
Eleceed fanfiction (dropped)

the mc will be JIWOO SEO'S little brother and he will have electrokinesis plus hydrokinesis he will be a lot stronger than a lot of people I guess you could say he will be op as hell so yes he very powerful

king_sake · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Awakened one

After I ask Mr Kayden what he was he says "I'm a human kid" after I contemplate for a while I let the electricity around me dissipate, "then what do you want with me and my brother" he looks at me for a moment and says "I want nothing with you guys this was all coincidence and out of my control blame this one here" he points to JIWOO, I laugh and say "he does have soft spot for cats but there's something I've been worried about for awhile you can't be a normal human are you like us" he looks me dead in the eye and says "yea I'm and awakened one" my face goes to one in confusion, me Kayden looks at me like he is analyzing everything I do "so that's what me and JIWOO are awakened ones" Kayden's face shows he is shocked "you didn't know you were awakened but you seemed so powerful" "well I thought if we have these powers might as well make them stronger so we can protect each other". After that I ask Kayden "what is and wakened one what do we do" he gives a full detailed explanation, after which I was astounded he told me he had electricity powers to but his where green not purple but it's still pretty cool after I talk with Kayden enough I finally leave, and go sit on the couch after a while I see JIWOO and Kayden going to the vet I decide not to go because I don't want to argue with a guy who looks like a cat. When they get back JIWOO has and injured cat "what happened now" I say "it's a long story samuel" he then tells me what happened I say "hmm so this little guy was that strong I don't see it but if you say so I believe you big brother". while I and JIWOO where starting to get hungry I go to make us food but then sense a sorta ominous energy and it seemed Mr Kayden sensed it to, and as I was sending this presence that cats eyes turn red and it runs away.