
Elda Ghoul System

Emily's life changes in an instant when she dies and wakes up to a notification. [Congratulations you have been granted the Elda Ghoul System!] She's now a part of a hidden society of supernaturals, and her life is about to get a whole lot more complicated. Emily soon finds herself intertwined with hunters and other supernaturals, all while trying to navigate her new identity as a ghoul. She's forced to learn the rules of the supernatural world quickly, or she won't survive. Emily's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She learns to embrace her new powers and abilities, and she lean on friends who support her along the way. But she also faces danger and betrayal, and she must learn to trust her instincts if she wants to stay alive. In the end, Emily must decide where she belongs in the supernatural world. She must also decide whether to use her powers to help others or to protect herself. Her choices will have far-reaching consequences for both herself and the supernatural world as a whole.

Saint_goodness · Fantaisie
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84 Chs

The Interrogation

Emily's unlocked her sleek black comm and saw Daniel's message waiting for her. She felt a jolt of anticipation course through her veins as she read the address he had sent her - 2050 Quantum Drive, Neo Metropolis,New Tylon. 

Quickly leaving her apartment complex, Emily headed to the address of Dire fang's home. It was a little far from Emily's as it was a different neighborhood.

'If only I could get into his room and find something that belonged to him. Given my keen nose, maybe I could just find him?'

Wearing a black hoodie to cover herself she stared at the neighborhood. The neighborhood was quite bigger than Emily's. The streets were also filled with low tech and hovar platforms just in a different area. If Emily had to take a guess, Dire fang must be a middle class citizen. Then again, he would have had no reason to fight underground.

It was easy enough to spot where he lived, even without using his nose, because at the very moment, Emily could see heaps of reporters interviewing those that lived in the apartment complex, the complex just so happen to be where Dire fang recent victim lived.

She peeked around the corner of the street down the road.

'Damn, so much for my plan. If I so much as try to go up to the apartment, then those reporters will definitely try to question me. I can't afford to show myself on TV!' Sniffing the air, Emily tried to pick up any strange scents, but with all the people present, not to mention the sweats and food that was being sold by some 'entrepreneurs', it was impossible to do.

Emily deemed it too risky to go into the apartment, so she would just have to find Dire fang another way.

"Hey there, little buddy, where are you in a rush to?" A male voice addressed her from behind.

Emily looked up to see two adults blocking her way. She hadn't noticed them, yet now they directly stood in front of her in their blood red uniform with black around the edges where the trim would be. It was tight fitting while still allowing for free movement, expandable and most importantly breathable. What stood out most though, was the crest on their left chests.. "Wait that scent..They don't smell human?. Emily was certain the handsome man was a vampire and the lady she smell just like that werewolf.

"It looks to me like someone doesn't want to be seen. What's that famous saying? 'The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime'?" The female commented.

"Huh, I'm no criminal, I was merely curious." Emily answered in a panic, wondering just who these people were in the first place. She was getting ready to Rage and run away, even if it would make her look more suspicious to these strangers.

"Now hold on." The woman grabbed onto Emily as if she had anticipated his next move. "If you've got nothing to hide, then you should have no problem having a little chat with us. You might not be the murderer, but it looks like you might know a few things consindering what you are."

Both of them pulled out their wallets at the same time, displaying a red badge With the symbol of a thousand deathly hands rising with a silver sword going down the middle, clearly showing who they were and where they had come from.With the acronym S.I.S. on the top.

Emily gulped. ' these guys are even worse than the police. Why didn't I listen to Daniel's advice? How the hell did I manage to stumble into the Supernatural Investment Sanctuary?!' .... Wait! Are they here for me.

The Supernatural Investment Sanctuary Force, more commonly referred to as S. I. S., was one of the most well known police forces. Emily had seen them mentioned multiple times on the news and for more reasons than one,They work hand in hand with the Gifted Investigation Department G.I.D but the main reason why they stood out was due to their force being made up entirely of classified creatures_ Supernatural.

The handsome middle-aged man with the strange uniform, whose name tag read Night Hue, had short black hair, pale skin and a serious look to him Wth his female partner, Milena Nimper, she displayed an arrogant air of importance. Unfortunately,

supposed to be working on a different case but this case was different unlike last time with the Freslin Mercenaries murder case they were able to trace the killer's scent. The reason they weren't able to trace the murder back to Emily was due to her Elda blood.

The reason why they were staking out Dire fang's apartment was they were 100% Certain he was the killer and a werewolf due to the condition of the respective corpses. They had yet to determine whether it was the same killer as in their Freslin mercenaries case, or another unreported Supernatural who had gone rogue.

"I'm just a curious teenager. It's not everyday that one of New Tylon Sub: Neo metropolis is on the news. I sorta came here to see what all the fuss was about. It just seemed like a cool idea to be where all the action was. Now that I say it out loud, I don't actually know what I was expecting." Emily tried to explain, praying that they would just let her go.

"So what if you're a teenager. The suspect shouldn't be that much older than you. Come on, now that you know who we are, just spill the beans and tell us what you know!" Milena aggressively demanded.

"Hey, hey, you're strongly implying something there. Just because both of them are teenagers doesn't mean they know each other, right?" Night tried to calm his partner down. It was obvious to Emily that the two of them were playing a little game of Good Cop – Bad Cop, not that she would dare to call them out on it.

"However, if you don't mind us asking, what's with the hood? If you really wanted to check things out, why would you try to sneak away after seeing the reporters?" Night asked with a friendly smile, as if to hide the fact that he was calling Emily out on his contradiction.

Since Night was the Good Cop, Emily quickly grasped that he would be her answer to get out of this mess she was sure there was one way to convince them. She looked around left and right, before she slowly then pulled down her hood revealing his bright White undone hair.

"I… I... my hair is a mess. "Once I saw the reporters I got scared that I could get interviewed. If my current appearance gets shown on TV… yeah, I would never live it down."

It looked like Night was trying to hold in his laughter after seeing Emily's hair, with her explanation it certainly sounded like a 'tragic tale.' If her hair even got caught on camera.

Emily wanted to remove her contact lens and show them she's blind and earn more pity points.

[Don't do it they won't let you go]

Oh really, what school do you go to and what's your name?" Milena asked, seemingly not fully convinced yet.

"Elysium Nexus Academy, Emily Harrington, Ma'am." Emily answered immediately. "You can check at the school."

There was an odd stare that just wouldn't go away and Milena was still holding onto Emily's hand. A few seconds passed, before she finally let go.

"Get out of here! A stupid kid like you shouldn't hang around crime scenes. I swear if we ever catch you near another one again, I'll personally bring you in for questioning!" Milena threatened, and Emily quickly ran off, thanking her lucky stars that she had just escaped a close call.

"Why did you let her go?" Night asked. "

" Do you know any Supernatural in the catalogue with that smell." Milena asked 

" She's indeed strange but " No " Night answered truthfully.

" Should we make a report to the Royals?" Night asked.

"No but just in case take a note of the kid's name and school. If we find something linking them, we should pay her another visit at some point."