

The marble turned rainbow-coloured with a hint of a golden flash of blinding light.

Soon the stone's rainbow-coloured light began to recede, Logan was greatly surprised that he possessed an element as someone from a world where magic doesn't exist.

'Seems I'm quite special after all' Logan thought as a smirk played on his lips

But after a few minutes of waiting for the result, to see what elements he possessed the stone didn't show any signs of showcasing such information.

The instructor in charge was confused because nothing like this had ever happened before.

But before he could talk Logan reached out with his right hand and he smacked the stone lightly "Hey stone what's wrong with you?"

As logan smacked the stone everyone's eyes widened in surprise as they all thought a similar thing "What sort of person is this?"

The stone didn't respond seeming like it was dead.

The instructor asked Logan to take the test again. "Young man take the test again, maybe it's a malfunction."

"Okay," Logan said as he once again placed his hand on the marble stone, but when he tried the marble didn't glow. He tried a second time but still had the same result.

"It seems you possess no element," the instructor said as he pressed his brows in a frustrated manner.

'Of course, I don't possess an element, I'm from another world!' Logan screamed in thought. He went back downcast because he was hoping that he could perhaps know how it felt to command fire at his fingertips and bend the laws of space or some other element, even if it was just one he would be grateful, but what could he do, he was from another world after all.

The instructor was about to dismiss him when he heard a true essence transmission "Let the boy stay!" the voice sounded like a decree in his ears that the instructor could not disobey and he knew who it was that spoke. It was the faction leader.

The instructor used a true essence transmission to inform Logan of the new development. "Hey kid, wait behind after the assessment."

Logan was shocked to hear a strange voice in his head as he was coming down from the platform, he looked around wondering who it was before slowly stopping at the instructor, the man nodded at him before slowly turning away.

'Why does he want to see me? Did he discover I'm not from this world?' Logan wondered in his mind.

The instructor told them where to get their room keys so they could withdraw for the day.

After everyone had left the instructor approached the nervous Logan and said in a low voice "Someone wants you to stay, you pass the assessment, get the key to your room from the reception and prepare to live in hell!" although the last part wasn't necessary the instructor said it in a threatening voice before leaving the confused Logan.

'Someone is pulling strings for me?' Logan questioned no one in particular. 'Is it that little girl?'

At the reception where he went to collect his keys, he was immediately recognized as the only one without an affinity.

"So that's the kid with no elemental affinity, what a shame!"

"Some people's family connections truly run deep! Even with no element he was admitted!"

"I hope the status of the school does not plummet"

Logan felt like face-palming himself as he heard the discussion of the crowd. He was just as confused as them as to what happened and yet they were just spouting rubbish...

If only I had an element, I would have smashed your ugly faces beneath my feet.


Collecting his keys he discovered his room number was 1204, and he was told to take a spatial transmission. As he went, he saw a grey door with a slot in the handle and after sliding his card with his room number on it, the door opened.

As he entered and passed through, he was surprised that he had arrived at what seemed to be his room, but he still felt some dizziness from the spatial transmission.

'Is this an application of the space element?' Logan pondered seeing he had just experienced something similar to teleportation.

He twisted the door knob and entered his room where he met his roommates, who looked similar in age to him. One of them had blonde hair, thick eyebrows, and fierce green eyes. He had a restrained aura that seemed to shut everyone out, saying, "Don't come close!"

Logan approached him with a handshake and greeted "Hello, good evening."

Mark turned and looked at him for a moment before entering his room and shutting the door behind him with a bang leaving Logan's hand hanging in the air.


Logan was stunned and could not help but scream in his mind 'What the hell dude? We haven't met before! What's all this snubbing and arrogance?'

Logan could not help but shake his head when he heard a voice behind him.

"New kid right? Mark is always cold and indifferent so I won't advise you approaching him." This was the voice of his second roommate.

"What's his deal?"Logan asked as he turned around and saw a black-haired boy with deep blue eyes, the boy looked to be around his age and had a playful air around him.

The boy's short black hair blended perfectly with his deep blue eyes and he could only be described in one word "Handsome"

"Don't know! Don't care!"Jason shrugged.

"The name's Logan, Logan Bane," Logan said gesturing for a handshake.

"Aiyo! My name is Jason Belling." Jason replied as he looked at Logan in a weird way as though studying him.

"Golden hair, Golden eyes, extremely handsome just like me, perfect body and facial features, you are the perfect bro! We would conquer the world and all its women together!" Jason screamed in a maniacal laughter accepting Logan's handshake. At that moment he looked like a child that had finally found his favourite toy.

'Yep! Handsome but mentally ill' Logan thought with a sigh. As he slowly walked away from Jason.


He went straight to his bed after unpacking his things and lay down, staring up at the ceiling, trying to imagine how life was going to be for him. Suddenly, he heard some noises and he discovered that Mark had beaten up Jason.

He was shocked, but even as Jason was being beaten up, he was still making noise and spitting out curses at Mark, making him all the more furious.

"Don't spoil this handsome face of mine! What would the ladies say?"

"You're just jealous of my handsomeness!"

"Logan bro, come save me from the hands of this ugly monster"

Logan found this a little hilarious as he pretended to not have heard Jason's call for help.

'Maybe this place isn't so bad.'

After a while of being restless with no sleep coming, he decided to go out and stroll a little bit.

Well, he was actually planning on how to harvest his gold.

He stood up from his bed and went out towards the direction of the corridor, he wanted to be familiar with his surroundings so it would be easy to stea... Cough... Cough... Runaway with his gold.

"Logan, is it?" he heard a beautiful voice ask while he was plotting evil.

He turned around to see a beautiful blonde girl with Cresent moon eyes. Her skin seemed to glow. He was in a complete daze, wondering how he hadn't noticed such beauty in the assessment.

'Well, I guess I was too busy moping about the assessment results, and she knows my name, sigh, I guess I've become quite popular, family connections, haha' he thought to himself.

"Will you stop staring at me like that? You're making me feel awkward," she said nervously as she saw his golden eyes looking deeply at her like they could see all truths, her voice bringing him back from his daze to reality.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away," he said.

"Is this how you go about staring at any girl that passes by?" she asked jokingly, with a cute smile plastered on her face.

"Only the cute ones," he said shamelessly, trying to make her smile more, just so he could keep looking at those beautiful smiles that seemed to keep his world at a standstill.

"Annabelle," she said suddenly.

"What's that?" he asked, trying to clarify what he had just heard.

"My name! it's Annabelle," she said, still flashing those beautiful smiles that would leave any guy drooling.

"Wow, such a beautiful name," he said.

"Aren't you going for dinner?" she asked caringly and rather surprisingly.

'Dinner, that's right! I'm quite hungry"

"No…erm…I mean yes," he answered. He wasn't expecting her to ask this.

"Young man, make up your mind. Are you eating or not?" she asked, pouting her lips.

If the instructor saw this he would be greatly surprised because this was the same lady who was a quad-elementalist, and Logan didn't know what sort of monstrous genius he was walking with.

"Yes, I'm eating," he said firmly. She led the way to the dining hall, while he followed behind, staring wholeheartedly at her figure, her curves... Cough... Cough... everything.

'She's perfect,' he thought to himself and smiled.


As Logan and Annabelle left a shadowy figure could be seen behind them as he held an essence transmission jade.

"Get me all the information on the boy! And look for a way to cleanly kill him painlessly for coming close to my Annabelle." the voice on the other end said.

"Yes boss" the shadowy figure replied.


They went to the dining hall together. She brought up a topic and they started chatting. She was an entertaining person. She kept smiling at Logan and it made him forget everything that had happened during the assessment test.

After dinner, they bid farewell to each other and he went back to his room. He saw his roommates meditating and decided not to disturb them.

He silently went straight to his bed and lay down to sleep as he recalled the events of his first day in this strange world.

Motivation for today.

Everyone is special in their own way, you must not compare yourself to others, there are qualities you have that are far better than that of others.

Dark_Richescreators' thoughts