

"Eddie Halls. FBI" She said, flashing her ID. She mentally thanked herself for choosing to wear v-neck and jeans to the bar because, imagine showing up at a crime scene in a bumshorts or skimpy clothes. The thought of it amused her. Just as she lifted the yellow Crime Scene Do Not Cross tape over her head, she saw Lennie.

"What happened here?" She asked, glancing up at him briefly.

Her partner looked good always and he had a velvety voice that made ladies swoon. Not her though.

"You got here so early. You were out?"

"Yeah. I was in a bar downtown." Lennie cocked his head to one side, arching his eyebrow as he looked at her. "What a pleasant surprise. Since when did you begin to see bars as a place of comfort?"

Eddie scoffed. "Oh please. Sasha was being Sasha and I had to prevent her from revealing an extra version of Sasha"

Lennie laughed and shook his head. "A woman was strangled and left half dead. No sign of the intruder." " Witnesses?"

Lennie shook his head again. "Her daughter called 911."

Eddie made her way over to the girl. "Hi. I'm Eddie. What's your name?"

"Frankie. Frankie Brooks. Is my mum going to be okay?" Eddie nodded. She breathed an enormous sigh of relief.

Eddie continued, "Did you see anyone come into the house or hear anyone talking to your mom?"

She shook her head. "I went to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. On my way back, I saw light coming from her room. She sleeps early and never with the lights on. So I went to check if she was still up and that's when I met her lying on the floor unconscious. She had bruises around her neck too. I immediately called 911."

Eddie asked her if anything strange happened in the last few days. "No, not at all. Everything seemed pretty normal."

"Think again Frankie. Anything could help." Eddie urged. Frankie told her about the strange woman she met at the store earlier that day.

"Did you get a good look at her?"

"Yes. She was blonde, tall, about a 5'11. Dark long hair, she had a grey hoodie on and some sort of tattoo on her wrist. It looked like an incomplete circle with a bird trying to penetrate."

"Thank you." said Eddie with a polite, professional smile. She fished out one of her cards and handed it over to Frankie just in case she remembered anything else. She saw Lennie talking on the phone and walked over to him.

"Stacy Brooks (Frankie's mom) is now okay. She didn't see the face of the person that tried to kill her but she said it was a woman and she'd a ring on her right index finger." He continued, "According to Stacy, the strange woman repeatedly said -i finally found you after all these years. Then suddenly, she whispered you are not her. And disappeared. This is a case of a wrong target" Lennie concluded.

Eddie objected. "It doesn't change the fact that whosoever tried to kill Stacy is still out there trying to find her real target. We have to stop her before she hurts another look-alike of her Target or finds the real person she's after."

She turned her head slowly to face Lennie. "Frankie Brooks said a strange woman approached her at the store she went to earlier today. The woman asked how her dad passed. Quite strange, if you ask me." "We might as well check the CCTV cameras in and around the store." Lennie said as they both walked to the car.