

It's been a month since the Yule Ball and Reima hadn't lightened up on the groups training by one bit. He pushed Harry, Fleur and Ciri to learn new skills, spells and techniques in preparation for the Second Task. They all did well, Ciri and Fleur easily acquiring new skills while Harry managed to chantlessly cast all the spells Reima had set for him.

Reima himself was still trying to work through the shock that Humanity had presented him, learning that you were essentially the embodiment of the Abyss and all that entails it is quite a nerve wracking experience, especially when you have an Abyssal Skeeter Zombie hiding in your shadows and waiting for enemies to strike...

He didn't slack on his training however, concentrating on controlling this power partly due to his fear that he'd become like Manus had, a giant abomination hell bent on spreading the Abyss.

Reima is currently pondering the possibilities of this power when he's interrupted by Ciri who nervously pats him on the shoulder.

Ciri "You sure everything will go well?" she asks.

Reima looks her up and down, admiring the swimsuit she was currently wearing. "Just go with the plan and you'll see... Also, wasn't there a better option to use for the Second Task?" he says with her looking at her swimsuit in confusion.

Ciri "Is something wrong with it?"

Reima shakes his head, "No... If anything it'll distract your competitors." As he's saying this Harry and Hermione approach them from behind.

Harry doesn't say anything but just nods at them, Reima gives him a curious look and turns his attention to Hermione as she'd more than likely know what's up with him.

Hermione shrugs and leans in, "He's seeing visions again, a hoarse voice talking to a room of red eyes... I'm not sure what it means but it can't be good." she mutters.

Reima scratches his face and walks towards Harry who's currently wearing some tight swimming trunks. "Harry?"

Harry glances at him and nods again.

Reima "Bro, I know you've got a problem with a certain Dark Lord but don't let that distract you from the here and now."


His frown eases slightly, "I'll try." he says.

Fleur "Rei, iz thiz swimsuit good enough?" her voice echoes from behind him, he see's a similar one to Ciri's bikini which he nods vigorously at.

Reima "It is, however are you sure you wouldn't prefer something more secure? A small tug would remove it completely." he says.

She think for a moment before walking back into the walk-in closet and retrieving a one piece swimsuit that doesn't detract from her beauty at all. It's lucky that Harry is immune to her allure otherwise he'd be a drooling mess... Like a certain other Champion. He glances at Krum who's standing there in speedo's which seem to slowly be growing as he stares at Fleur.

Reima clicks his fingers loudly causing him to regain his composure and hurriedly turn away.

Just as this happens a robed women walks in, "Has everyone chosen their wares?" she asks.

They all nod at her which has a quill writing a couple things down in a checklist which floats behind her. "I'd like you all to know that if you modify the clothing in any way you may be disqualified, do you understand?"

"Yes." is echoed through the room as everyone accepts it.

Reima wasn't sure if this was what usually happened in Tri-Wizard tournaments, it seems abit weird that they'd refuse the champions the opportunity to wear their own clothes... Maybe it's because of all the magical artifacts that were brought into the last one? If so... Then they'll be extremely pissed with him.

The woman sighs loudly, "Please place the clothing of your choosing back, it will be prepared for you tomorrow. I wish you all luck." she says as she quickly leaves.

Reima "You guys ready?" he asks them.

Harry "I think so."

Ciri "Definitely."

Fleur "Piece of cake."

They all mutter, apparently already feeling the pressure.

As they all return to their dorms Reima quickly makes his way to Luna's room in the Gryffindor house. The traps that bar men from the female dorms are no match for Reima as he simply walks up the stairs with none of the magic affecting him. He thinks he can vaguely hear cheers from behind him but a few *thumps* later it stops with a few groans.

Reima quickly finds the room with a Luna name tag on the door, he gives it a few knocks and it eventually opens revealing Luna who's currently in weird looking Pajama's and wielding a sword...

Luna "Oh, it's you... I thought it would be a Nargle out for revenge." she says with her familiar airy voice.

Reima "Really? You get many of those?"

Luna shakes her head, "No... It's just good to be prepared."

Reima "Luna, listen. I was wondering if you'd help me out with something."

Her eyes seem to shimmer when he asks, "Yes?"

Reima "I was hoping you could look after Snuffles until the end of the Second Task tomorrow?" he says, revealing the furry black mass on his arm.

Luna can barely hold her excitement as she hops up and down and gently grasps Snuffles into a hug. "Reima? She's got a ring attached to her? Should I take it off?"

Reima smirks, "No... Just leave it as it is. Thanks for your help Luna." he says, patting her head and then leaving.

Once Reima leaves Luna looks at Snuffles with a determined look, "We'll have a pajama party... I'll brush your hair, you'll brush mine... We'll tell stories and have pillow fights!" she quickly says, her excitement growing with every word.

Snuffles can only look at the door, pondering if it'd be better to escape or not.

Hope you guys like the chaps, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts