

New York was so beautiful tonight. It gave off velvety vibes. The night sky hosted a myriad of stars competing to blanket the city. Clutching a glass of champagne, Eddie cherished the view as she stared out the window. The atmosphere suddenly became arctic. She huddled on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV, grateful that she didn't have to spend tonight at the bureau. At exactly 8:31pm, Eddie heard a car pull up outside her apartment. She pulled the window blinds aside, she immediately recognized the driver.

Sasha got out of her BMW and walked up the steps to the front door. Eddie was already waiting, arching her eyebrow as she stood. She noticed Sasha had been crying but said nothing as she followed into the house. Eddie poured her a glass and sat next to her, watching her. Sasha avoided her gaze. "Go get dressed. We are going to a bar."

Eddie laughed mirthlessly. "Who, me?

"You know I don't do bars." She added, shaking her head.

"Please do it tonight, for me." Sasha said in her most persuasive voice.

Eddie inwardly sighed. She didn't like the sound of this but what's that quote about best friends again?" Best friends are people who make your problems their problems just so you don't have to go through them alone. Eddie changed into a plain black v-neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans. She wasn't going to stress her intestines rummaging her closet for something fashionable. Eddie grabbed her gun and her ID just in case. She never went anywhere without them.

Staying in and enjoying the comfort of her apartment seemed like the perfect idea to Eddie until five minutes ago when Sasha literally dragged her out to a bar downtown. She completely hated it here but Sasha had put so much effort into this. She got offered her dream job and she had plans to celebrate the night with her boyfriend but Dan was busy saving lives unfortunately or... fortunately. Sasha was trying so poorly not to cry. She hated it when people stood her up. It was almost unforgivable.

"Water please." Eddie told the barman. He looked at her. She simply kept a straight face. She didn't come out here to drink. Sasha innocently gazed at Eddie. Eddie frowned. "Please do not say a word. You look like you're going to cry all over again if a word comes out from that mouth." Eddie said, laughing. "I know you don't like it here. I'm really sorry for dragging you out here. I got really pissed when Dan called last minute to tell me he wouldn't be able to show up because he had a surgery to perform."

"You look miserable.Thought bitches didn't cry for no nigga? " Sasha gave her the middle finger, laughing heartily.

Eddie's phone rang. She nodded to Sasha that she had to take it. She stepped outside and gave Dan a quick hug. "Sasha's at the left corner of the bar. She is really mad at you though. Y'all have a good time." Eddie stood outside the bar, staring at the stars as she mentally debated how to spend her night. She checked her watch. The night was still early, she didn't want to go home. The idea suddenly seemed not so perfect. She spotted a group of guys making their way towards the bar. She stared at them, looking at no one in particular.

The shortest of them called out. "Like what you see? Come get it baby." She shook her head. "Sadly, no." She finally said, making no attempt to hide her irritation. This was one of the reasons why she hated bars. Strangers hitting on you when you don't want them to. She didn't even mentally want to get started on the fact that you either had to strain your ears to hear someone or scream for someone to hear you or ...was it when people you didn't even know constantly touched you like it was normal???? She inwardly rolled her eyes. Almost immediately, her phone beeped again. She flagged down a cab and left, thankful that she didn't have to endure an extra second with the guys.