
the manor within the volcano

'The trip was... unpleasant to say the least' thought Malenia as she was roughly dropped onto the stone road below then leading to gelmir. another landed beside her shattering the stone below him as his wings furled again and disappeared. "Let's go, I've never met my brother, but from his reputation he doesn't like to be kept waiting" Leonel said as he began walking. She walked behind him as silence descended rather abruptly, each step they took they could feel the heat increase around them as they neared the base of an active volcano.

Around them they could see the remnants of the battle between the forces of the volcano and that of the capital. Her eyes roamed around his form trying to find something, anything that would mar her brother's pure heart in the crimson color of fear. "My brother says you hate me, why is that?" she asked abruptly. "I'm sure he already told you, i can see the past and future of another world, one where you turned from the war criminal you are now into an abomination which decimated caelid, millions died due to your actions, many friends of mine, powerful warriors turned into weeping frail and rotting beings barely resembling humans" he said as his tone turned icy.

"Yet I did no such thing, so why hate me so fiercely?" she asked in confusion. His chilly eyes met her sickly red ones "so long as you live you are a threat, one far greater than any demigod alone can possess, even my brother Rykard is easier to deal with than you and in truth I want nothing more than to cut you down but I won't, thank Ranni for your second chance Malenia, no more talking let's just get to the manor" he said as he simply turned away from her.

She felt, anger, annoyance, yet she knew he was right, the rot is capable of nothing but decay and death, in the moment of her first defeat before Radahn she did indeed plan to bloom. Disgust and anger built up within her, once again the curse alienated her from her family, once again it hurt others. The manor defenses came into view soon after as snake like warriors stood at its gate's weapons at the ready. Two figures stood outside of it awaiting them, a woman with a white mask and a golden dress watched them approach, behind her a large crucible knight stood watch.

"Welcome demigod Leonel, Demigoddess Malenia, where is Demigod Miquella and Ranni if I may ask?" the woman asked. Leonel walked up and snatched her into a bear hug before putting down the bewildered woman. "Haha sorry it's just that it's nice to have some family and you being my brother's wife makes you family" he said with a smile. she looked at him with confusion clear behind her mask. "And as for your question, they stayed behind to protect the kingdom, besides I highly doubt Rykard could consume us all even if he by some miracle won, where is he by the way?" he asked.

her eyes narrowed as she jumped back quickly as the crucible knight drew his sword and brandished his shield. "Haha, come now knight, we both know that death is all that awaits you should you swing that thing, relax Tanith, all that Rykard will get from me is a good beating and a stern talking to, I promise that by the end of the day you'll have him back" he said as he walked past them, Malenia in tow. She watched them move past them as fear overtook her eyes, "tell my lord of their presence" she said as one of the snake men nodded and darted off. "Where is Zoroyas?" she asked. "Playing with the snake guards in the garden" the crucible knight said.

"Find her, get her out of the manor, keep her safe" she said with urgency to which the knight nodded and rushed off. When the knight arrived much to his surprise, he found Leonel speaking with the guards, atop his shoulders sat a little snake girl singing a little lullaby in content. "So, you're saying that you can stretch up to six times your height? why? and how?" he asked as he looked the embarrassed guard up and down. Before the guard could explain his weird ability, the heavy stomps alerted them to the crucible knight. "Oh, hello again knight, tell me, do you know an old man by the name of Bram? he serves my house as a teacher, but he used to serve your order if I'm not wrong" he said startling the knight.

The snake girl kept on trying to make several different knots with his hair with little success as any knots simple untwined themselves as if alive and tickled her whenever she tried again. The knight looked to her and sighed in relief, " Bram... is my father my lord, now please hand me the girl if you could" he asked in hopes of avoiding a clash. "Why? so Tanith could secrete her from the manor in hopes of surviving the fight? there won't be one to begin with so worry not but do take care of her" he said as he picked up Zoraya and placed her within the arms of the knight. " Now then I guess we could wait for the others to arrive before I go speak with my brother, tell me knight, does your manor still serve actual human food?" he asked.

"A banquet was prepared in advance for your arrival my lord, please follow the guards" the knight said as he left with Zoraya in tow. "Quite lavish, too dark in my opinion though, what do you think Morgott?" he asked as he entered the room only to see the king of Leyndell sitting in the home of an enemy no less. "I've not come for jokes and banquets lion" he said as he glared at the two demigods before him. "Yes yes, we were all invited for a peace treaty but please, your brother at least smiles more" he said before he dodged a golden spear.

"Do not speak of him, unlike him you and every other demigod has waged war within our kingdom, traitors the lot of you" he said with a scowl. "And what now? seeking peace now that you see no demigod willing to claim the shattered throne?" Lionel asked as he sat before him. "Peace will allow the lands to heal and a proper Elden lord be chosen" Morgott said with clear distaste. "Omen cannot become lords, at least with the current twisted and malformed order, still what your golden kingdom does is not my problem so long as you stay away from Liurnia and mount gelmir as of today" Leonel said.

Morgott scoffed and closed his eyes, heavy steps were heard as another large figure entered the hall. "Oh, so you showed up?" Radahn asked as he sat before them. "Of course, unlike you I care about my family and Rykard is seeking peace" Leonel said as he looked towards Radahn. "hahh you know I hold back the stars for a different reason brother" he said. " And I let them flow freely upon the skies of liurnia and what do you know? not a single Astel issue in sight" Leonel said. "Aside from liurnia no other place has that protection, which is why I must do what I do" he said in just anger.

"Right and that justifies you not showing up for mother's birthday, of course how could i be so wrong" Leonel said as he rolled his eyes. "Mother said it herself, she does not wish to see me again" Radahn said as he looked down. "And did you ever think that she may not have truly meant that? are you a child older brother? did Malenia rough you up that badly?" he asked. The woman in question sat beside him watching the whole ordeal in silence. "Then.... ill visit after this, would you allow that?" Radahn asked with a bit of hope. "Don't ask me, mother is the one you must beg, Ranni also says that she misses you" Leonel said.

Radahn smiled as he remembered the little girl who used to chase him and his older brother Rykard. A small smile formed upon his face as the old memories resurfaced. " i thank you all for coming, lord Rykard is currently indisposed and thus he entrusted me as his consort to deal with the treaty while he gets ready to receive you all" Tanith said as she sat at the last seat before them though her eyes lingered on Leonel who continued to stuff his face with the delicacies of mount gelmir.

"Can't leave his cave huh?" He asked with a snort. Tanith ignored him a and unfurled a large map detailing the land. "It is simple, no lord has Rosen and the tarnished legions approach hoping to make themselves elden lords, they will attack without mercy seeking the runes and will not stop until a lord is chosen, thus I propose an alliance, we unite under one banner, each demigod holding a seat within the alliance, we will aid each other in the repelling of any threats that should threaten our respective kingdoms" she suggested.

"Ally? Wi-" Morgott began "with traitors? Let's face it, the tarnished are immortal and with the aid of grace they hold within them the power to slay gods, an alliance would indeed help us re pell them, or we burn their source of power, the erd tree" Leonel said. Morgott stood up in anger but before he could say anything Leonel stood up" either the erd tree burns or an alliance is made Morgott, do not forget that it is four demigods against one and hundreds of thousands of willing forces against a battered and bruised legion, i alone can demolish your city and you know this" Leonel said.

Morgott stared at him deeply before sighing and sitting back down. "Continue tanith" Leonel said as he sat back down. "Thank you my lord, such an alliance would resemble what the kingdom used to be except no leader alike queen marika stands at the top, materials, troops, weaponry, anything and everything will be provided to the one who hosts the battlefield in order to squash the problem quickly and efficiently" she said.

"Liurnia is fine with it, so long as I get to speak with Rykard by the end of the day Tanith" Leonel said earning a slow nod from her. "The halig tree supports this so long as Liurnia does so as pre ordained by my brother Miquella" Malenia said. "Caelid will too so long as we receive a batch of unalloyed needles by the end of the week from the halig tree" Radahn said to which Malenia nodded. "…Then Leyndell agrees to it, Limgrave needs a lord then" Morgott said. " oh I'm sure Godfrey will claim it as the tarnished scouts where sighted near its borders coming from the ocean, still I'm sure he'd be waging war soon enough, I will deal with him if you are all willing to deal with his tarnished forces" Leonel said.

"And give up a good fight? No thanks little brother, how about you lead your forces and I deal with it?" Radahn asked in anticipation. "Then let Rykard duel Godfrey, he has no outstanding forces to send either way" Morgott said in annoyance. "Very well then, let it be so, from today onwards until a new god king or queen is chosen an alliance between each demigod and his realms shall be made" Tanith said with finality.

Morgott grunted then disappeared into golden motes. Radahn smiled and stood up yet did not leave. "We should see Rykard before we leave" he said. Tanith felt fear, three demigods is too much but before she tried to say anything her world turned dark as she slumped onto Leonel. "Leave her here, Rykard is not… in the best shape and she will only get in the way, come I can sense him" Leonel said as he left the room with the two demigods in tow.

They arrived at a rocky outcropping upon the edge of the manor. "Here?" Radahn asked in confusion. Leonel smiled and simply snapped, the stone before them turned into Glintstone before shattering into dust revealing a deep tunnel. "He's at the center, be wary, he is not in the right of mind" he said before he began to walk down the path followed by the other two for the lord of blasphemy awaited.