
the first day as a trainee squire

As they entered the shop Leonel gave everything a quick glance before his eyes landed on a pretty lady manning the counter. Soft red locks accenting her golden eyes, freckles marring her face yet never taking away from the beauty. She looked to be a teen, but her smile captivated the young boys' eyes. Ansel watched this with a smile, "go ahead boy don't be shy now, Triss? could you get your mother? oh and plese help him, he needs a set for the week and plenty of training clothes" Ansel said as he approached the girl.

"OH, uncle I didn't know you were back, MOM SER ANSEL IS HERE, come kid I'll get you set fast" she said before snatching his hand and leading him further into the store. A crash and a bang revealed a spitting image of Triss coming down a set of stairs behind the counter. "Ah Ansel it's so good to see you, come upstairs we've much to speak of, tell me, lady astra said something about a protégé?" she asked as she dragged him up the stairs ignoring his pleas.

Triss led Leonel around the store throwing onto him different colored shirts essentially using him like a doll not that he minded. "mhmm maybe... no white and black would work.... maybe red?" she mumbled to herself. "Um if you don't mind me asking but, how old are you miss?" Leonel asked. "My that isn't a good question to ask of a lady but if you want to know I'm currently 16 as of yesterday" she said as she threw a pointed hat atop his head then took it away. "Oh? then are you in school still?" he asked. "Yes actually, I'm currently in the process of becoming a sorcerer in the manor academy, far as I understand it you are to become an enchanted knight, no? how wonderful, the knights are the epitome of power here ahhh they're so cool" she gushed as a memory of a knight fighting a dragon across a field played within her mind.

Leonel grinned widely, happy to see that his path was a correct one. " So, what's the manor like?" he asked. "Mhmm well its peaceful and safe, sometimes stray dragons attack but the knights deal with it long before they reach the walls, mhmm lets see... oh! since you're new here I doubt you've tried any food huh? tell you what, get through your first week of training and I'll show you around how does that sound? she asked as she turned to him. "Sounds great, you'll see, I'm enchanted knight material through and through" he said. She smiled and pinched his cheek before bringing him towards the counter and packaging the clothing into some cloth bags. Right then Ansel descended with a worried Sofie behind him. "Are you sure Ansel? will it truly happen?" she asked.

"Yes, it's already been prophesized, don't worry the manor is safe and will be safe, just be prepared for an increase in armor lining work, come boy we still have to pass by the barracks for your equipment, afterwards you'll be meeting nobility so remember what I taught you" he said as he walked out waving his hand slightly. "UM BYE PRETTY LADY" Leonel yelled out then blushed intensely when he his mind registered his words before he ran away right behind a laughing Ansel. Triss stood there shocked but only smiled softly later Sofie tried to suppress her chuckles as she elbowed her daughter. "Hah boy you sure have a way with the ladies huh? never mind that, have you decided on a weapon to focus on?" Ansel asked.

"... I initially wanted to do swords because you use one... but the girl back at the store told me of the dragons that attack every now and then, what's the best weapon to fight a dragon?" he asked a bit of red dusting upon his cheeks. "mhmm well that would have to be spears and bows although a halberd would be nice as it combines the weight of an axe and the tip of a spear, ultimately a halberd is best, spears can be quickly created out of glint stone in order to pierce wings and fell the dragon" Ansel said as he thought back to the time, he fought a dragon rage. 'Then I want to try the halberd, if possible, I feel like that's a good weapon and no its not because of her" Leonel said. "Very well then well pick one and cut it to your size, come the barracks is right up ahead, tell me, what sort of armor would you like? heavy armor capable of taking a punch or lighter armor allowing for more free movement?" Ansel asked.

"What's better to use alongside a halberd?" Leonel asked as he walked beside him. "That would have to be up to you... the style in which you fight determines what you protect yourself with, for now let's get some sets of heavy and light, come were here" he said as he opened up a door leading into a large courtyard, around its edges where weapon racks and even sets of training armor. "Oh Ansel? good to see you brother, didn't know you were in the area, what brings you to my humble yard" a large man covered in dirt and grime wielding a large hammer said. "Fergus, good to see you brother, I've come back bringing my protégé, if you could get some sets of training armor both light and heavy, a halberd will be his weapon of choice" Ansel said as he clasped his hand with Fergus and pointed towards Leonel. "mhmm decent body for his age, I'll get a heavier halberd so that he may grow into its regular weight, armors will be sent to the villa, yes? here boy try this one" Fergus said as he handed a halberd a bit taller than Leonel to him.

he gripped it with both hands then gave it a good few swings, admiring the ease at which he wielded it. " mhmm too light, here how bout this one" Fergus said replacing it with an almost identical plain halberd yet this one was nearly double the weight. This time Leonel struggled to swing it bringing a smile to the old smiths face. " Perfect, ill send a set with varying weights alongside weighted armor for training how does that sound Ansel?" he asked. "Good, thank you old friend ill get settled in then ill be free, usual place?" Ansel asked. "Hah of course the boys and girls would be glad to see old "sky render" Ansel again" Fergus said with a chuckle.

"Haha of course "steel fist" Fergus I'll be there early, see you then" Ansel said as he walked out, Leonel beside him carrying his new weapon. "Come well stop by an inn and have this all delivered to the villa then head for the upper floors" Ansel said. Sometime later they arrived at the upper floor gate of the manor, Ansel now clean of beard stubble and having had a proper wash, Leonel now clean and proper wearing a white doublet with black pants. "Do I really have to wear this?" Leonel asked. "Image is everything to nobility of course you do now come along and don't forget to how to properly bow" he said as he led him up the gate steps and down the streets. They arrived in front of a large villa, at the gate stood four imposing knights who upon seeing Ansel quickly opened the gate allowing them entrance. "Good job boys keep up the good work... or else" he said as he walked past them, Leonel admiring their armor as he followed.

A beautiful garden laid before them, rowa fruit, erdleaf flowers, herba arrayed in beautiful patters, pink glint stone accented it all. "This garden is made from many things, many flowers and roses, it took me four years to gather it all passively" Ansel said as he walked through it. " One day you too will build your own for your destined noble, you see boy, we enchanted knights also have one solemn goal, to protect one person above all no matter what, you will find out who you are destined to protect soon" he said as they approached two large double doors. The doors automatically opened revealing a lavish entrance, a large staircase in front of them with blue crystalline carpet at its center. Beautiful glimmering chandeliers dropping down from the high ceiling. The walls and ceiling painted as if to tell a grand story of many warriors.

"Ansel, my wayward knight, took your sweet time to come back to me mhmm?" a bell like voice came from the stair way as a beautiful lady almost as if carved from finely polished jewels descended. Long flowing blue hair, dark red eyes akin to two glimmering rubies stared down at them and a soft warm smile laden upon her flawless face. A royal robe encrusted with all manner of jewels covering her full figure although it did little to hide her curves. Behind her a girl almost an exact replica if it weren't for curly unruly hair hid behind her shy as can be. " it's good to be back my lady, this time I'm here to stay for my goal is complete" Ansel said as he pushed forward Leonel who stood next to him.

Leonel took this chance to properly bow although a light slip messed it up a bit as a sigh was heard behind him. A soft peal of giggles escaped lady astra. "Oh, my he does remind me of a certain someone, mhmm very well then, honey please introduce yourself" she said as she pulled the timid girl from behind herself. "h- hello my name is lu- Luna nice to m-meet you" the girl said as she stood before Leonel. Something pulled his growing mana from within him, he kneeled before her taking her hand within his as he laid a soft kiss much to his confusion, but it felt so natural he simply let it happen. "My name is Leonel lady Luna, from this day forward I shall be your sword and shield ready to lay my life for all that is yours" he said.

" I accept you my sword and shield, from this day forward I vow to be your guiding star" she said. each word of theirs melded their mana, intertwining it forevermore. They stared at each other in utter confusion. Two pairs of laughter rang out beside them. "Oh, my did we look like that when it happened to us?" lady astra asked. " Seems it did, quite the interesting phenomenon but nevertheless a good thing to see" Ansel said. The two kids immediately distanced from each other in utter confusion and embarrassment. " Well then honey, he is my gift, now you have a wonderful friend to play with although don't forget, as of today your lessons in glint stone sorcery begin with me, come along now you'll get to talk with each other later" lady astra said as she dragged the still confused girl away.

"Hahaha I tell you boy I was just as confused as you were back then, what just happened is known as the twin moon phenomenon, two souls of 100 percent compatibility intertwine in a glorious form of magic, this normally only happens between a Carian royal and their destined enchanted knight, i picked you not because of your mana but because of your connection to Luna, remember the words you spoke for that is your true main goal, if the girl dies so do you boy" Ansel said as he walked off to the west wing of the villa, a still confused Leonel behind him trying to decipher the meaning of his life with little luck.

"Here is where you will be staying, my room is right next door, go unpack and get some rest, a maid will bring you all that you ask so long as you ring that bell, remember that tomorrow we begin true training" Ansel said as he left him in a rather lavish room. The room was large by his standards hell it was the size of a village house, and it was all for him. A large fluffy bed in one corner and a door that led to a finely crafted bathroom fully equipped with a shower and everything. A table at another corner of the room held piping hot fresh dinner. Fowl drumsticks and Carian cuisine, he ate it all with gusto and quickly crashed into bed ready for all that awaited him the next day.