
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

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Nothing like a BBQ!

Reima "Gibbon?" he says aloud.

Gibbon coughs spittle at him as his nose bleeds profusely from the impact of Reima's strike, "I should have known you'd be with those traitors. In-human pieces of shit like you are the worst of em!" he shouts.

Reima's about to retort but has to move his head to dodge a spell flying at his head, realising he hasn't got time to question him Reima severs his wand and both legs with a flourish of his sword, Gibbon would usually instantly die due to the Occult enchantment on Reima's blade but he utilised a small portion of his aura to burn the wounds, stopping his death.. Temporarily. Of course this doesn't happen quietly, the horrific screams of the man draw the attention of everyone present, while this gives Ciri an easier time of dodging their spells, the barrage now being shot at Reima isn't welcome.

As the battle continues he notices various injured Death Eaters seem to disappear, all except Gibbon. This is confusing as every wound he makes with his black knights sword is fatal due to it's enchantment, therefore it must be some kind of timed port key or something similar.

Ciri herself is having a harder time than Reima, lacking his extensive experience, speed and skill set she's finding herself more often than not using the Death Eaters themselves as makeshift cover. This works extremely well funnily enough due to their companions complete disregard for their allies safety. After using one body as a human shield she curses Reima for not giving her staff before the fight, while it would prove slightly cumbersome it would also provide her with a different method of attack. She still remembered Reima telling her to not show her abilities in wandless magic, "You'll be taken and studied by the Unspeakables and probably be used as breeding stock." were his words. Of course she could teleport away but where would that lead her?... Her mental monologue is interrupted as she's thrown to the side by a wayward "Bombarda Maxima!", the subsequent explosion causes shrapnel and debris to be thrown violently in random directions, some hitting the Auror's and even the caster themselves due the strength of the explosion.

A couple men who had been assisting the duo by throwing out some spells as a distraction were struck in the face with shrapnel, one died instantly while two others were heavily injured. Seeing this the other Auror's decide to wait for reinforcements, neglecting the fact that two teenagers were in the midst of a heavy battle.

Due to the hit and run tactics and formations performed by the Death Eaters who somehow managed to regain their composure fifteen had survived out of the thirty. They all sit behind cover pointing their wands in various directions, curses on their lips, ready to blow anything that moves to kingdom come.

"You said they wouldn't be prepared!" one shouts, clearly panicking.

"THEY WEREN'T!" another shouts, unsure of how the plan had failed... Maybe slowly walking from one end of the campsite to the other with only four hostages had something to do with it?

"I can't take this, I don't want to die!" a skinny robed man quickly says before activating his port key, causing the others to become enraged at yet another cowardice, truly they were no better than blood traitors!

As their remaining enemies are hiding and jumping at their own shadows, Reima and Ciri are no far away. Reima is extracting various sharp bits of metal out of his companions skin before wrapping them in bandages, he'd expected her to get through this unharmed but he couldn't blame her for being unable to completely dodge a exploding curse, especially when he'd forgotten to give Ciri her staff...

Reima "Is anything else injured?" he says, appraising her dirty and torn jumper.

Ciri pats herself down before shaking her head. "No, I think I'm good."

Reima "Right, are you still good for a final push?"

She nods with determination in her eyes, Reima pushes her staff into her unoccupied left hand and looks over to the group of Auror's who had apparently abandoned them. Him letting Ciri participate is partly to prepare her for future battles, witches and wizards fought differently to anything else he'd battled before. Their variety of spells and ability to utilise their environments was almost unmatched at this level of power. Having experience against this type of opponent would increase the likely hood that she'd survive vs the Wild Hunt, while Reima was sure he'd be able to obliterate their leaders he wasn't sure what else they had tucked away, for this he decided to err on the side of caution and make all necessary preparations.

Reima "Ok, since our friends have ditched us I'll draw the Death Eaters attention... I can hear them bickering with one another behind that pile of wood and stone, if you can get atop it and cast a radial spell then this'll be a quick fight... Think you can handle it?"

She nods "Easily."

Hearing her words Reima immediately bursts into action, sprinting faster than an Olympic Athlete past the fifteen wands which immediately start casting various dangerous and lethal spells, the most prominent being the killing curse. Due to them not panicking as much as before they try to lead their spells, causing Reima to utilise his Observation Haki to avoid unseen spells, it doesn't take long before he notices a shadow appear above the rubble the Death Eaters are hiding behind.

Ciri had just reached the top and stabs her sword into the rubble to balance herself on the unstable platform, in her left hand lies the staff given to her by Reima, she points the tip of it at the group of robed men and shouts "INCENDIO!", unfortunately for the men below she had unconsciously overpowered it, causing a huge stream of fire to envelop them, making it akin to dragons breath. The force of the spell pushes her back slightly but she holds her sword tightly and points the tip left to right, making sure that the enemies were completely subdued. It's only until the smell of burnt flesh and hair hits her nose that she finally stops the spell.

Typical Auror's using non-lethal spells and running away when there is danger. *Spits*, makes me sick.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts