
Education - The Reality

Education is not only studying, doing job, marrying, bringing up family and taking care of our kids. It is journey from "WE AS A KID TO OUR KIDS". But this is not all life and education. The real education is that which prepares you for the life. It makes you learn, cultivate and develop the healthy values of life. The education must make make you competent enough to cross the obstacles, hardships and hurdles of life. When we talk of education it is not four walls classroom education but the "EDUCATION FOR LIFE. THE REAL EDUCATION IS A JOURNEY FROM CONVERTING THE HUMAN BEING IN TO BEING HUMAN". Unless the education makes you a good human being it is of no use. The real education not only imparts you knowledge but the wisdom too. Only wisdom takes you ahead in life. If you navigate smoothly in your life then only you seem to be really educated. Real education develops life skills . One must be able to manage the life efficiently and effectively. It does not mean that there will never be any problems but one will come out safely out of that if wisdom applied.

      We cannot change the roads of life which may be hard, rough and tough but there are very few people who have the skills to cross such roads too by their intellect. One can explore new paths of life. One can walk on less traveled and untraveled roads too. The real education is holistic one which not only develops and takes care of your body but mind , heart and soul too. The real education must lead to one's wellness, well-being and welfare (WWW). It must lead to eminence, expertise and excellence (EEE). It must lead to development of Inventive, innovative and intuitive (III) skills.


The real education must lead to TOTAL health, happiness, peace and contentment in life. It must lead to your spiritual advancement. "MATERIAL SUCCESS IS NO GUARANTEE TO PEACE & HAPPINESS". As some people may attain success by material education. Whether they will pass / qualify the examination of life? Real education will develop the values and traits of goodness and niceness, compassion & love. One must have a balanced, aligned, harmonious, inclusive, secular approach to life in the truest spirit.

"Real education must serve the ends of life and the same is possible by holy and a sattvic living".

Thanks 😊