

An original story with immersive character

Cleab · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

A Trip

From now on, my unique school life begins with many difficulties awaiting me.

We were given a new set of uniforms to wear. it had a red coat with a white stripe, brown belt, green pants and white shirt. We wore it.

After that, we participants were brought outside of the building to see a bus. It had the name of the facility, it was Modern Student Nurturing School, or MSN School for short.

We went inside the bus, it was traveling to the capital of our Country. We are in Pokhara so it's gonna take 24 hours to enter Kathmandu city.

It is getting late. Sun is falling and night is rising. I with others went to a restaurant nearby for sleep. It was a big restaurant and it was owned by the government. Everyone went inside the restaurant. 

"That's awesome"

A sound came from the side of me. It was a familiar sound I heard this morning. Well...Who was it? without having any idea I looked at the side of me. It was the girl I met today on the bus. Her name was Manabu if I remember correctly. 

"Hi! How has your trip been?"

Manabu asked;

"It's been fine"

"Oh! has it. Why aren't you with any of your Friends"

While leaning in front of my face and smiling. She spoke;

"Or you don't have any. Is that why? "

That's a question that targeted my heart. I feel awkward because I don't have any comrades nearby. Well, why is She hear? I don't understand. Doesn't She also have any friends?

"Do you wanna be my friend? It's my goal to make everyone my Friend"

She will achieve her goal with her good and beautiful charm. That's why she is hear. I see.

"Fine. If you insist."

While thinking she abruptly interrupted me by holding my T-Shirt, Blussingly said

"Why...Whhyy...Why are you not fazed? While I'm talking with you or anytime. You don't show even a little amount of emotion? Am I not beautiful enough? "

So! She was stalking me. I think she had a rough childhood that's the reason she is clinging to me. She is trying to get my attention. Does She think that I'm not giving her attention due to my poker face?

"Does my poker face offend you?"

"Nooo. Uh....wh..wuhhhh... that's..."

While She was talking...

Abruptly the awkward situation was interrupted by a voice. I looked calmly (He is always calm and collected, observing) in the direction of the voice, It was a speaker at the corner of the wall.

"Everyone eat up and go to the main hall for your dorm Key"

Keeps talking...

"Don't lose it, It is later going to be used in Modern Student Nurturing School for your dorm and as an ID."

A key is used for ID, That doesn't sound protective to me. I left her without saying anything

 I was eating lunch alone When suddenly someone patted me on the back of my shoulder. I looked at it. He was a man having black hair and black eyes. He was anuyen. A friend of mine.

"Oye... Yuchi. How are you?"

He looks around. See Manabu and point at her.

"Isn't She hot? She's looking at me. We are waving hands"

Manabu and Anuyen were waving hands with each other. While they were waving I looked at her and she looked away and talked to another person.

How did She know about him and I being friends? Did he tell her? He sold me out, didn't he? I mean I knew she would know my friend's identity eventually but this fast it must be a coincidence.

She is trying to make me feel awkward, doesn't She? What a trick. She thinks I am like other boys. I won't fall into her trap. While thinking that I started eating my dinner.

After that, I went to the main hall for my key but it was like a credit card. At the front of the card, there was my name [Kawasaki Yuchi] and at the back of the card, There was an ID number [0821] and a Block, Inside block there was a null written in it.

I went to my dorm. Sigh and rested in the bed. Rethinking and analyzing today's event and imagining the best action I could have pulled in that situation.

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and looked outside from my window. I looked at my phone, There in the news application I saw a place blown by a terrorist and it was my house!!!!!

Huh! What is this thing??


Name: Kawasaki Yuchi

Weakness: ?o?

ID: 0821

Block: null

What's going on his emotion?

Cleabcreators' thoughts