
Ego Catalyst

In a world where the power of the mind shapes reality, Joel’s life is turned upside down when an ego brutally attacks his family. Determined to save his loved ones, Joel embarks on a perilous journey. Faced with stagnant technological progress, humanity turns to understanding the intricacies of the universe through the defeat of Corrupted Egos—sinister manifestations of human consciousness that originate from an alternate dimension. Joel crafts an Ego uniquely equipped to combat these entities.

WisperedRealms · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Into The Unknown (1)

"Yes, there is another way," Cyrus said, looking Joel in the eye. "You can save them, but it won't be easy."

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me how," Joel responded, his voice firm with determination.

Cyrus nodded and placed a hand on Joel's shoulder. His eyes turned completely blue. He gazed at Joel with a condescending smirk, which quickly shifted into a frown of annoyance. Time seemingly reversed until they were both standing in front of the door again that led to the room Joel woke up in.

"What the fuck just happened?" Joel questioned in shock.

Cyrus's eyes returned to normal, a tired look on his face. "That's the kind of power you need to have to save them. Considering the level of the Ego that attacked your family, maybe even stronger," he said as he opened the door and walked in, with Joel following closely behind him.

"Have a seat," Cyrus said, sitting on the chair next to the bed. Joel was finally calm enough to have a look around the room. The room was dimly lit, with soft, ambient lighting emanating from hidden fixtures along the ceiling's edges. The walls were a muted gray, giving the space a sterile, clinical feel, yet the room was also oddly comforting. A single, large observation window dominated one wall, allowing a view into an adjacent hallway. The room contained minimal furnishings: a simple, sturdy bed with crisp white sheets, a small metal nightstand, and a chair positioned next to the bed where Cyrus was currently sitting. Various medical equipment, sleek and advanced in design, were discreetly integrated into the room's corners, their soft hum and occasional beeps adding to the atmosphere. The air was cool and carried a faint antiseptic scent, indicating the room was meticulously maintained.

Joel walked up to the bed, sat down, and looked at Cyrus. "What do I need to do?" he asked.