
Fear fear itself for fear of fear is the only correct fear.

Talicia holds up the paper, "Look, you're famous..."

Reima takes it and skims the rest that Talicia hadn't read out, it seemed that the ministry hated anyone taking things into their own hands. The more he finds out about them the more Authoritarian it all seems, and with how corrupt they are he has to be extremely careful or he'd anger the wrong person... Personally he had no qualms with just going on a rampage and purging the taint via fire, but he kind of wanted this world to remain relatively peaceful... It's so similar to his own earth that he's considering making this his "Vacation" spot for when he's fed up with the Witcher world. Other than that he'd also like to utilise the knowledge this society has, in future he might "pop" over to the London library and "Ste...Tak...No, permanently borrow." their books. Considering the large amount of people he'll likely be bringing back, the information on agriculture, technology and everything else would prove extremely useful to him... And if that's not enough he's sure other countries have libraries as well, maybe he'd try his hand at finding the Great Library of Alexandria.

He looks at the name of the person who'd written the article and mentally scowls, Rita Skeeter... Do they have no other writers apart from her? Since Animagi don't revert to their humans forms when they die, maybe he'll accidentally "Step" on her, that'd be a shame wouldn't it.

"Hang on" he mutters before looking at Talicia, "How did that owl get in here... And how did it know to find you?"

She shrugs, "Every magical home has an entrance specifically designed for post owls, as for how it found me? I don't really know, they seem to always know where to deliver mail, I've been keeping up to date with magical news due to how boring it is being stuck in that forest for such a long time. We even had up to date magazines on fashion and home design delivered. Ambrose liked to renovate the house occasionally when we weren't... Occupied." she says smiling but slowly turning into a frown.

After they'd finished their conversation Reima left to pick up all of his and Ciri's belongings from their room in the Leaky Cauldron. He'd let Tom know that they wouldn't be lodging with him any more and tipped him a good amount for his hospitality. Once back he had already found two room prepared, Talicia seemed to have done it so quickly he could barely belief they weren't already read to be used as guest rooms. He gets everything in order before moving onto Ciri's room, he's only inside for a few seconds when a groggy Ciri stumbles in, looking for him.

Ciri "Are we going back to our rooms any time soon? I could do with a shower..."

Reima "No, I've decided that we'll stay with Talicia in this house for the time being... This'll be your room so help me set it up." he says laying out all of her new clothes on the bed.

Ciri "Is there even a shower here?" she grumbles, the luxuries of modern day society have spoiled her Reima mentally thinks.

Reima "No, you're gonna have to wipe yourself with a wet towel or learn to do it with magic."

Ciri's eyes light up, "Of-course!" she exclaims and casts "Scourgify" which causes soapy bubbles to cover her entirely before quickly disappearing, leaving her clean but utterly soaked through, her white shirt giving Reima and eyeful...

After getting a good look he rapidly turns around while she rubs her eyes, apparently it's uncomfortable to have your eyes literally cleaned by soap... Once she's able to see she looks down and sees her state of "Undress" and glares at the back of Reima's head. "Did you see?" she asks in a grave voice.

Reima "See what? Did you fail the spell or something?" he says while "Organising" the clothes on the bed. Hearing this she huffs and throws the damp shirt on the floor and retrieves a clean one from the bed.

After she's changed Reima walks over to the wardrobe to put the clothes inside, once open however Reima frozen in place. Inside he sees some sort of picturesque scene that seems to go deeper the closer he looks. Inside he sees a burning Kaer Morhen with many bodies scattered in the courtyard, all of them being someone he knows, looking up at the balcony he sees Eredin, leader of the Wild Hunt holding a severed head and a beaten and bruised Ciri. He looks at Reima and tosses the head at him, looking down he realises that it's Geralt... He tries to not let his emotions effect him but he can feel hiS aura becoming unstable. Suddenly he's pulled backwards, Ciri yells in pain as her hand is severely burned from touching him but she's also shocked into silence by what she sees inside the wardrobe... Inside she sees three men standing there in the midst of a blizzard, Auboron king of the Aen Elle, Eredin and Avallac'h. They grin and leer at her as she falls backwards onto her butt, Reima who finally managed to restrain his aura sees them and realises what this is, a Boggart. He's not in the mood for fucking around and making it laugh and instead steps forwards with his hand outstretched, Turquoise flames burning fiercely around it. The three figures seem to distort as his hand approaches, he feels something as he tries to grab the vision, looking what's in his grasp he sees a small grey sickly looking creature that resembles a goblin mixed with Golum from Lord of the Rings... He doesn't waste any time and crushes it's skull with his fiery fist, not even allowing it to scream in agony as it's brains cover the insides of the wardrobe.

Plot twist? Who knows, either way I hope you guys enjoyed the chap.

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As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts