000.000, Tron was shocked by the amount of money they gave to him, but he knows that even with the money of 1million dollar is not enough for him to live an easy life, since the price of foods, cloth, house, car, etc. increases considerably.

Tron was able to calmly think through this situation because of how mature he is despite his age, but since the day he became a holder something changes deep inside him, he is not sure why but the only thing he can think of is the side effect of being a holder underage.

It's been years since Tron parents died, and he manages to live on his own, he drops out of his school and survives on his own, using the money that the government gave him, he tries to manage his own business and it started well he profits quite a money, but the business didn't last long since a fight of few Elementalist break out and destroyed his shop, because of that huge money is needed to repair the shop.

He reported it to the police station and replied that they will see what they can do, It's been a week and there's still no news, so Tron came back to the police station and the police officers said that the people who fought with each other that day came from 'Felsins Clan' is just a small clan of thugs but it was affiliated to 'Impure Predators' renowned troublemakers that can't be easily handled by some officers.

That's why they said that they will report this to their higher up and wait for the orders, as for Tron he didn't know what to do since he just invested most of his money in that business and only a small amount of money remained in his bank.

Tron is also just 17 years old, but he was about to turn 18 in 10 months, so most of the jobs will not hire him because of the age requirement, Tron is pissed about those troublemakers ruining his business without even paying a single penny.

It's 11:45 pm and Tron was walking down the streets and about to go home. He just came from job hunting since there no other way to earn money while his business is in ruins.

"Fucking hell, this life sucks people already have some mighty powers but living like this is not satisfactory at all, what's the use of my powers then?" Tron said.

"Why can't they just hire me? I'm strong even though I'm only 17 years old, fuck you age requirement." Tron loudly curses, Tron looks is fine, he may become more handsome by wearing better clothes and more gentle haircut, his face looks quite mature at the age of 17, he has a pair of oceanic blue eyes, his face has a diamond shape with sharp jawline, a pure black hair and a fairly built body and was about 5'7 tall.

Tron was having difficulty where he can earn some money because right now there's only about $50,000 in his bank account, considering the cost-of-living expenses this $50,000 will only last him for 2 months.

"Looks like job hunting will not be going to work, I don't like this idea but hunting monster will do," Tron said as he keeps walking forward to his home.

Tron knows that hunting monster doesn't have any specific age restriction, as long as you can carry your weights and as long as you are an Elementalist, you can hunt your monster but the problem is hunting monster is a very dangerous job but it's the most profitable one.

Because every part of a monster is important, humanity is using every part of their body as fertilizer, weapon, decoration, food, healthy products, etc. they are very important to humanity that's why hunting monster is very profitable, earning a thousand even millions is easy as walking in a park.

Moments Later...

Tron finally arrives in his home, it's his parent's home, he didn't sell it or renovated it since this was a very important place for him, after getting home he quickly takes a shower and eats dinner after that he goes to his room and lays down his bed, he was about to sleep, but then he remembers about the monster hunting.

'Let's think this through, first I don't have any combat experience, maybe 4 or 5 months or even 1 month of training is enough for a quick run since I don't have much money and I need to hunt as early as possible, the second is I need weapons, even if it's a normal one but sharp enough to cut through, right now an imbued weaponry is out of question, the third is a party I need one if I want to survive.' Tron thought.

Enjoy :D


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