
Eldritch-Touched Cultivator (ATG)

A guy finds himself reincarnated into a world he has no idea about, he only knows that it's a cultivation world. What will he do? ----------------------------- I own nothing but my original characters and plot, everything else is owned by their respected owners. ----------------------------- A general warning: This fic was made for me to satisfy my need to see a certain girl get romanced since I haven't seen any ATG fic about it. I'm also a slow writer so you won't get updated every day, but I'll upload when I'm done with the chapter. ---------------------------- If you wish to talk with me on Discord, I'm in these following ones https://discord.gg/ncrYddTrH8 - LuminouShadow novels https://discord.gg/ZMUGNKNUZA - The Den of Fanfics https://discord.gg/wd3tUYWVCd - Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

Don_Fluffles · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: The Phoenix Clan/Lore

It's been about 2 weeks since I've managed to stabilize my energy and I've come across a few problems that Ling and I will have to improve upon. The most prominent one is that I can't use more than 1 elemental attack at once.

If I wanted to use a combination attack of fire and wind for example, I can't. There would be a delay in my techniques that it wouldn't really matter in the end.

The second problem would be my darkness energy, it's too wild for me to control, every time I try to use it, it goes out of control.

I have a few other problems with this cultivation technique, or as they are called here Profound Art, but they're all minor in comparison. So while Ling and I have been doing our best to improve the technique, it's been slow.

So, while we've been improving my cultivation technique, I've been cultivating without any problems any longer. Though the time needed to cultivate has gotten longer and longer, in part because I need to absorb more energy and in part that I need to put together my elemental particles so that they don't go wild again.

Of course, it's not all fun and sunshine. Because of the energy needed for me to absorb, I've put a lot of energy gathering formations around my tent, the problem there is that the animals that live here also get drawn to it.

Like right now, there are some wolves waiting outside my barrier, while some spider monkeys are in the trees near them. Yeah, it's been like this for a while now but after the few first times that I got interrupted, I just began to ignore them. I'm not gonna stop cultivating every time an animal decides to stop by.

Needless to say, I will stop cultivating if something strong comes along, like right now when a Sky Profound Wolf decided to show itself. It was big, like maybe 3 meters big with gray fur all over its body, though I'm spotting some battle scars here and there.

I stood up from the grass I was sitting on, this is gonna end up in a battle, I can sense it.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a human in these parts. Tell me human, what brings you here?"

Holy crap it can talk. No wait, I've read about this before, when a Profound Beast cultivates to Sky Profound, they develop sentience and begin to talk.

"I'm here to cultivate," While I say that, I begin to slowly walk towards the wolf because if it were to attack the barrier now, it probably wouldn't be able to stand the attack. That's sadly the difference between Earth Profound and Sky Profound.

"What are you doing here, Wolf?" I asked back and saw it's blue eyes narrow. I stopped in front of my barrier and wondered if I should let the barrier down but decided against it for now, I'll have to see this Wolf's reaction first.

Which it showed in the next 2 seconds as it began releasing its Sky Profound pressure upon me. Well then, it seems it's time to fight. "How about we move a little away from this place? I'd rather not destroy my camp."

The wolf snorted, "It seems like you're certain that you'll be able to fight me. You, an Earth Profound? Don't joke around."

That would be the normal response, that's because of the huge power disparity between the realms, made even more so because Profound Beasts on average are stronger than humans.

I made a hand sign and the barrier was down, "Well, you'll be in for a surprise then, Wolf." That was all I said before releasing my own pressure. I know that if I was a normal cultivator, I wouldn't even be able to stand my ground before this Sky Profound Wolf but I'm not normal.

Ever since I began fighting against Profound Beats, I've noticed that I don't have problems against stronger beasts, as long as they were in the same big realm. Now, I'm gonna test myself and see how strong I really am.

The wolf in front of me is at the 5th of Sky Profound and I'm at the 5th of Earth Profound. I'm gonna see how I can hold up to someone a whole great realm above me.

"Come on, let's go," I walked to the side, away from my camp before setting the barrier up again, there were still wolves standing near it.

I notice the Sky Profound Wolf doesn't move for a few seconds while I continue to walk away, must be out of its element.

[While this is brave and all that, are your exit weapons ready if you can't hold up against that wolf?]

Yeah, they are. Everything is ready in case I need them.

"Human! You dare underestimate me!" Sigh, here we go. "I'll show you what that arrogance of yours will do for you!" I'm baffled here, it's acting as if it isn't going to kill and eat me either way.

I continued walking for a few seconds more before the wolf jumped towards me, it was fast but I could and did dodge it. It took a stance before me, it was ready to pounce at me again.

While I didn't like how close we were to my tent, I can take the battle away from here once we actually start for real. I move into a loose stance, making sure I was ready. This might just decide if I live to see tomorrow.

"Do you have any last words?" I'm gonna play it cool but it seems my opponent doesn't like that kind of talk, if you consider how it jumped towards me and I had to jump to my left. Okay, no more quips.

I quickly stand up and jump backwards, the wolf is already there in front of me so I kick the ground under me in 10 quick succession and fly towards it with a kick. Just before I come into contact and hit the wolf, a wind barrier comes between us.

Tch, seems like this wolf knows how to use its elemental energy. This can change the whole situation. I land on the ground and quickly move away from it, I need to gain distance otherwise we will destroy my little camp.

The trees are in the way but I don't mind them too much, they are actually helping me, the wolf is being slowed down by them. I need to find a clearing big and far enough so that we can fight uninterrupted and I know that place, I have been exploring this forest after all.

"Human, stop running and fight me!" I heard the wolf trying to taunt me but I obviously know that, I'm not that stupid. I decided to taunt it back instead.

"You can't even catch me. A wolf in the Sky Profound can't even catch a measly human, how sad." That seems to do the trick based on the loud growl I heard. Though that damn monster sending wind elemental attacks towards me isn't something that I appreciated.

It didn't take long for me to reach the clearing, I just had to make sure to take the right turns. I jumped to the other side, to make sure that I could move without issue.

"So, you finally have nowhere to run. Don't worry, I'll kill you painlessly," The first thing that wolf does is taunt me after it reaches the clearing but I just smirked, I can finally go all out without having to worry.

Stretching a little, I replied "Don't worry, you'll have to do the running from now on." Getting into my loose stance, I decided to get going instead of waiting for the wolf to attack first.

10 quick hits against the ground and I'm flying towards my opponent though I didn't catch it off guard this time as it was ready for me. The wolf used its right paw and swiped it at me.

Coating my hands in Profound energy, I struck the paw though I felt as if hitting a brick wall. That shit was tough.

I didn't even get the chance to land when the left paw was already on me which had me quickly try to dodge it to the left side. I didn't sadly dodge unscathed as the wolf had scratched my left cheek.

That didn't stop me from moving though as soon as my feet hit the ground, I jumped back against the wolf, doing a half flip in midair to position my feet against its body. That seems to be a mistake though as that damn wolf moved away and had its paws up, ready to strike me.

I couldn't dodge midair so I did something else, it wouldn't be enough to completely negate the damage I'd get, however. Wind started to move between my palms as I quickly built up more and more Profound Energy before releasing it against the wolf.

We both got hit, me in the guts and the wolf on its whole body. I was sent flying for a few meters before regaining my balance and landing back down.

That shit hurts. I'm thankful that my body is tougher than normal and that wind attack took away some of that damage.

I looked towards the wolf and saw that it didn't get damaged at all. Okay, I need to fight with actual elements involved, though my incipience in fighting things that can actually stand up to me is showing. I need to be more careful.

"I guess you're better than your kin, little wolf." I taunt with a smirk, I'm hoping it will go into some kind of rage mode and make obvious mistakes.


Woo, that's a nasty growl. "I'll make you eat those words, human!" Its Profound Energy began to soar and I could actually see wind forming around it.

Round 2 it is.

This time, the wolf jumped at me. I made sure not to jump into the air while dodging backwards, I'm not making the same mistake of not having a foothold. Though while dodging, I came up with a plan, something to use against the wolf.

Well, it wasn't really a plan, more like an idea was forming. I could use lightning elements to injure it. I would have used Earth, but that's harder to use in general and I need more time to make anything worthwhile with it.

Time that I don't have.

Leaping backwards one last time, I begin to generate lightning between my fingers. I didn't expect the wolf to suddenly stop attacking me though, it seems like it became weary of the lighting.

Well then, if you aren't coming to me then I'll come to you.

I kept low to the ground while accelerating as fast as I can go, it's about time for me to do some harm to that damn wolf.

A powerful wind wall came forwards while I was running but I didn't stop, I'm gonna fucking make that wolf regret ever picking a fight with me. Both my index fingers were up to my sides before I punched them forwards, "Shigan!"

The power behind my attack tore through the wind wall in my way and made it to the wolf. I could see it, the way it actually penetrated the flesh and left scorch marks behind on its gray fur.

I quickly move back again, I need to catch my breath a little. But seeing that work made me smile, I have other stuff that I've been working on and I've even created a special technique.

Everything will have to wait though because most of them require some charging time and I haven't gotten them down to just shoot them.

"Human! You'll play for harming me! Hoo!" It howled and I could sense multiple Earth Profound Beasts running towards us.

Motherfucker, that shit isn't even a real leader, I hurt it once and it'll call for backup, fucking coward. "Fine, you want to gang on me? I'll just have you know, you'll regret that choice."

I said that last part very ominously as I picked up my left hand and pointed two fingers forward. I'm about to do something that I might regret later on but I'm not going to get ganged on by wolves, especially not going to be killed by that coward.

Black wisps began to form on the tips of my fingers, I began to feed those wisps more and more Profound Energy as I compressed them. My special technique, Cero, used the Darkness element because it was the most devastating element of all the elements I have control over.

Sadly, I can't fully control the darkness element and in this situation where I want to get my attack before anyone attacks me? I'll have to fully let go of my control and just try to guide it.

A sphere began forming but I didn't let it grow any bigger, instead compressing it. For every centimeter compressed from the sphere, my control slips more and by the time I had made the sphere the size of my hands put together, I barely had any control left over it.

I looked at that damn coward of a wolf, he looked pale? Almost like he had seen a ghost. I'm beginning to wonder how that bitch even became that strong in the first place.

[It's probably because it was a coward that got it this strong. You always hear stories about how the strong cultivators face adversity to get stronger and whatnot but you don't hear about those that use other people or in this case, animals, to get stronger]

Isn't that the truth about the world.

Right, I have to get that wolf but I can't just release my Cero like this, that wolf will just dodge it, I need to distract it. "Hey, you coward! Where did all that bravado go when I managed to injure you? It seems like you are just a coward that can't even kill one measly human!"

That seems to snap it out of whatever it was in before it growled at me, "I'll show you why they call me the King of the Jungle, human." It howled again, this time louder than before.

"Pfft, King of the Jungle? More like Bitch of the Jungle, what kind of king can't even take care of someone a whole great realm below them?" My taunts seem to be working, which is great news for me. I don't know for how much longer I can hold on to this sphere of doom.

The winds began to pick up again and I decided to continue my taunts, "So, what's it gonna be? Wanna wait for your mommy to come pick you up?"


It ran towards me, the wind whooshing but I wasn't slacking off either. The moment I could see that it couldn't dodge anymore, I released my Cero with a huge push. It flew towards the wolf at fast speeds, I quickly evacuated the area.

Just 1 or 2 seconds later, a boom resounded and the howl of an injured dog. I didn't look back, not when I needed to get out of here, this is the problem with darkness energy, it will kill everything in its surroundings.

I looked back when I was far enough to see the patch where the wolf got hit, it was dead, there was a huge hole where I was standing, the ground had turned into a black mess with no vegetation in sight.

I actually feel kind of bad for doing this to the forest but I'll take care of this later, right now I need to get the corpse of that wolf and then get going before I have to fight a bunch of antsy wolves.

Walking to the hole in the middle, I'm thankful when I see the corpse, I was scared that the darkness energy had disintegrated the body. A quick jump down and the body is quickly put into my storage ring before I take out my Nimbus cloud and quickly take flight.

I need to return quickly so I can get my darkness energy back under control or things that I don't like will happen.

Finally getting my darkness energy under control again, I sighed. While that fight was insightful on many levels, I also didn't get to explore my strength fully. We had barely even begun the real fight when that damn coward decided to play it safe and call for backup.

[You at least got some insight on how strong you truly are without the backup of seals]

Yeah but no explanation on why I'm this strong. I need to figure that out so that if something were to happen, I could at least be ready for it. No matter what it is.

[You'll need to fight even more than, to make sure that you know your limits and get some more experience in fighting opponents equal to you]

Yeah, I noticed that I don't really have a lot of experience when it comes to fighting. I took into the air too many times for someone who can't fly yet, also my attacks take a long time to charge. A glaring weakness when you have people move at super speeds.

My cultivation method also needs updating, fast. Especially the control aspect.

[I've been working on that part but this Darkness energy just doesn't want to cooperate. Though I have had some new insights, like how Darkness energy can and will take use your emotions but you don't really have to worry about that part since you've protected both your mind and soul]

Oh, so it uses emotions to take 'advantage' of me?

[Something along that line, yes]

Maybe I need to 'dominate' the energy particles to get them to cooperate?

[Maybe… We don't have enough information to make any good conclusions. The best thing you can do right now is go to that village near that presence we felt]

That village, huh. I've been thinking about it for a while now but I need to find a good way to escape in case that being is hostile.

[You don't need to go right now, you should first cover your bases]

Yeah, I'm gonna first see what I can upgrade with my Nimbus and see if there is a good way to be able to teleport without incurring heaven's wrath on my ass.

I think I'm ready for my first contact with that village near the mountain. I have upgraded my Nimbus to the best of my ability. While I can make a teleportation formation, I'm not risking it.

It's best for me to take things slowly and try to see if the village even accepts outsiders and while it's been hard to feel things around the village thanks to that presence, I could tell that the strongest people in that place were at the 10th of Elemental Profound.

I had a few theories about why but wasn't going to make a hard assumption until I heard it from them.

[You ready to go?]

Yeah I am, just need to pack up my tent and take out my barriers.

I got out of my tent and packed it up in my storage ring before taking down the barriers as well and making sure that the formations were destroyed. Cautiousness is good to have. Besides, I'm gonna leave this forest if I can't get into the village or if that presence attacks me.

I begin walking towards the village, taking my leisure time. As I got closer to the village though, I began seeing why those villagers haven't been overrun by animals. That presence is making the animals in the area, especially those that could sense the presence, run away.

Though soon enough I could feel a few people, they had varying cultivation levels. 3 people at Nascent level and 1 person at the Elementary level. I hurried my steps towards them, I think I know that's going on here.

Coming into a clearing, I see the 4 people I sensed, all men. The 3 dudes in Nascent Profound were laughing while the dude in the Elementary Profound was on the ground shaking.

Welp, seems like I just walked onto bandits bullying a man. Or them just bullying one of their own.

I let my own pressure off, stopping everyone in their tracks. "Gentlemen, I suggest that you leave that poor fellow alone." They all slowly turned their heads towards me, I saw the fear in their eyes.

"Scram!" My scream turned their brains on and 3 bandits quickly ran while screaming like little girls.

[Scram? Really?]

Hey, I want to feel like a cultivator sometimes too.

Taking away my pressure I walked to the man still on the ground, "Are you alright?" I held out a hand for him. He looked at me for a few seconds before his brain seemingly finally began to move again. Taking my hand, I made him stand up.

Giving him a closer look, the thing that stood out the most is the orange flame mark on his forehead. My first guess would be a bloodline of some kind, the second would be a curse. Wonder which one of those is the answer?

"Did you know those guys?" I asked as a form to start a conversation, but the man didn't say a thing after I lifted him up.

He shook his head, "No, I do not know them, but where are my manners? This one's name is Feng Baichuan, the current clan leader of a humble village near here" He bowed after introducing himself.

"The names Song Yun, nice meeting you."

[The Feng surname is usually what the Phoenix's and their descendants use]

Oh? Some new lore about that mysterious being.

"Thank you for saving me, Young Master Song." He bowed again before standing up, "If you aren't in a hurry, I'd like to invite you to our village to show my gratitude."

That's quite convenient for me, though I didn't think I'd get in this easily. "I'm more than happy to accept your invitation." He seemed happy with me accepting his invitation and he quickly showed me the way towards his village. This dude really has no sense of danger if he's willing to show me his village this easily.

[I don't think it's a sense of danger but more like an acceptance of reality. He's probably thinking that if you wanted to, you could easily kill him and the rest of the village but you didn't do so]

That's a shitty way of looking at it but I'm not gonna complain if he's willing to bring me into that village, hopefully even tell me about our mystery friend. Though with your comment on the Phoenix and their name, do you think this mysterious being is some kind of Patreon for that village?

[Yeah, you're most probably right. It would also explain why no animal is willing to attack that village and that flame symbol on Feng Baichuan's forehead]

We'll hopefully find more lore soon enough. "By the way, why were those guys attacking you?" I asked to make some small talk, again. We were moving slowly as he couldn't keep up with a fast pace walk, not with some of the injuries he received from those bandits that attacked him.

He considered by question for a second before sighing, "They were talking about a great treasure they thought we had because we live in a small village in the forest with no animals attacking us. Sadly, the truth is far from that. We're just a small clan that's trying to live and amend the mistakes of our ancestors."

Hmm, well well, isn't that a juicy story. A mistake by an ancestor has the whole clan seeking forgiveness from that mystery being. What's more, the clan seems to be stuck at the 10th of Elementary Profound.

I'm gonna guess that the mistake that their ancestor made offended the mystery being, what's your bet Ling?

[If I'm right about whom that mystery being is, then my guess would be that the ancestor killed some innocent people]

"If you don't mind me asking, does the blunder of your predecessor have anything to do with you still being in the 10th of Elementary Profound?" I asked while noting that we're soon upon the village.

Feng Baichuan stopped walking and I stopped after a few more steps. Looking at him, I saw his shocked face. Huh, did I say something wrong?

"Yo-," His voice cracked, "Young Master, how did you know that?"

Oh, he didn't expect the question. Well, the answer is easy either way. "You, being an adult, gave it away. If we were in some other region where the Profound Energy wasn't as concentrated, I wouldn't have questioned it." I began explaining while he dumbly nodded.

"But we're in this forest with multiple Sky Profound Beasts, something that if you aren't aware of, is rare in this country. The energy in here is also more concentrated, meaning that any self-respecting cultivator would be way higher than Elementary Profound."

I waited for him to slowly process that. To be honest, my logic is simple. It shouldn't take a genius to figure that out by any means, I'm wondering why he looks so shocked at the revelation?

[I think he just have never thought about it before]

Well, it isn't my problem. "Are you ready to continue walking?" That snapped him out of his little daze and he looked embarrassed. He nodded his head while blushing a little before walking again.

We walked in silence for a little bit before I began talking again. "Those bandits that attacked you, is this the first time they do it? Or has this happened before?" If this isn't the first time this has happened, then I might be able to help out the village and hopefully get some details out of them about their guardian spirit.

Feng Baichuan sighed, "No, this isn't the first time they have harassed one of the villagers, but those times it was more of seeing us walking outside the village to get some materials, not for the treasure." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Who let it slip about the treasure then? Or was that just something that they came to themselves?"

"I'm not sure about that," He began while obviously thinking about my question, "We're a tight village so I don't think some kind of traitor would come out of us. We feel like they came to that conclusion of their own after seeing no Profound Beast attack the nearby area."

That brings out another question, can no one of those bandits feel the presence around here? If they can feel it and are just ignoring it, they have to be some grade A fools.

But if they can't…

[That would mean that your perception of things is different from the normal cultivator. Or it's just they are so low leveled that they can't even feel things around them]

Oh yeah, that's another thing to consider.

Sadly, we can't come to a conclusion right now, we have too little information about things in general. Sigh.

"Ah, looks like we're very close to my village. I hope that you'll enjoy your stay in our humble place." Feng Baichuan gestured in front of him and I could see the wall of the village. Seems like I was lost in thought there.

The wall looked old but well cared for, how long have these people lived here for? It doesn't appear to be just a few generations. "How long have you people been living here?"

Feng Baichuan picked up his pace a little, probably happy to be home. "We've been living here since before the creation of the Blue Wind empire, young master."

Wait, "If you guys have been hiding here before the creation of the empire, how did you even know it existed then?"

"We've had some visitors before this forest got so dangerous and that's how our ancestors came to know of the Blue Wind Empire"

Right, visitors. Didn't make that connection.

But holy shit, the Blue Wind Empire has existed for at least 1000 years. What kind of fucking being wouldn't stop punishing the people after 1000 years? Shouldn't they have repented enough by now?

[That being has either forgotten about those people, doesn't care enough or is one of those 'righteous' existence that doesn't see a problem with punishing generations after generations of the one who made the 'mistake']

Either one of those is bad but I'd rather deal with the former two, at least those people you can argue with. I've met with one person who was in that latter category, the 'righteous' kind, it's impossible to talk to them.

[I've talked with some of those types of people before too, it had always ended with me killing them]

Huh, cultivators sure are always extreme with their behavior.

We finally came to the front gate of the village. The whole wall with the door wasn't that big, probably like 5–6 meters, made entirely out of wood though I did spy some metal here and there. Wonder where they got that from?

"We're finally here, young master," Feng Baichuan stepped in front of me, "I shall have your residences ready immediately."

I just nodded my head, "You don't have to hurry about anything, make sure to take care of your injuries too. I'd be happy to explore your village and learn more about it." A place to sleep in is the last of my worries. I don't even need to sleep too much any more though I still do it because I like it.

We finally entered the village and I was shocked to see houses, not just your average houses either, there are some two-story houses in the mix and they were all beautifully made.

I can understand wood, but where did they get all of those materials?

It seems like I have more to learn from these villagers than I expected.

It was in the middle of the night, everyone was asleep and it's my time to visit the great spirit. I've already made sure to put up defensive formations on the whole village the past 3 days.

I'm not taking any risks with that spirit.

[Finally finished up all your formations?]

Yeah, after the first day it became clear that these villagers weren't willing to say anything about that spirit. It's best to take this risk right now, I have made all the preparations that I could do.

Should push come to shove, I'm also willing to use that teleport formation, even if I might get struck by the heaven's.

[Since you've already put up everything that you can, shall we get going? I'm quite interested in this spirit]

You're not the only one.

I was already near the temple, it was just outside the village. When I got there, the same barrier that I met when I first inspected it met me but I had my ways around it. The easiest way, the one I'm using, is just overpowering the orange on the door because I don't have the 'password' to make it inside.

I began pushing energy into the orb and it didn't take long before the whole thing broke down and the barrier lifted.

Opening the door, I make my way into a big hall. It was big and looked like something made for people to live in. In the middle of the hall there was a circle, it had something drawn on it.

Is that a fucking orange worm?

[Idiot, that's clearly the mark of the Phoenix]

How? That's clearly an orange worm, just look at it!

[Ugh, please stop. Just, just continue on]

I mean, alright but that's still a worm. Not changing my mind on that.

Continuing on, I see another seal formation, this one being put on a door. Seems like they have the trail grounds quite protected. Looking at the formations, I can understand them, sorta.

This formation has Runes that are typically used here but they're some clearly advanced stuff that I don't understand. I can't overpower this formation like the one outside, this one was clearly put in place before the Phoenix Clan lost their power.

Well, I don't really need to overpower this one, I just need to change the Runes on the formation enough to make it fail.

Getting to work, I begin with erasing some runes and putting some clearly wrong ones in place. That wasn't enough to make the formation fail but it was enough to weaken it significantly which had me just overpower it to make it fall completely.

With that done, I walked inside though not even 3 steps in and the whole corridor went pitch black and 2 big red orange eyes met me.

Those eyes… They're as big as me.

"Er, excuse me for coming in on you unannounced. My name is Sung Yun. It is a pleasure to meet you." I bowed towards the spirit. I'm worried, the pressure of that thing is fucking massive.

"So, we finally meet, Child of the Abyss."


I looked at the big eyes, the fuck is it talking about? Child of the Abyss?

"I see that you are confused. Allow me to shed some light on your confusion." I nodded my head while the eyes zeroed onto me, "It has been about 2 years now, when I sensed it, the power of terrible origin."

That is around the time I went berserk. So, it could sense me and have been waiting for my arrival? "And what is this power of terrible origin?"

The eyes had a lost look in them for a few moments before focusing again, "I have never experienced this type of energy before. Even my own exposure to Darkness energy had never left me so afraid." Holy shit, even this divine being is afraid of whatever my own soul has become? Though even it doesn't know what it is, so that's another dead end, for now.

"But, I can also clearly feel all the elements inside of you." The eyes looked curious and I could swear that the Phoenix tilted its 'head'. "How can you survive? Your flesh is clearly human, but your Profound Veins have been also tainted by your power. Curious."

I feel naked.

I need to get this convo right on track though, now that it seems like this Phoenix isn't hostile. "While I wish I could tell you about why I can do all of these things, I don't know myself. I was born this way and have been traveling for a little while now to get some answers."

It seems to wish me to continue, so I did just that. "I'm looking for a way to reach The Realm of the Gods."

It 'blinked', if that's a way to say it, "Oh my, that isn't easy. To get there, you must either be able to travel in the cold dead space, be able to use the dimensional cracks or have a teleportation device that can bring you to a preselected location."

Oh? Teleportation is real here? Let's go, that's one less thing to worry about. But the other 2 methods, they're gonna be hard to overcome. "How can you find dimensional cracks? Is there a technique or something like that?" Traveling in space might be too much for me, I'm not sure I want to experience being blown from the inside out.

"I'm afraid that's not something that a human can just do. We, the Gods, were born with our powers long before humans came to be." I blinked, while that's sad, there is something a little bit more interesting right now.

"How did humans come to be? There hasn't been anything that I've read to talk about it nor the Gods in general." Lore about the whole universe is always interesting to know.

"Maybe I should start from the start, to give you a good idea," I nodded quickly before taking a seat. I heard the Phoenix chuckle before the room suddenly began to become something else. We were currently looking at a dozen or so planets huddled up together.

"We the Gods were born around the same time. We all woke up with our strength, but some were blessed with more while others had to work their way up the ladder of power. I was one of the lucky ones, born in the True God Realm."

So, something gave 'birth' to the Gods? "Sorry to interrupt but what is the True God Realm?"

The eyes blinked at me, "Oh, forgive me, I forgot that this star has not had a Divine practitioner since the Phoenix landed here." A list came before me, on it was written some of the Realms I knew. "I am sure you already know the nine mortal realms, from Elementary Profound to Sovereign Profound."

I nodded my head at that, "Yeah, I'm already at the Earth Profound and on my way to the Sky Profound." The eyes 'nodded' before the list continued to show more realms that I wasn't familiar with.

"After the nine mortal realms, you enter the seven divine realms. Beginning with Divine Origin, Divine Soul, Divine Tribulation, Divine Spirit, Divine King, Divine Sovereign and lastly Divine Master. Those are the Divine Profound Realms."

Hmm, I see. As expected of a Cultivation world, of course there would be more realms to cultivate. The list continued with new names coming.

"Now comes the True God stages, in this stage only has 3 big realms. Divine Extinction, True God and Creation God. While there have been rumors of another realm beyond that, we don't need to concern ourselves with that for now."

"And you're in the True God realm, correct?" I ask. I don't know how to describe it but it doesn't feel like this Phoenix is in the God Realm because the pressure I feel from it doesn't compare to Aunt Dongxue.

"The real Phoenix was at the True God, that is correct. I am the immortal soul left here by the Phoenix, I do not have the power that the Phoenix had." Oh, that makes way more sense. "I was placed here so that future generations could take the trail of the Phoenix and gain its blood and powers."

Right, this brings out the question of the Phoenix clan, but this can wait a little while. I want to first learn how this universe works. After that, I can ask it questions.

"Now, let us continue," The Phoenix said as the list vanished, "The universe we live in was divided into two, one where we who used the ordinary Profound Energy lived and the other side where those who used Darkness Energy lived." Yin and Yang? That's the thing that came to my mind after hearing that.

"The Northern side was where the Devil's lived while we lived in the Southern side. We lived divided for a few millions years, never interacting with each other until the war started when the Devil's attacked." And I'm gonna go into speculation territory right here because I don't believe it for a second that the Devils just attacked with no reason.

I nodded my head, signaling it to continue. "I shall not bore you with the small details, but the war lasted several million years. By the end of it, The Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations was used to kill every last God, the Phoenix included."

Hmm, the Phoenix told me a lot but at the same time, told me almost nothing. Is this on purpose? "You told me that the Gods came before humans, who created the humans then?"

The Phoenix sighed, "As I told you before, there is another realm above the True God. Creation God, that is the realm whom only 8 individuals had attained. One of them, I almost confused you with, the Heretic God. He was the only known Creation God to be able to use the 5 basic elements."

So, there is someone else that can use more than 1 element, meaning that other people might exist as well. "And there is another Creation God that created the humans?"

"That is correct. The Creation God that was the most respected by the mortals, Li Suo. Only she could create life, though no one ever knew how. And while she was the weakest among the Creation Gods, she was the most feared by the devils."

"I'm guessing Light Profound Energy?"

"Correct, again. Light Profound Energy is extremely deadly against those that use Darkness Profound Energy. It is why when the war started, the Devils went after Li Suo first. Both in the fear of her Light Energy and for her ability to create life."

I know I'm an abnormality but to think that I can get both Light and Darkness energy inside my veins without any major trouble is quite something. But now I need to ask something that will hopefully not get me kicked out but I have hope since the Phoenix seems so nice.

I looked at the eyes while slowly formulating my question. "Do you mind me asking you something about the Clan outside this temple?" I decided to ease into the question.

The Phoenix sighed deeply, "I can already tell what you want to talk about, young one." The scenery changed to show an older man standing in front of a huge city. "Long ago, that man that you see managed to pass my trail and was granted one drop of Phoenix blood, with that blood he went on to create a huge clan. Later on, one of his descendants was fighting another cultivator when a stray Phoenix flame landed on a small village, killing all the people in it."

Okay, I understand why the Phoenix was angry, I would be too if someone killed innocents with my power that I granted to someone.

"The worst part of the whole ordeal," The Phoenix continued, "That man who killed all those innocent people didn't even regret it. That was enough to enrage me, making me curse that whole bloodline."

"That still leaves the question, why haven't you lifted the curse after a thousand years?" I asked. I understand the first few years of being angry and not letting them use their own powers but they should have repented enough.

The Phoenix eyes looked at me, "It is quite the shame actually, I am more than willing to lift the curse should they have shown that they repented in the first few years. Sadly, after I cursed the bloodline, the clan never dared to enter this temple again."


I pinch the bridge of my nose, this is so stupid. "And no one, not even a child has wandered in here?"


Those idiots are so gonna get chewed out when I return outside. When I went to speak, I sensed something. People, from the Nascent Profound to True Profound, about 50 of them. It seems like the bandits have finally found this place.

I stood up, and the Phoenix seemed to have sensed the bandits too. "You have sharp senses, young one. You can go take care of those little mortals if you wish to, we can continue our talk at a later date."

I gave it a nod, "One last thing before I go, can I bring the clan here so you can lift the curse?" If the Phoenix can lift the curse and they can finally cultivate again, I can ask them to join my future sect. A branch focused on the fire arts can be a good thing to have.

"Of course," It gave a nod of agreement, "I can lift the curse after meeting with the Clan." The scenery changed back to being pitch black, but this time there was a door outline a few steps away from me.

"Alright, I'll go get those idiots to come here so they can get their curse lifted. I'll be back soon." I immediately walked outside the room to the hallway. It was still dark outside but I ignored that and continued on outside the temple.

I have a fair amount of information to digest but that can wait, for now. I also need to talk things over with Ling before I go back to the temple.

But before all of that, I have some pesky bandits to take care of. Hmm, though maybe I can leave some alive, make them live targets for the Phoenix Clan to take care of after they begin to cultivate again.

Well, I'll think things over while dealing with them.

Chapter 12 End

I live!

Sorry for not updating but I kind of lost motivation to write for like a full week but I'm back on track now.

Have fun with this big boy of a chapter, my biggest yet. It took a while to write and the conversation parts killed me.

Finally manged to cross the 50k word mark. Lets Go!

Don_Flufflescreators' thoughts