
Ego Catalyst

In a world where the power of the mind shapes reality, Joel’s life is turned upside down when an ego brutally attacks his family. Determined to save his loved ones, Joel embarks on a perilous journey. Faced with stagnant technological progress, humanity turns to understanding the intricacies of the universe through the defeat of Corrupted Egos—sinister manifestations of human consciousness that originate from an alternate dimension. Joel crafts an Ego uniquely equipped to combat these entities.

WisperedRealms · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Ego’s Torment

Joel jerked up, his heart beating erratically as he opened his eyes and yelled, "Where is it? It killed them!" The man who had been sitting next to him got up and pressed his hand firmly on Joel's head. Strange symbols seemed to appear in the air before Joel as he felt his heartbeat slow down.

"It's okay. Calm down, boy. Your family is safe," the man whispered. "Let's talk, and I will take you to them."

Joel turned to look at him. The man appeared to be in his early 60s, with a crown of silver hair that framed his face and hinted at a once-vibrant brown. His deep-set eyes, a piercing shade of blue, exuded a calm authority.

"What do you mean they are fine? I saw it kill them," Joel said, confusion clouding his mind as he tried to understand what was going on.

"What you saw, boy, was an Ego's Torment, the most dreadful type," the man replied, looking him in the eyes. "Nothing you saw really happened. But you say you saw 'It'—what exactly did you see?"

Joel took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "All I remember is a being that looked like it was made from pure darkness, with ominous green eyes."

The man inhaled deeply, whispering with apprehension in his eyes, "It struck again." He looked back at Joel with a hint of confusion, then stretched out his hand and said, "Come with me. I'll take you to your family."