
Chapter XCII

Chapter XCII

George POV

I saw right in front of me the fall of two comrades in front of me. I look at Lux's eyes and I can see no remorse in them, His eyes filled only with bloodlust. He looks down at us like we are only insects.

I look a Rachel how she reacted to the death of her members, while Lux just stare at them like nothing. I raised my sword and dashed at Lux and swing my sword at him.

"How could you slaughter Lux companion!" I shouted as I swing my sword.

"They are on my way," He coldly said and smirked.

I was triggered by what he said and kept on attacking him. He kept on dodging and he grabbed the blade of my sword and pull me then he punch me hard on the fact that I let go of my weapon and face the floor. I look at him and he raised then stabbed it in my back to the ground.

"Finally some alone time with this magician," Lux said and walk towards Leo.