
Eden of Rothania

Rothania was a peaceful realm filled with talking animals, Fauns, Giants, elves, and Ivors who were dwarfs. It wasn't until a thousand years later that Rothania's queen began to fall, and the first king began to rule. This change in leadership began a new era of strife and war, as the king sought to expand his power and influence. This led to a period of great suffering among the various races of Rothania, as they battled each other for control of the kingdom. "Brother, is magic real?" "Of course not, idiot" There were voices in her dreams calling for her help. They needed her, but where were they? Who are they? She had no idea who or where these voices were coming from. She thought it must be her imagination, but the voices kept calling her, begging her to help them. She was filled with confusion and uneasiness. The twinkling butterfly changed everything. What if they hadn't followed it? Could the future have been different? The butterfly seemed to be a sign, a sign that the voices were real. However, they weren't sure where it would lead them. Did the twins actually belong to that place? Will they be able to change the fate of Rothania? [JOIN THE TWINS IN THEIR ADVENTURE~ EDEN OF ROTHANIA]

002_Yuki_Onna · Fantaisie
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83 Chs

Crossroads of Deceit

"In the chasm of these mere four months, I've danced with shadows even my soul wouldn't recognize. Time carved betrayal into my reflection, and I emerged a stranger to my own story. Buckle up, for within this fleeting breath, a new me was born—a symphony of whispers and screams, a masterpiece of darkness conducted by the hands of change." Casey giggled at her own thoughts, slowly shaking her head.

"Is it time?" Aricen's voice was a low murmur as he leaned casually against the doorframe, his eyes locked on Casey.

Casey met his gaze. A flicker of determination danced in her eyes. "Let the curtain rise on this enigmatic performance," she replied, a hint of excitement threading through her words.

The mistress' latest mission, and the biggest one till now, had been entrusted to Aricen and Casey. Their footsteps resounded with a mix of determination and trepidation as they neared the opulent palace of Serathel, the domain of Duke Grimhart, a sprawling monument to opulence and influence.

Silver moonlight bestowed an almost mystical glow upon the marble façade, accentuating the ornate details and grandeur. Cloaked in ensembles that exuded regal allure, Casey's heart quickened its rhythm as they arrived at the grand entrance, anticipation and uncertainty intertwining in her mind. Their purpose here was singular, their mission clear—to confront the very heart of darkness, embodied in the form of Duke Grimhart himself.


"Well, well, well," she said, her voice like velvet. "What do we have here?"

Aricen swallowed, trying to keep his composure. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice steady.

The woman smiled with a cold and predatory expression. "I am the Mistress of Shadows," she said. "And you, my dear, are in quite a bit of trouble."

Aricen's heart pounded, but he refused to show fear. He exchanged a quick glance with Casey. Their unspoken communication was a testament to how close they had become in such a short period of time.

Casey stepped forward, her voice measured but tinged with defiance. "Why have you brought us here?" she demanded.

The Mistress of Shadows circled around the narrow pathway, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "You possess a power that intrigues me," she mused, her fingers trailing along the rails of the cell as if it were some array of peculiar art. "A power that could prove quite useful."

Aricen's fingers instinctively clenched into his fists, his muscles taut with tension. The absence of his sword left him with gnawing vulnerability, a stark contrast to the unyielding grip of the rough, scratchy ropes that mercilessly bound his hands and legs. "We won't be your pawns," he retorted, a flash of anger igniting his words.

The Mistress of Shadows tilted her head, her smile never waving. "Ah, such a spirit. I appreciate that. But you are misunderstanding. You see, you already are my pawns. The question is whether you will play the game willingly or be forced into submission."

Casey's eyes narrowed. "And what game is that?"

The Mistress of Shadows stepped closer, her presence enveloping them like a shroud. "A game of shadows and secrets, of alliances and betrayals," she purred. "I offer you an opportunity to wield power beyond your wildest dreams, to dance on the edge of darkness and reshape the world according to your desires."

Aricen exchanged a glance with Casey again, a silent acknowledgement that they were in deep waters, and there might be no easy way out. "What's the catch?" he asked, his voice laced with scepticism.

The Mistress of Shadows chuckled, a melodic sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Ah, my dear Aricen, always the pragmatist. Rest assured, I do not seek to bind you in eternal servitude. Consider this a partnership of mutual benefit. You undertake tasks for me, and in return, I grant you access to knowledge, power, and the means to shape your destinies."

Casey's fingers flexed, her mind racing with the weight of the decision before them. "And if we refuse?"

The Mistress of Shadows' smile widened, her eyes glinting with a dangerous allure. "Refusal comes at a cost, my dear. A cost you might not be willing to pay."

A heavy silence settled over the room, the weight of their choices pressing down upon them. Aricen's mind raced, his thoughts colliding with Casey's in a silent exchange of uncertainty and determination.

"Time is of the essence," the Mistress of Shadows purred, her gaze locked onto theirs. "Make your decision wisely, for once the shadows embrace you, there is no turning back."

And at that moment, as the Mistress's words hung in the air like a haunting melody, her fading footsteps matched their every heartbeat. Aricen and Casey knew that their lives were about to be irrevocably entwined with the Mistress of Shadows and the intricate tapestry of darkness she wove. The game had begun, and they were players whether they liked it or not.

Aricen's gaze locked onto Casey's, a silent understanding passing between them. They both felt the weight of the Mistress's words pressing down on them, a realization that their choices had been stripped away, replaced by a dangerous alliance with the enigmatic figure before them. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the faint scent of dampness and the distant echo of dripping water.

Casey's lips curled into a wry smile, her eyes glinting with a mix of defiance and determination. "Well, Mister Elf," she whispered, her voice carrying a spark of dark amusement. "Looks like we've got front-row seats to this twisted little show."

Aricen's lips quirked in response, a flicker of his trademark cockiness breaking through the tension. "Oh, your highness, you might not know, but I'm always up for a bit of shadowy intrigue," he replied, his voice low and tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

The chains that bound them seemed to rattle with the weight of their unspoken thoughts. They were in deep now, caught in a web of shadows and secrets that extended far beyond anything they had ever imagined. But as their eyes met once more, a shared resolve emerged a silent promise to navigate the treacherous path ahead together.

Casey's fingers twitched, her magic pulsing just beneath the surface. "Let's give the Mistress a taste of her own medicine," she murmured, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Aricen nodded, his own determination flaring to life. "And maybe, just maybe, we'll find a way to turn this game to our advantage."

They did not really have any other choice rather than agreeing to her, and being rebellious in her territory? with that sort of health condition? Would have been suicide. A week passed, and there was no news from the Mistress. Was that a threat and everything was a bluff? is what they both started to think. Like usual that day both of them fell asleep just to wake up and find themselves blindfolded and with their senses dulled. Aricen and Casey found themselves at the mercy of their captors once again.

The shroud of darkness wrapped around them as they were led through a labyrinth of winding passages and echoing footsteps. The air grew damp and musty, a stark contrast to the Mistress's hidden base they had become familiar with.

Whispers of hushed conversations brushed against their ears, snippets of unknown tongues that hinted at the complexity of the world they were being drawn into. Casey's heart raced as her instincts bristled, her magic prickling beneath her skin in response to unfamiliar surroundings.

Aricen's jaw clenched, his fingers twitching as they yearned to reach for the daggers that were absent from his side. The sense of vulnerability gnawed at him, a reminder of the dangerous game they had willingly stepped into.

Finally, the footsteps halted, and the blindfolds were removed in one swift motion. As their vision cleared, Aricen and Casey found themselves standing at the edge of a sprawling marketplace, its bustling energy a stark contrast to the shadows they had been navigating.

Colourful stalls lined the cobblestone pathways, each one a haven of exotic wares and vibrant displays. A symphony of voices filled the air, a harmonious blend of languages and accents that spoke of a convergence of cultures.

A figure emerged from the crowd, their presence commanding attention even amidst the cacophony. The person was dressed in flowing garments that seemed to shift and change hues as they moved, a chameleon of fabric. Their face was obscured by a veil, leaving only their eyes visible—eyes that held a glimmer of amusement and intrigue.

"Greetings, Aricen and Casey," the figure intoned, their voices carrying a melodic lilt. "Welcome to the Crossroads Bazaar, a place where the threads of destiny intersect and diverge."

Aricen's brows furrowed, his wariness unabated. "What is this place?" he demanded. His voice edged with caution.

The figure's lips curved into a knowing smile. "This, my dear Aricen, is a haven for those who navigate the delicate balance between light and darkness," they explained. "Here, information is currency, secrets are commodities, and alliances are forged in the fires of opportunity." The figure's eyes suddenly quenched as it continued, "and betrayal is merciless demise."