
140) The Mans Rage

Third person narrative

The man watched the couple through the dancing bodies. A masquerade mask covering his face so the boy would not recognize him. He felt sick to his stomach as he watched the boy with his so called fiancé. He looked like a slut in his eyes. With his tiny leather skirt and provocative tank top. Edward Coleman had tainted his perfect boy. Made him this prostitute for everyone to witness. 

He felt anger bubble in him as he watched the 'couple'. The glimmer of the three layer diamond golden ring on the billionaires finger only enraged him even more. He was confident the billionaire had brain washed his perfect Russian into proposing to him. He remembered the day Edwards public representative announced that him and Vasili were engaged. He vomited into the toilet for what felt like hours whenever he saw the sickening picture of the couple kissing with the ring on Edwards finger.