
Forest of Golems

After walking through the Harvester pod. George found himself walking into a forest. He looks up at the sky, with the sun beaming down. He looks down at his tele-stone, which begins to lead him south. I'd better go find Nana, Kayn. As he's walking through the woods he hears a scream. He bolts towards the scream. When he arrives he finds a young woman surrounded by an army of undead. Without hesitation he picks up a sword on the ground, & begins to cut down the army of undead. "It's like there's no end to these things." After defeating the army of undead, he helps up the young woman. "Hey, the names George. Are you ok? The girl smiles, & says "thank you." "Aren't you a little young to be here?" "Young? I'm almost six & a half. My father says, I'm the strongest of all my predecessors." "Your father?" "Nathanial Heisenberg, third general of the nation of Hyperion. I'm Siri. By the way, why did you save me?" "Why? Well, because it was the right thing to do. Right.. thing.. to do? Yeah, when ever you see someone in trouble, you have the power to help, you should." Siri bursted into laughter. "You're interesting, may I follow you? I would feel so much safer, if I'm with you." "Sure, I'm currently trying to find my friends." "friends? What's a friend?" A friend is some who always has your back. It's someone you can depend on. Wait, have you ever had a friend?" Siri chuckles "no, I've never needed a friend. So where are your friends?" "Im not sure, we infused our Tele-stones with each others aura. Which will lead us to each other." "What if they're dead?" "No! We made a promise to each other. I trust them to survive." "Then we best be off." George & Siri begin to traverse the giant marsh land. Battling Swamp Monsters, Wood Golems, & Vodyanoy's. Along the way they run into Arthur Pendragon, & Flynn Nightwing who are fighting a huge army of wood golems. Arthur is able to defeat 100 wood golems, while Flynn is able to defeat 80, George jumps in &;m defeats 20. Flynn looks over at George & ask him & what are you doing here loser? loser? You're the loser." "what ever." "Im glad to see you again George. Hey Arthur, glad to see you're safe. Who's the little kid?" "Little kid?! Im 6 & a half." "Arn't you a little young to.." Before he could finish, Arthurs slashed in the shoulder." "Arthur!" "Don't worry George it's just a scratch." "Scratch? You're losing a lot of blood fast." Siri walks over to Arthur places her hand on his shoulder & begins to use her aura to help increases Arthurs natural regeneration process. How.. how'd you do that? Easy, I used my aura to heal you. Flynn pulls out his knives. Someone, or something is watching us, be on your guard." They begin to hear an ominous voice. "One, two, three, four each one knocking at my door. One, two, three, four. Ive ate 10,000 I'll eat four more. Welcome young ones, to my den." Who are you? Show yourself." "show myself? Im right next to you. A middle aged woman with dark green skin, sharp teeth, Long sharp claws, & a bulbously deformed face, appears right next to Flynn. She whispers, "Are you the first to die?" She then disappears as he turns around. Flynn looks at George & Arthur, "Where'd she go?" Arthur replies, "Guys I'm getting a bad feeling about this." The woman then appears next to George, hitting him with a devastating kick to the midsection sending him flying. "George!" Arthur rushes over to him. He slowly gets up, I'm.. Im ok. What the hells is that?" "I don't know, but it looked like a green female elf. Flynn yells to them. "Whatever it is, it's really fast. We need to be very careful." The woman appears before them "which one is the first to die?" Arthur shouts to her, "Who are you & what do you want?" I am the monster of the swamp, the reaper within the waters. I am Jenny The Greenteeth." She then disappears, reappearing next to Flynn, who is able to dodge her attack. She disappears again. "how is she doing that?" says George. "I don't know but we have to figure out a way to uncover her movements. Jenny The Greenteeth reappears again this time aiming for Siri, who easily dodges her, even landing a blow. "nice one Siri" As the day goes on they continue to fight & defend against Jenny The Greenteeth, who's claws are sharp enough to cut through steel. Jenny The Greenteeth is beating, cutting, & slashing the group. "We can't let this keep going on Arthur. We have to find a way to defeat her, or we're all dead. Yeah I know Flynn, but how? She's just too fast. George replies, "There's just no way to predict her movements. Flynn shouts over to the group "guys I have an idea, on how we can defeat her; but it's going to be difficult." "What's the idea? Ive been observing her movements, & I believe the reason she's able to disappear, is because she is using the water around us to transport from one place to another. Arthur looks over at Flynn "If that's true, then we're in deep trouble. This whole area is a swamp. How do we defeat a monster who can teleport through water? Im not sure, but we'll have to figure it out how to defeat it quick. Jenny The Greenteeth appears in front of Arthur ready to strike with a deadly blow. George jumps in front of her helping Arthur by blocking her. Arthur counters with a strike of his own, knocking her to the ground. Once again she disappears. Flynn quickly pulls out multiple knives from his pocket. As soon as Jenny reappears he throws each knife encircling her. He then infuses his aura into them create a massive barrier, trapping her. Guys I've trapped her for now, but it won't last forever. We need to find a way to stop her from disappearing again. Arthur looks towards Flynn, "How far are we, from zone b?" "not that far, about 10km west." "I think I have figured out how we can defeat her. How? George, grab the kid." "Why?" "Because we're going to make a run for it. The barrier should hold for a a little while longer. It should give us enough time to reach the next zone." Arthur & Flynn glance at each other & nod. All four of them make a run for it. Looking like gazelle, escaping a lions grasp. Right as they reach the sand dune they're attacked by Jenny The Greenteeth. George blocks her attack. She caught up to us already? Arthur counter with his own attack. Since Jenny is no longer surrounded by water she unable to teleport. Flynn, Arthur, Iris coordinate there attacks. Landing a flurry of attacks. George concentrates a large amount of aura into his fist. Yelling, "Saints fist" before hitting Jenny Greenteeth with a devastating punch. Sending her flying, completely vaporizing her. As they celebrate their victory, George pulls out his tele-stone. Siri walks over to him, "wow, that was a close one." Flynn replies "it's only going to get harder from here on out." "What do you mean?" "The deeper we travel into the inward, the stronger the creatures we'll have to fight. Wouldn't it have been smarter to stay in the zone A?" "It's true that the creators in zone A are weaker. The problem is that it's filled with only undead monsters. There's little to no animals, & no drinkable water. So in order to survive we'd have to travel further in." "We need to hurry & find George's friends. The more people we have the more likely we will survive. As the group travels through the sand dune they fight against Giant Scarabs, Adjules, Sand Dwellers, Giant Scorpions, Giant Basilisk, Giant Camel Spiders, Sand Goblins. As they reach the halfway mark the Elvina, & four other Harvesters fighting a giant sand Golem. An earth element creature that is comprised entirely of sand. The sand Golem uses its sand tentacles to knock Elvina to the ground, the other harvester is able to dodge. The sand Golem grabs one of the other harvesters with its tentacles & crushes him. It the grabs another, using its sand to suffocate her. It then buries the third harvester in the sand. Before the Sand Golem is able to kill Elvina & the other surviving harvester with a sand blast, George jumps in the way & blocks it by infusing aura into his fist punching the sand causing it to disperse. The Sand Golem tries to crush them multiple times, they continue to dodge. It tries everything it can to kill them, but they manage to evade, dodge, elude all its attacks. Finally, out of frustration, the Sand Golem creates a giant sandstorm that blows everyone away, except for George who manages to stay standing on his feet. As the storm raged on the Golem transforms itself into the shape of a human walking closer towards George while encircling him within the storm. "Why? Why won't you fall?" "Because I have to protect my friends." Such trivial, & childish platitudes. You should just give up." "I can't give up!" "Why?!" "Because one day I am going to become a legendary hero. One day I'll be strong enough to protect everyone." "Strength is only found in power." "No, you're wrong! Strength is found in one's spirit. Anyone can wield power. But not everyone is willing to use that power to do what's right." "To do what's right? The only things that matter in this world is power." "You're wrong! What's the point of having ultimate power if you don't protect others? What's the point of having a voice, if you don't speak up for those without a voice? What's the point of being in a position of leadership, if you don't lead people to do what's right? Power isn't just about who's stronger, it's about who is willing to persevere in the face of losses. Power is determined by our ability to use that power for good. To protect the lives of those who are unable to protect themselves." "What is your name young one?" "George, my names George." A giant wave of sand covers over George completely engulfing him. The sand drags him into a ruinous cavern underneath the sand. In the cavern he is greeted by an old man as he screams "ahhh a ghost!" The old man also begins to scream "gh..gho..ghost?! Where?!" "Wait, am I a ghost? Am I dead?" The old man burst out laughing "no young one, you aren't dead." Then "where am I? Wait, who are you?" "Me? I am Elijah Xeroxes, the Golem maker, guardian of the Forest of Golems." "Golem.. maker?" "Yes, I create all the Golems here." "where are we then?" "This is the ruin of Golems." "So why did you bring me here?" "Because, young George, I sensed deep within your heart, that you are true to who you are. Your courage intrigued me. "What do you mean? Simply put, I've taken a liking to you." "A.. liking.. to me?" "Yes. I am now a fan. I'm excited to see who you will become. "Wait, what about my friends?" They're still fighting my sand golem. Do you wish to save them?& Yes of course. Then follow me. He & George begin walking towards a corridor deep within the boules of the cavern. There Elijah walks presents George with an old sword." "What is this sword?" "This is Kensei the sword of the light." "Sword.. of.. the light?" "This sword was first created over 10,000 years ago during the demon wars." "Demon wars?" "Yes, over 10,000 years ago a war broke out. Demons almost took over the world. Two thirds of the worlds population was wiped out. Chaos, famine, death, & destruction raged on for many years. Until one day the five legendary hero arrived." "legendary heroes?" "Solomon The Wiser, Paul The Agent of Change, &, Abraham The Father of Time, Joseph The Voice of Angels, Moses the Parter of Oceans." My grandpa told me about them when I was younger." "I'm sure, but what the stories never tell you is the whole truth." "The whole truth?" "Yes, see in the beginning there was a battle between Lucious the King of the demons, & Michael the Bringer of Light. Lucious unleashed an army of demons on the world in an attempt to wipe out all of humanity. During the battle barely defeated Michael, & was about to destroy the world. But before he could, the five heroes arrived. The battle was long & difficult. Lucious, was gaining the upper hand when Gabriel, Michaels younger brother arrived to assist in the battle. Once again Lucious gained the upper hand. In order to defeat Lucious. Michael & Gabriel infused the last of their aura into a a sword. A sword that was carved with a metal so strong nothing can destroy it. Plus it's enchanted with a blessing so strong, it can ward off even the most powerful of curses. This sword would go on to be called The Sword of The Saint. Sword of the saint?" "Yes, this legendary sword draws its power from the spirit of the one who wields it. But in order to wield it you must first be worthy. Are you worthy George?" "I..I'm not sure. I don't know if I'm worthy or not, but I do know that I'm willing to try." "You must understand young one, if the sword deems you unworthy, it will reject you. You're body will begin to break down rapidly." "Wait, are you saying it will kill me?" "Yes, you'll be turn to dust. So tell me young George, do you still want to to save your friends?" "Yes! I don't care if my life's at risk. I want to save the people I love. I want to become just like the five Legendary Heroes." Elijah then hands George the sword. Which begins to glow a luminous light, once George holds it. "Wonderful! The Sword of The Saints has deemed you worthy. Young man, today is the beginning of your destiny." In that moment, sand begins to fill the cavern. "What's going on?" Elijah gives off a smile. "I am returning you to your friends. I will be watching. The sand covers George once again, this time dragging him back to the surface. Arthur who's bleeding runs over to George. "George! Are you ok? And where did you get that sword?" I'm fine, it's a long story. Flynn runs over to them, "watch out! It's about to attack." George grabs the sword off the ground, he faces the golem & with one powerful slash, he completely obliterates the sand golem. The group who's looking at George in disbelief, runs over to him. Flynn asks him. "How? How are you still alive?" "I don't know, I thought I was dead, but I was just taken by a weird old man. He ended up giving me this sword." "It looks ancient." "It is." Siri speaks up , so what do we do now?" The young man who survived with Elvira walks up to them & says "That thing isn't fully dead." "What do you mean, I just destroyed it." "He's right guys, my father told me about the sand golem. It can't truly be destroyed. Not as long as there's any sand around." "Are you saying that it will be back?" "Yeah, so we should get going." "The tele-stone is indicating that we need to go further in. Zone C is the most dangerous zone in the Forest of Golems. Why what's there?" "Undead monsters, wood golems, giant spiders, ant lions, & the one creature, we have to avoid. The Bone Golem. "What's a Bone Golem?" "It's one of the most dangerous creatures in the Forest of Golems. It's a creature that's is made completely of bones." "Wait, what?!" "They say that when the golem kills you. It absorbs your bones." "I heard that too. The bones are stronger than any steel." "Plus it can use its bones as weapons." That's terrifying." Exactly, that's why we need to avoid it at all costs." "George lead the way." "Before we go, who are you?" He looks over at the young man. "The name is Jett." In that moment the sand begins to move. Flynn yells at the group "Guys we need to leave, now!" As the group travels from zone B, to zone C. They are met by creatures & monsters intended on killing them. They battle giant spider monkeys, & an army of wood golems. As they get closer to center of zone C. They find Nana & Kayn hiding inside a tree. With excitement in his lungs, George shouts to his friends. "Guys I've found you!" Nana tries to shush him. "Guys! I've found you!" "Shut up you idiot." "I'm happy to see you guys too, jeez." "No, shut.. up. We have to hide." " Hide from what?" "The Bone Golem." "Why are you bleeding, what happened to you guys?" "Kayn & I found Jamil, Judith, & Niko fighting that thing. It killed Judith, & Niko." What?!" Nana nods her head. "We barely escaped." "They're dead?" "Bodies were everywhere. And the blood, it was as if the forest was flooded with blood." Kayn begins to sob, "we have to leave this zone, before it finds us." Everyone simultaneously looks up, & out of the tree as they hear a twig snap. Flynn who's on guard whispers, "what was that?" Before Arthur could reply, Jamil jumps in front of him, blocking bone shrapnel's that was flying towards him. He then falls to the ground. Arthur runs over to him. "Hey are you ok? Guys, he's hurt pretty bad. He's got a huge cut in his mid section." George looks over at Siri, "Siri, you can heal him like you did Arthur." She's reluctant to respond. "Siri help him!" She backs up. "Please, you're the only one of us that knows how to heal others." "I can't." "Siri! We're friends! Friends save & protect each other." "Friends?.." She slowly begins to walk towards Jamil to heal him. Before she could even reach him. More shrapnel is launched at them, this time obliterating the tree they were hiding in. In the last minute, Flynn was able to create a barrier strong enough to save them all. As the dust settles, they see the Bone Golem standing a few meters away. Nana who's in absolute shock asks "wha.. what.. do we do now." George stands in front of them. "We're going to fight." Kayn notices a shadowy figure sneaks past him. He turns around, & falls to his knees. The whole forest behind them is gone. "It's hopeless." George walks over to him & says, "Don't ever give up. We have to try, even if there's no hope." "We can't defeat that thing." "Not unless we try!" The ground begins to shake. The Bone Golem is walking towards them. "It shakes the ground just by walking." Flynn backs up a little bit. "That things huge." Arthur replies "it's an abomination." "We have to run," says Nana. The Golem gives out a roar so powerful, it creates a powerful gust of wind. Flynn shouts "There is no running. This thing is out for blood." George walks towards the golem. "No! We're not running, we're fighting. This things isn't going to let us get away. So we fight." The Golem charges at them. It's right arm extends outwards, with its hand taking the shape of a blade. Aimed at George, he attempts to block the attack, but the force of the attack was so strong, it shatters the sword in into tiny pieces, & it sends him flying. Nana runs over to him. Before she even gets the chance to reach him, the Golem sends her flying into a tree. Before she crashes into it, Arthur catch's her. "Thanks." "Don't worry about it." "It's fast, how do we defeat this thing?" "I don't know, I don't know." George stands back up, charging at it. He tries to punch the golem with all his force. It barely leaves a dent. The Golem swats him away. It then rushes Jett, smacking him so hard he is sent flying. Elvira fires off an aura blast at the golem, which it easily blocks. It detaches its arm, launching at her. It grabs her by the throat, slamming her through a tree. It's arm then reassembles back into place. It gives off another powerful roar. Right before launching out bone shrapnels from its hands towards Kayn. Flynn jumps in front of him & blocks the shrapnel using his knives. "Get up, if we don't fight, we'll all die here!" Smaller humanoid bone golems come out of the Bone Golem. Flynn shouts at Kayn, "get up! This isn't the time to break down. We all have to fight. I can't protect you trying to fight these Clones." George stands back up. "Kayn, remember, we made a promise that we'd survive this. That I'd go on to become a legendary hero, that you'd rise up & clear the name of your family. To bring honor to them. Nana you said you wanted to find your father. Arthur, your the future king, who's going to protect your citizens if you don't survive this? I know it's scary. I'm terrified, can barely move. But I can't give up. Because I have a destiny, a destiny I refuse to let slip from my fingers." In that moment the Saints Sword begins to put its self back together. It then flys into George's hand, glowing a bright light. He looks down at the Sword in his hand. He looks back up at the golem, & charges. With every blow he'd land the bone golem would break apart. George hits the Bone golem with a barrage of attacks, completely decimating the golem. His actions inspired the others to fight back the army of bone golem clones. Nana runs over to Jamil, she rips off a piece of her pants, wrapping it around Jamils wounds. As she's speaking to Jamil, the shattered bones of the golem, begin to re-piece itself. George turns around, "it's putting itself back together?" Flynn stands next to him "we'll just have to destroy it again." Arthur & Kayn walk up to them. "Guys I'm sorry, I let fear take control. I'll stand & fight." "If we work together we can survive this thing." "Your right Arthur. All we have to do is come up with a strategy." Nana speaks up, "I think I have one." "What is it." "If we can lead it to Zone B, we might just have a chance to slow it down, & destroy it." she throws Flynn her tele-stone. "Infuse your aura onto it." "Why?" "Because you're going to take Jamil to safety. Kayn & I saw a cave north of here. You, Elvira, Kayn, Jett, & Arthur take him to the cave, & wait for us. Kayn we'll need your Shadow Mimicry, to create enough shadow clones to confuse it." George realizes that Siri is missing. "Where's Siri?" Kayn replies "are you talking about the little girl?" "Yeah." "She snuck off earlier." Nana shouts at them "guys, we need to focus. George you will be the bait, I'll assist you by providing you support." The Golem that's now fully reassembled, roars. Nana & Arthur look at each other, & nod. Arthur grabs Jamil & tells the other "guys let's go." Kayn summons hundreds of shadow clones. Distracting the Bone golem long enough for them to get away. He looks back at George & Nana & says "Live! Don't you dare die." George smiles, "i can't die just yet." As all the Mimicry Shadow Clones disappear, the golems attention focuses in on George & Nana. It gives out a deafening roar, right before it charges. George & Nana are able to dodge every attack the Golem throws at them. George counters with his own attacks. Damaging the golem. "George, we need to lead it towards the desert." The golem tries to capture them, but they're able to get away. George & Nana leads the Golem to Zone B. "George look, it's movement is slowing down. The sand is slowing it down." The further the golem follows them into the desert, the slower it becomes. Because of the Heaviness of the bones cause the golem to slowly sink. "Look it's working, the Golems sinking into the sand. This is it George, you have to destroy it now." George infuses all of his aura into the sword. The sword becomes overflowed with aura. "This is for my friends, this is for my destiny. Saints Slash!" With a swipe of his sword, George launches a devastating aura slash , that completely obliterates the Bone Golem. Nana who's staring at George standing with his sword in hand, the wind blowing, with the remaining bones of the golem falling down to the ground. "We did it! George we did it!" She runs over, giving him a huge hug. "I can't believe that we defeated it." George falls down onto the sand, looking up at the bright sky. He points his fist upwards towards the sky. "We did it, we did it." "George, I know we just defeated the strongest monster in the harvest games but, we should probably meet up with the others." George jumps up, "yeah, we should probably make our way back to them." After a day & a half's travel they make it to the cave. They find everyone there. "How's Jamil doing?" Arthur replies, "He's in bad shape. He's needs medical help. I'm glad you guys made it back safely." Elvira interjects "if you guys are here that means you guys defeated the Bone Golem." "Yeah, George was amazing. That sword is amazing. Wait when did you get a sword?" "It's a long story, but I'm glad I have it." Kayn hugs George "I'm glad you made it back. We have a day left to survive, I thought I was going to be the only survivor from our group." "We can't die yet, we have to much to live for." Kayn wipes the tears from his eyes, "So what do we do now?" Flynn replies "we wait the last day out. We'll hunt by day, & rest at night. We'll also have a two man watch team, that we'll switch every few hours." "What happens when this is over?" "I'm not sure." After a day & a half the group is woken up by Flynn who was on watch duty at the time. "Guys wake up! Something's happening." a giant bell sound is ringing off in the distance. "This is a message to all harvesters. The time is up." Multiple beams of light flash down all over the Forest of Golems. "Please make your way to the light, where you will return to the factory. You have 1 hour." Flynn walks up to the group. "We need to leave now." They all nod & take off in the direction of the closest light beam. As they approach the beam, they see other harvesters walking through the light. "George say "this is it guys, we survived. Whatever happens moving forward, I hope we all remember that we're friends." He places his hand out for Flynn to shake. Flynn bats George's hand away. "First off I didn't team up with you guys to be friends. I did it to survive. Before walking into the light. Elvira walks past him "See yeah." Arthur who's holding Jamil Tells George "I hope we can remain friends after this." George nods "We'll always be friends Arthur." Arthur smiles before walking into the light with Jamil. Jett looks at George & says "today, you are my ally. Tomorrow, you are my competition." As he walks into the light. George, Nana, & Kayn are standing in front of the light. Nana smiles "I can't believe we survived." Kayne replies "there were plenty of times I thought we were going to die." The look at George who say "but we survived, we lived, & now we continue to move forward." All three of them walk in to the light.