
Day 2 - part 3

It's been a while now after toying with my phone. It seems that the caller was someone name Nancy. Was she someone I used to date? Or was she the murderer?

Fact of the day 2: the image of my hand becomes distorted near electrical appliances. For some reason, anything with electricity seemed to resonate with me when I try using it. There's like tiny static sort of feeling. Being dead is not so easy...

Back to the subject at hand.. so I called 999 using the phone but it did not work. In the end, I pressed redial to get help from Nancy. But no one picked up. So I tried browsing through our chat history. Turns out Nancy is just a girl I got to know when I went clubbing two weeks ago. Did we sleep together?

Now, i am just scrolling through my picture album aimlessly. However, I am not using my ghost finger to do the scrolling.

Weird, there isn't any pictures of me. Just random clubbing pictures. Hot guys hot girls, wow this club looks like a dungeon! Was there a theme? Everyone's in toga drinking alcohol, but I was not in it. Not sure how Nancy looks like, the icon of her in the message is of a puppy. Why would you put a puppy as your profile picture? Then again, i took a picture of my watch and set it as a profile pic.

Wait.. where is my watch on my body? I didn't see it in the room either. Could this be a robbery/ murder? But there were no signs of breaking in nor signs of wounds caused by struggles on my body.

Maybe I can find more clues on my phone! Wait.. no! No! My phone is dying! Shit! No more battery! Damn it! Okay, i need to find something to charge it.

Maybe, I can experiment and charge it on my own!

Oh! It's working! I see the screen flickered and turn ooonnnnnnnnNNoooo oh my god it overcharged and burst into flames!!!!!

Okay I need water, great the shower door is closed! How dumb of me! Maybe I can pass through the door? Wait, isn't that how horror stories come to be? Spirit possess item, item become haunted, item gets locked away, no more freedom, and being dead sucks!
